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Song: Save Me by Jero ft. Park Jimin

The boys gathered after sports practice one day at a nearby restaurant, where they all sat in the back. JB forbade any  of them from letting (Y/N) know about this, causing a palpable tension between them. By December she'd become an integral part of their group, and disallowing her to know about the meeting raised suspicion and anxiety. Jaebum himself had grown weary of what would become of them after winter break ensued, and needed everyone to come to a solution. (Y/N)'s presence would only cause more tension and place an exorbitant amount of pressure on her.  "The both of you can't keep doing this. I know you're both trying to be upfront with her, but that doesn't mean you can't act like normal people!" Everyday Yugyeom and Youngjae would perform some extravagant act in an attempt to win (Y/N)'s affection, shattering the norm of their lives. "I think Yugyeom should step down." Every head at the table snapped towards Jinyoung. "Commitment aside, he's only causing (Y/N) more confusion. Yugyeom being so desperate to pursue her only complicated things." The aforementioned young man looked to his friend with eyes littered with betrayal, searching his face for a sign that he didn't mean it. "You just said it yourself! Yugyeom's been desperate to pursue her, meanwhile, what's Youngjae done but benefit from her saying 'Yes' on the first day of school?" BamBam was remaining calm through his raised voice as he defended Yugyeom. Looking down dejectedly, Youngjae ran a hand through his hair, stressed by the fact that his friend thought he didn't deserve his own girlfriend. "Exactly! She said yes to Youngjae on the first day since she actually knows him. Yugyeom probably doesn't even like her, just what he can't have. He barely knew (Y/N) before telling himself he was in love." At Mark's outburst, JB stood up, stretching out his hands in an attempt to calm everyone. "Everyone, shut up!" "Ok, she didn't know him in September, It's fucking December now!" "Don't curse at me!" The altercation was abruptly interrupted by Jackson, who's chair screeched as he pushed it in. Anger in his eyes, the young man stormed out of the restaurant.

The friends that (Y/N) once shared a lunchroom with recently took the initiative to speak with her. With their relationship having been rectified for a week now, they decided to go out this afternoon once practice ended. During this outing she spotted a familiar build outside of a restaurant. Pausing as her friends walked further, she noticed that it belonged to her friend Jackson. "Hey guys, could you give me a second?" She asked, never removing her eyes from Jackson. Directing their attention to what her's was on, they saw the boy who'd berated them practically pulling out his hair as he frantically tapped his phone. "Yeah, you should go talk to him." Smiling at the group's newfound maturity, (Y/N) rushed over to him.

"You can slap your phone inside, y'know, Where you won't freeze to death." Looking up to see (Y/N), Jackson grabbed her hand and ran out of sight. Taken aback, she asked if everything was okay, only for the boy to look away, answering after a brief moment of silence. "Yeah, I just need a new plan. That's all. Do you..." During his pause, the girl showed that she was willing to answer. "Do you think a payphone can make a call to China..?" "I'm not sure, but I doubt it, why?" "I haven't been able to talk to my mom for a while now." Voicing his concern, tears pricked at Jackson's eyes. Panicking at the sudden display of emotion, (Y/N) jumped to find a solution, stammering as she presented one. "Why don't you just write her?" "Last time I did that it was her birthday present. It never even got to her." As (Y/N) tried to think of something else the tears in her friend's eyes fell. "Maybe I should just go back to Hong Kong." (Y/N)'s heart dropped at the statement, searching his face for a hint that it was a joke, only for her friend to drop to the ground in his tears. "Why would you ever do that? Family is one of the hardest things to get by without, but even if you can't always contact them, that doesn't mean they aren't there! Even if it's across the ocean, your parents are still rooting for you to achieve what you came here for, so you can't give up!" Crouching down beside him, (Y/N) layed a comforting hand on Jackson's shoulder before he piped back up. "But it won't even happen! No one recognizes me for what I do, they just look at one part of me and make their own assumptions! If you're good at one thing, suddenly that's all that you are. No one cares about who I am or what my dreams are, so why am I even here?! It's not like the guys will be of help since we're all falling apart!" Standing over him, (Y/N) placed her hands on her hips. "So what if they don't? We all know that perception and reality are two different things, at least you and I do. No one will ever understand you like you do, so as long as you remember who you are, what's there to worry about? Besides, you aren't even given yourself a chance to be yourself. All you do, in public at least, is act exactly how they expect you to, because you know it works. Even if your social standing and reputation regresses, build it back up again, and as who you really are." Standing up, Jackson looked down at her, who instantly feared that she was too harsh. His eyes wavering, he wrapped his arms around (Y/N), crying into her shoulder. "You sound just like my mom. Thank you, thank you so much. And thank you for being with me every step of the way, because I know you will be." Stepping back, the young man vigorously wiped his face. "And just date Yugyeom already." (Y/N)'s jaw dropped at the sudden change of topic. "Why don't YOU just date Yugyeom already!" Her answer showed her exasperation with all of the boys' advice. "Hey, don't get smart with me. If you didn't have feelings for Yugyeom this wouldn't even be happening, right? Why else would you even give him a chance?" Quickly, she thought of why, it was because (Y/N) didn't want him to be hurt, but when she opened her mouth to defend herself, no words came out. "Youngjae will ultimately be fine, he really will, so take your own advice and start over, ok?" Not yet equipped with the words to deny Jackson's statement, (Y/N) shyly looked down. "I'll think about it.."

Smiling at his friend, Jackson asked what she was doing in the area in the first place. Breifly, the girl considered lying to her friend, knowing how he'd react. Dancing around the question she managed to give him an answer that satisfied him until she was back with her friends. As soon as they were within eyesight, (Y/N) ran over to them. Giving him a wave and a "See you later!" she urged her friends to move faster. Looking back at his expression she knew that she'd be in big trouble tomorrow. Later on she was distracted by some of Jackson's words, her mind lingering on a particular sentence. "It's not like the guys will be of help since we're all falling apart!" Though she hadn't realised it in the moment, her suspicions had been confirmed. The young woman was driving a wedge between everyone. She caused Jackson to have a breakdown alone. Maybe if she dated Yugyeom as he suggested, everything would be fine. The young woman was well aware that it wasn't the right reason, but she was reaching her wits end when it came to fixing everything. Ultimately, the fact that it wouldn't be fair to Yugyeom pushed her away from such a decision. Instead, she let gentle snow fall lull her into a premature sleep devoid of such troubles.

{COMPLETED} Sweet Talk to Me, Babe (Got7 Yugyeom x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now