Chapter 5 | Caring

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I stared at the blazer dress being held out to me by Blake before eyeing him carefully. "What's this for?"

He rolled his eyes when I didn't even try to take it from him, setting it on my bed instead. "Not like I'm going to bite you if you take it from me, doll face." The dress laid perfectly on my bed, as if it was just ironed or steamed. "That's the uniform for the job. You start today, right?"

After checking the date on my phone, I nodded and looked back over at the dress. It was all black with two rows of gold buttons and looked like it would reach mid thigh on me.

Blake was still staring at me when I lifted my eyes to look at him again. It made me a bit uncomfortable so I started shifting on my feet, avoiding his gaze. Ever since he went through the trouble of getting me a job that could actually work with me has made me see him differently.

Up until he started being his perverted self again, that is. Then it was right back to square one of me hating rooming with him. Sure I was thankful for the job and it was sweet of him to even take notice in my struggle of wanting to find a job in the first place. But he was still just my pervy roomie.

And I still wanted out.

"You gonna need a ride?"

My eyebrows met my hairline at the question. Was he offering me a ride without actually asking me straight up? Didn't matter, because my answer would've been the same anyway.

"No, actually. I have my car."

"You do?" His head tilted to the side as if he was actually surprised at the fact that I have something to get around in. Did he really believe I've been walking everywhere?


"You think I can't afford a car or what?"

He scoffed at the question, looking like I just insulted his mom. "How'd you get that from me just making sure you have a way to get to the hotel?"

"Uh," I raised a brow and crossed my arms over my chest. "Maybe the fact that you looked shocked when I said I had a car."

"You're overthinking it, sweet cheeks."

I did tend to do that.

"Whatever." My ass met my bed when I dropped down on it, and I waved him off with a sigh. "Wouldn't have accepted a ride from you anyway. Rather take the bus."

A soft smile grazed his lips. "When did I offer you a ride exactly?"

Didn't he? I thought about it for a second and realized he didn't actually offer one from him, he just asked if I needed a ride in general. Assumptions always made shit awkward when you were wrong.

Still decided to play the smartass card. "Then why ask if I needed a ride?"

"'Cause Patricia could've taken you, she's been dying to hang out with you, even if it's just a car ride." Something resembling a snort escaped him and I felt my cheeks warm up in embarrassment. "Can't believe you rejected something I wasn't even offering. You prefer the bus over a car ride with me?"

I rolled my eyes to cover my shame. "Your car probably smells like ass, sweat, and a variety of STDs. Of course I'd pass if you actually offered. A bus would be cleaner than that sex den."

As he usually did, he pulled his shirt off over his head with one hand, and I made sure I avoided looking in his general direction before he got the wrong idea again. Apparently just looking at him without a shirt was a sign that you wanted him.

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