Snow in the Country

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Song: First Snow by Super Junior

Hesitantly (Y/N) prepared for school. At every step of her routine she'd linger and check her phone for an update. Filled with hope by the covered ground, the girl desperately wished for a snow day. It seemed the wind carried not only the snow, but her prayers as well, straight to the board of directors. She exclaimed with a twirl, being notified that school was canceled. With a sizable front and back yard, she could fool around in the white wonderland, but for now she'd go to sleep. Before resigning herself to bed, (Y/N) was told by her mother that she'd be out that day taking care of her great grandmother. Hours later she was disturbed once again by a knock at her door. Going to the living room window to peek at who was there, the bell sounded once more. Upon having the door opened for him, Yugyeom presented a bouquet to the homeowner. After seeing how she took care of the first bouquet, it had become typical for Yugyeom to buy (Y/N) flowers. Thanking the boy, she wondered which surface in her room these would go on, as there was at least one bouquet on each. "Do you know what they mean?" At first he'd simply bought her roses, but the flowers he purchased, the more he'd research flower language. "No, I don't. Explain to me inside."

"They represent pride, determination, and radiant beauty. Do you know the myth they're named after?" The story of Amaryllis was of a woman who fell in love with a fellow shepherd, one who cared only for his plants and flowers. He'd instruct each suitor to bring him a flower like never before, so under the advice of an oracle, Amaryllis pierced her heart with a golden arrow for twenty nine days. Everyday her blood would shed on the path to his cottage, only for the woman to be turned down. On the thirtieth day the path was covered by red flowers never seen before. Being presented with the flowers, Amaryllis' love named the flowers after her, loving both of them. In the end, the young woman's heart was healed. Yugyeom's eyes sparkled as he told (Y/N) the myth, hoping that her's would waver at any of his words. They did many times as she gifted him with hot chocolate. The conversation they had about it was short as she put the flowers in a vase, placing them in her room. "I'm glad I got to see you today, but my mom'll freak if she comes back and sees us here alone." "Then let's walk somewhere!" "We're in the suburbs, Yugyeom. You can't walk anywhere." "So let's just walk."

Thus, quickly bundled up in a winter coat, hat, and gloves, (Y/N) was walking with Yugyeom to nowhere in particular. She couldn't recall when his hands had made their way into her's, but they had. Since the boy didn't have gloves on, she squeezed them tighter. Spotting a crisp, unbothered, spot of snow, Yugyeom ran to it. (Y/N) laughed as the boy jumped around, making sure to leave footprints. When he layed down she ran to him. "Yugyeom, you don't have gloves on!" Sitting up, he pulled her down with him. As she rubbed her gloved hands over his bare ones, they both laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation. Her eyelids pushed together by her smile, the hair that peeked from under the beanie that was pulled over her ears, the sound that blossomed from her lips, Yugyeom was entranced by it all. Tearing his eyes away from her, Yugyeom admired the scenery around them. "Everything's so much prettier in the suburbs. I think I'd like to live here one day." Redirecting her gaze, (Y/N) matched Yugyeom's line of sight. "I think I'd like to move to the city, actually. The snow might not be as nice, but there's something pretty about the city." Lost once in her eyes once again, Yugyeom spoke without thinking. "The city's always pretty when you're in it." As her eyes widened in shock, (Y/N) shyly looked down with a smile. Possessed by some force unknown, Yugyeom reached out and touched her cheeks. Feeling that they were burning, he spoke. "You're blushing, (Y/N)." Shaking her head in embarrassment, (Y/N) went to protest. "It's just because I'm cold! Put your hands in your pockets before they fall off!" "My hands are getting warm just from your face, (Y/N)." "You ass..." Ignoring the insult, Yugyeom bit his lip as he looked down at her. Leaning in he released it, instead pressing both lips onto her's. (Y/N) should've pushed him away, told him off for not respecting the fact that Youngjae was her boyfriend, but a voice in her head said not to. "If you didn't have feelings for Yugyeom this wouldn't even be happening, right? Why else would you even give him a chance?" Frozen against his lips, she knew that she'd be cheating on Youngjae should she kiss back. The kiss had lasted only a two or three seconds before her friend ripped himself away. Backing away with his hands in front of him he expressed as much remorse as he could. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I know you have a boyfriend, I just wasn't thinking!" (Y/N) didn't look at him and touched her cheeks instead. "Please don't hate me, please. (Y/N), please look at me." He leaned into the distance between them, scanning her face for anything. She looked up at him with a smile. "I don't hate you Yugyeom, calm down." "I'm so sorry..." Cautiously, he crawled towards her before she took his hands in her own, rubbing as if trying to start a fire. "You put your hands in the snow, dummy." Caressing her face, Yugyeom laughed. Relief, embarrassment, fear, he let it all out through a laugh.

The one feeling he kept in was love, never wanting to fall out of love with (Y/N). The lights that adorned the houses they passed, the joy of the children who played in their yards, it was all obsolete in (Y/N)'s presence. The snow that blanketed the world was nothing more than the cold rain it was. After cleaning up what it took to prepare another mug of hot chocolate for Yugyeom, (Y/N) pulled out a chair and sat down in front of him. "I don't hate you Yugyeom, I don't think I ever can, but I'm a little pissed you took my first kiss like that." He was smart enough to know that the kiss would be brought up again, but he hadn't expected the revelation that would come after. "I-I didn't know." "I-I didn't know!" She kicked him under the table after mocking him. "You know that you have to tell Youngjae you kissed me, right?" "Of course! I was the one who kissed you." There wasn't a bone in (Y/N)'s body that was upset with Yugyeom, but she told the boy that she was, knowing that she might be later. Right now the only thing (Y/N) felt was his warm lips on hers in the snowy suburbs. Wanting to smile at him, she instead told Yugyeom to drink his hot chocolate. "And don't let go of the mug, either. Seriously, why'd you even come out here without gloves on." After finishing his drink, Yugyeom went home, not wanting to be there when (Y/N)'s parents got home. (Y/N) was well aware of the fact that she was still Youngjae's girlfriend, so she had to make sure that Yugyeom knew that what he did wasn't ok. The young man would have to deal with the feelings of both of them. Though remorseful for kissing his girlfriend, Yugyeom didn't fear Youngjae's anger. After being ignored for weeks, it was difficult to consider them friends. Perhaps that was why Yugyeom was so easily enraptured in the moment. Nevertheless, after the train ride back into the city, Yugyeom went straight to Youngjae's home.

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