Chapter 26 | Avoiding Him

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I regretted going to the party. I regretted drinking. I regretted everything about the last two days. All the drinking that happened at the party and trusting Blake to give me painkillers the next morning.

The main reason I regretted it was because I loved the way he fucked me. I wanted it again. I wanted it every damn day now. If I even looked at him, I remembered how beautiful he looked on top of me and I wanted to jump his bones, no matter the place. Which was why now I just avoided looking at him at all, avoided being in the same room as him at all costs. If I could help it, I stayed out of my room if he was in there.

Last night I managed to convince Patricia to let me sleep with her and Mel. I knew if I asked again tonight she'd know something was going on, and the last thing I wanted was for her to start asking questions.

There was no way in hell I was going to tell her about the amazing morning when her brother fucked me so good I couldn't walk for a good few hours.

Yeah, no.

With a sigh, I made my way back to my own dorm room in hopes that Blake wasn't in there. Maybe he had class, maybe he didn't. I didn't know that man's schedule, so I was never sure.

Using my key card to allow myself entry, I peeked inside and smiled when I saw the room was empty. I quickly made my way inside and went to lay down. I didn't have class or work today so I was able to relax all day. It was too damn early to be up doing shit anyway.

The book I was currently on sat on my desk and I stared longingly at it, because I wanted to sleep in a bit more, but I also wanted to know what happened next already. Deciding sleeping was more important, I made a mental note to pick up my book when I woke up and turned towards the wall, getting comfy under my blanket.

I woke up a few hours later to the sound of rustling around the room. Realizing what position I was in, I pretended to still be asleep as Blake moved around the room some more. I didn't dare move a muscle as he grunted and sighed loudly, doing whatever it was that he was doing. It sounded like he was losing patience though.

A bit curious, I shifted positions to face the room, my eyes closed to play it off like I was still sleeping. He seemed to pause what he was doing, as if to see if I woke up or not. When he realized I was still "sleeping", he continued his commotion. Taking my chance, I peeked a little, noticing that he was only in his boxer briefs.

The urge to get out of bed and claim his dick again took a strong hold of me, but I held back and closed my eyes fully again, hoping he'd go away soon. I didn't need this. The urge to have him was strong enough when he was fully clothed. Him in just his underwear would take a lot less time getting rid of clothing. We'd be able to get right into it.

Heat pooled at my core just like it did yesterday and I pressed my thighs together, cursing my sensitive reaction to a man that could care less about me.

Either way, it no longer mattered to me if he cared or not, now all I wanted was for him to please and satisfy me like he did the day before.

The commotion stopped, and I opened my eyes fully when I heard him walk into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I could've taken the time to make my escape, since I knew he was in the room now, but I really didn't feel like going out.

The book still called out to me from my desk and I gave in, reaching out to grab it before opening up the page I bookmarked. It was going well. Cute lovey characters finally giving in to each other.

Except, love sometimes meant the characters got action and I grumbled because now I was really turned on. I barely got action and I still felt weak and pathetic. Sensitive to the slightest thing.

Bookmarking the book again, I set it back on my desk and decided to just scroll through my phone. Until a sound from the bathroom made me pause.

What sounded like groans reached my ears and I froze to listen, getting out of bed to have a closer look, or listen.

They were groans indeed. My best guess was that he was pleasuring himself, and the image of him being vulnerable like that made me imagine him on top of me again. His dick—perfect in girth and length—wrapped in his fist as he fucked his hand.

I wished he was fucking me instead.

Feeling like a pervert by listening so closely, I decided it would be best for me to leave the room, despite me not wanting to go out. It would be worse if he caught me listening in like a desperate weirdo.

The moment I reached for my keys, the bathroom door opened and both Blake and I froze in our tracks, looking at each other like lost puppies. I was the one to break the awkwardness first by offering him a quick smile before dashing towards the door.

He had other plans. Stepping in front of the door, he grabbed the hand that was reaching out for the doorknob.

I looked up into his eyes with furrowed brows, the question written on my face. Why was he stopping me from leaving the room?

"Yes?" I questioned pathetically, trying not to let my eyes wander down his body. He was wearing shorts now, but he was still shirtless, and I knew his deep V was more than visible. Temptations were bad right now. I was already on a very thin line.

"I understand you regret what happened yesterday, but I really don't want it to be so awkward between us." He sounded defeated. He ran a hand through his hair, tugging before pulling his hand away. "I'm sorry for the pill and I'm sorry for being weak and accepting your request to fuck you."

I pressed my legs tightly together at the memory. Confused why he was even apologizing for such an amazing morning.

Before I could say a word, he continued, "Can you blame me for wanting to fuck you? I've been wanting to for weeks, Nicole."

Hearing my name coming from his lips was so rare, but everytime it felt special. I liked my name when he said it.

"I'll leave you alone if that's what you want, but I just wanted to apologize. We can forget about it if you ask, too." He looked down and looked like he was rethinking his words. "At least I can pretend to forget, because I'll never forget how amazing you felt... or tasted."

I couldn't help but bite my lip. This man really just wanted me to give in to him again. This time I wouldn't have an excuse to make it acceptable for him to fuck me, though. Then again, I didn't really need an excuse. If I wanted to have sex, I could. Especially if it was with a man as hot and blessed as Blake.

The only problems was that I didn't want to give in to him anymore. His ego was already big enough as it was, and I wasn't going to be someone to make his head inflate even bigger. Soon he'd be swaying from side to side wherever he went because his head was so heavy.

So I went for the only possible thing I could say to not make things awkward, but also that won't make his ego greater. "We can forget it happened. It was a one time thing anyway."

With a sigh, he smiled softly and nodded. His face showed a hint that he wasn't quite happy with what I said, though. Quite honestly, I wasn't very happy about it either, but I wasn't going to admit that out loud.

Forgetting it ever happened was close to impossible. Especially when my pussy reacted with just the sight of him.

He hung his head for a bit before releasing a heavy sigh and looking back up at me. His face changed enough to hide the slight disappointment that was there not even a minute ago, and I did my best not to show a single sign of the need I felt towards him.

"I guess I'll let you go where you needed now, sorry for holding you back. It was just bothering me." He stepped away from the door and let go of my hand. The cold air felt like a pinch when it hit the small area his skin had just warmed up, the strong contrast too noticeable.

Waving goodbye, I stepped out and took a few seconds to compose myself.

Craving a man you never wanted to begin with was hell. I felt like I'd be at war with myself for the rest of my life now.

I hated it.

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