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Song: Red Dress by Red Velvet

To say that the phone call with Youngjae didn't go as Yugyeom hoped would be a lie, as truthfully he had no idea what would happen. "Yes, I'm serious......What do you mean why? How am I supposed to answer that?......Youngjae, no I can't just stop I tried! I really tried, but I like her so much, Youngjae.....No, I liked her before you asked her out.....You said you wouldn't get mad!.....Everytime I see her, my heart wants her so bad that it hurts Youngjae.....Can we start over? See who she'll choose?.......We liked her at the same time before, but we didn't know it, so you confessed first. We can do it fair this time......Yes, she'll know all her options this time, which'll make it fair.....Youngjae, no-"

Like every other day, JB, Mark, Jackson, Jinyoung, Youngjae, Bambam, and Yugyeom joined up on their walk to school. With a distance of five people between them, Youngjae and Yugyeom walked on opposite sides of the group. Occasionally the youngest would peek over at Youngjae, wondering if his friend had any intention of communicating with him, only to find him laser-focused on the crowd of their schoolmates. Yugyeom didn't regret telling him, because it was the right thing to do. It's understandable for Youngjae to be mad, but isn't it also understandable for Yugyeom to be upset about the way he was treating him? Yesterday (Y/N) bought him something for a sickness he didn't even have, leaving Yugyeom feeling guilty for both lying to her and worrying her. There was a good Korean restaurant nearby that he could postmates something from. His next challenge was deciding what to order for her. Yugyeom knew that the samgyeopsal and bulgogi was good, but whether (Y/N) would like it was another story. Those were two of his favorites so it wasn't up to which one he liked more. 'Everyone likes bacon, right?' The similarities between samgyeopsal and bacon was very limited but it was the only rationale he had at the time. What Yugyeom didn't think of was the embrace that awaited him upon giving it to her. Everything was perfect in that moment, how happy she was, how comforting she was, how she wasn't able to see his red face. (Y/N)'s face was buried into Yugyeom's chest, as the boy was significantly taller than her. If he were Youngjae he'd be able to kiss her forehead, rest his head on her's, but he had to restrain himself and accept that this was all he'd get.

That night, he wondered why he was given these feelings. Yugyeom couldn't get rid of them, so he had to do something. There's no possible way he could imitate Youngjae enough to overcome him, as there would be nothing that set him apart from him. Passionate about dancing, he could join the school team like she suggested. When Yugyeom dances he gains the ability to become someone entirely new. Depending on the style he could be chic and enticing. While thinking about his prowess for dancing he realized that chic and sexy was not something that Youngjae was easily. Sprouting up he realized the differentiating factor between the two of them. Youngjae was the responsible, cute boyfriend that a girl would like, but Yugyeom could be every man she could ever want. Youngjae had been ruthless that day, asserting the fact that he didn't have her whenever he could. No matter what, Youngjae would always be his bestfriend, so they needed to come to an agreement. Yugyeom called him ten times that evening until he gave up. Though Youngjae would turn in early at times, five o'clock was too early. Grabbing his bag and keys Yugyeom headed for Youngjae's house. Whatever Yugyeom had planned for the next day may not have even come to fruition, as someone had planned to interfere with the friend group.

There were two periods left until lunch, and the first of these had Jackson and (Y/N) in the same class. School had been in for almost a week and there hadn't been a single day where (Y/N) ate lunch with her other friends. Cornering her at her desk, they told her that she had to eat with them today. She went to protest as she'd promised Youngjae earlier to eat with him and the boys on the roof, however she wasn't given the opportunity. "We get that you wanna eat with your boyfriend but there's still us. You've eaten enough with them, it's time you come back." Someone else chimed in. "We ate together all last year, you can't just abandon us." "Right. Youngjae's the only reason you even go, right? It's not like you're friends with the rest of them." "If you keep going you'll break them up since Youngjae is the only one who wants you there." Practically boiling over with rage, Jackson got up and pushed his chair in, shrieking against the tiled floor. Walking to her side she pushed her primary guy friend aside. "Why would she eat with you? There's nothing to like about you guys. You've gotta be really dull to think that you're special enough to miss. Besides, I've heard that you all tried to spread something pretty nasty last year." Pulling your chair out he grabbed your hand. "I don't think I'm superior than anyone, but I know that I'm a better friend than all of you could ever be. Don't talk to her like that again, ok?" Jackson pulled her from her seat and brought her to one next to him. "I know you're nice and everyone likes you, but don't let anyone talk to you like that." (Y/N) was sure that they didn't mean to sound as harsh as they did. Even if they somehow meant it, she shouldn't just hold a grudge against a bunch of people. What they said wasn't right, and it hurt her, she figured she should let them know that and talk it out. At lunch (Y/N) headed towards their usual spot, only to be greeted by Jinyoung outside of the door. "Where do you think you're going?" Taking her hand he lead her to the roof. "You don't need to be nice to people who talk to you like that. I don't want you to go there again, ok? You haven't done anything wrong so you don't have to fix things with anyone. If they're sorry they'll come to you." (Y/N) thanked him for supporting her after he finished his lecture, and was soon greeted by the other guys, all worried about her.

"Baby! I heard what happened!" Youngjae said, getting up from where he was seated. Before he could reach her, Yugyeom pulled you into his arms. With the top buttons of his shirt undone, he held (Y/N) against his chest. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that." Cupping (Y/N)'s face with his hands he gently looked her in the eyes. "Don't go back there again, ok?" Bambam was next to approach, "Fucking assholes. Don't listen to them, alright? We love you." Messing up her hair, he and Mark hugged her, while Jackson scolded her for going even though he told her not to. All of them circled (Y/N) except Youngjae, still shocked by what happened. After his talk with Yugyeom last night he knew that his young friend would do what he wanted, but the extent to which he did it left him taken aback.

Though Yugyeom was typically the one being infantilized by the others, today it was (Y/N). The youngest seemed to be babying her the most, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he pushed his hair out of his face, looking at (Y/N) intensely. She felt heat rush to her cheeks, but shook it off, convincing herself that it was because it was hot out. Under his cool and confident demeanor, Yugyeom was jumping for joy. For the first time he'd managed to see his efforts having some effect on the girl, causing a smile to slip onto his lips. The smile was so sweet and sincere that (Y/N) couldn't resist returning it. With a small laugh, he redirected her attention, searching for her boyfriend who wasn't in the circle made around her. Looking behind her (Y/N) found Youngjae with a disappointed look on his face. As she prepared to get up, Yugyeom unconsciously pulled her into him as he laughed. Youngjae had showered (Y/N) in hugs and kisses, but the effect he saw Yugyeom having on her was one he'd yet to accomplish. But (Y/N) looked back at him and was ready to comfort him. 'That must be because she loves me, since I'm her boyfriend, right? Right?"

{COMPLETED} Sweet Talk to Me, Babe (Got7 Yugyeom x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now