Chapter 17 | One Bed

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"You're scaring her."

I stopped chugging my beer to look over at Justus. "What?"

"You're being too much for her," he thought wording it differently would make it better. Realizing I was still lost, he set down his bottle and focused his full attention on me. "You're doing what are known as boyfriend acts."

"I'm just showing I care about her."

"And that's scary for people that aren't used to that type of treatment." I felt like a child in school with the tone he was using on me. "Has she ever mentioned a boyfriend before?"

Racking my brain for any memory of her mentioning someone of her past, I came up blank. In fact, she'd never mentioned anyone in her life at all. No parents or siblings. Then again, I've never asked. For someone who was trying to show he cared, I was doing a shit job.

Trying to know more about her should've been the first step.

"My only question is," Justus continued as he wagged a finger at me. "Why are you doing all this just to get in her pants? Isn't that all your plan is?"

All I could do was stare at him.

"You're okay with getting her attached with all that you're doing just to leave when you get what you want?" The look of disappointment on my best friend's face was a slap to the face. "I thought you were better than that, man."

My plan wasn't to get her attached, I just... fuck, what was my plan? I was just desperate to bang a beautiful girl. The only girl that's ever rejected me. I liked the challenge. I liked her. But did I like like her?

Truth was, I hadn't liked anyone in that way in years. Doubt I'd start to fall for someone now.

"Patricia will hate you if you make her lose another friend. You know how girls are, all they want to do is avoid being around you when you hurt them." The reminder wasn't necessary, but of course he knew how to get me. "Do you see how close those two are becoming?"

He was right, and damn him for it. Couldn't blame him for trying to look out for Patricia. Our whole lives, she's had to fight to keep friendships, only to eventually realize they were only using her to get close to me or for dad's money. Genuine friendships were hard for her to find, and Nicole seemed to be that for her. I couldn't fuck it up for her. I wouldn't.

Sighing, I chugged the last half of my beer before setting the empty bottle by my feet. "You're right. There's plenty of girls lined up, guess it's time to let this one go." Justus passed me another bottle and clinked his with mine with a nod. "I'm sure she'd appreciate it anyway. All I've really been doing was get on her last nerve."

Justus chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "I'm starting to think there's not a single person you get close with that doesn't end up with gray hairs."

"You're the closest one to me and all I see is a head full of brown hair, you lying sack of shit."

"Hair dye, buddy." He winked as he took another sip of his beer. "Hair dye is a lifesaver for anyone in your life."

"Fuck you."

"No thanks, I'm not gay."

Rolling my eyes, I smacked him upside the head before we both chugged our entire beer in one go. I couldn't help but wonder what Patricia and Nicole were up to in her own dorm room. Nicole left ours to accompany my sis and her roommate tonight, so I invited Justus over. His roommate was supposed to come too, but Justus sucked at convincing introverted people to go out.

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