Disney World

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Jimin got dragged out of Namjoons house and into his house and the second they got in his mom screamed GO TO BEDDDDD! Jimin screamed NO I HATE YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! as he ran out the door. He ran down the street back to namjoons house and screamed LETS RUN AND GO TO FLORIDA OK? MY MOM IS COMING FOR MEEEE!! HELPPPPUEEEEEEEEPPPEE MEEEEEEEEEE he said as he led the group to the airport as he also booked a flight on his phone. He jumped into a trash can and said hide. He smelled lots of good food in there so he dug around and found a cooked chicken. He happily munched on it secretly and quietly so nobody would hear him. When it was almost time for the flight, he got out and told the group to go. They went to the airport and soon they were on the plane. They all fell asleep right away like sleepless pigs who just got stuffed with food. A few hours later they arrived and they did the boring stuff at the airport then they went to Disney world. Wowwwwwwwwweee Jin said. Jungkook screamed LOOK ITS MICKEYYYYYY and he ran over to a mascot that was Mickey, kissing him. Mickey got so scared that he ran away screaming his head off. Yes, he actually took the head off and dove into a trash can, or at least tried. He tried but the mascot body was too fat and he couldn't fit in and the trash can fell down. The mascot stood up and ran with the trash can on its head. Jimin said Mickey is afraid of you big baby. Then the whole group except for Jimin and Jungkook said yeah, little boy. Jungkook said why you bully me as he ran to a rollercoaster and went in line. Hoseok said lets follow him on. Everyone agreed except for Yoongi. I need to go to the bathroom he said. Me too Namjoon said. Jimin said ok we will wait for you. They grabbed Jungkook and sat down near the bathroom as they listened to continuous farting and big dumps going into the toilet. Hoseok said woah Yoongi and Namjoon's taking a biggggg dump. Jungkook said I agree. Well now we have time to look at my worldwide handsome face Jin said. No, we have time to slap you Jimin said as he slapped Jin. Oweeeeeeee Jin said. The farting stopped Jungkook said. Namjoon came out. What is taking Yoongi so long? Jimin said. I don't know Namjoon said. Let's all go in. Jungkook said. Ok Hoseok said. They walked in and two stalls were locked. Let's do this one Hoseok said, pointing to a stall. Jungkook crawl through the bottom little doggy Jimin said. Why you bully me part 2? You go in because you are shortest Jungkook said. Nuuuu Jimin said as he crawled through. Go my little ant Jungkook said. Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Jimin said. He went in and from his perspective, he could see Yoongis head only with his chin on the toilet ring. Jimin stood up and saw the most horrifying thing he's ever seen before and that's when he screamed HELPP GET IN HERRE HES GONNA DROWN HES CROUCHED IN THE TOILETTTTT!!! Jimin opened the door and the rest of the members came in except for Jungkook. He closed it on him. Sorry Jungkook but you have to be a doggy. Jungkook crawled in while saying why you bully me part 3. He's not gonna drown in such a little amount of water you dummy Jimin boy said Taehyung. Taehyung tried pulling Yoongi out and succeeded. Taehyung I forgot you were a person since you were so quiet Jungkook said as Taeyhung put Yoongi on the ground like a dead fish. Wake up Yoongi, you sleepyhead grandpa! Jimin said as he kicked Yoongi. Why did you kick me? Yoongi said. Because you were sleeping, you idiot! In the toilet! Jimin yelled. Wowee I had a good sleep in there though Yoongi said. Ok well let's go now Taehyung said. Ok, help me up ok? Yoongi said as he reached out his hand. Uh how about you Namjoon you do it? Taehyung said. Nuuu I want you Yoongi said. Yoongi touched Taehyung and Taehyung screamed ASHSHHSAJHAHAHHHHHHHHHH and it sounded like a hippo horse frog thing. Taehyung rushed so fast to the sink that he may have even been faster than Jimin, who is fastest boiii. He rubbed continuously on his spot that got touched and ran out of the bathroom. Well Yoongi you get up yourself Namjoon said as he reached for the doorknob of the bathroom. He touched it and the knob fell right off. Oops Namjoon said. Now how are we supposed to get out? Jungkook said, careful to always be 2 metres away from Yoongi. I will break down the door Jimin said. He jumped and landed on the door then fell. The door broke. They went out and went on the rollercoaster. They got on and Jungkook started sucking on his thumb and saying I don't want to do this. The pole that's supposed to be like a seatbelt then broke right when Namjoon touched it and hurt his legs. Namjoon why do you break so many things?! Jimin said. I don't know! Namjoon answered as he rubbed his legs. Well now we have to get off Taehyung said. Uh eXCuse me! We need to get off because he broke that pole. They got off but on the way Jimin was too big and the cart broke. I want to eat Jin said. You always want to eat Yoongi said. Well can we pleaseeeeeee just eatttt? Ok fine Taehyung said. I dare you to stuff a carrot up that dogs butthole Jimin said as he pointed to a dog. Uhh we don't have a carrot, but I have this Apple from gogo dance practice Taehyung said. Ok then use that Jimin said. Nuuu not this Apple I'm never gonna get rid of it! Why do you love that Apple so much? Hoseok asked. Because i have to pursue my princess dreams with the apple but if i don't have it, i can't do it! Ok then stuff this pen up Jin said as he pulled a pen out of his pocket. Ok! Taehyung's said as he sneakily (not really) walked like a ninja, tiptoeing over to the dogs behind. He tried to stuff it up but failed and the dog pooed on Taehyung. It was so sticky that it kept him there. Right then, the dog lifted his foot up as Taehyung watched, horrified. Ahahhhhhhhhhdjdhhhhhh he screamed as the dog peed into his mouth. NOOOOOO he said as he spit it out and got out of the poop. He ran to the washroom. He will take two years in there so lets go leave him and eat ok? Jin said. Yes let's go Namjoon said. OMG MINNIE MOUSE Jungkook said and went and kissed Minnie all over. This time the mascot didn't run away from him and let him hug them. Jungkook came back. Ooohhhh it's your girlfriend Jimin said. Yea- no i mean noooooooo not my girlfriend ok? Ooooooooooooooooo They all said. N0000000000000000009000000 Jungkook cried. They walked over to mcdonalds and Taehyung came back and Jimin ordered 20 large fries and Jimin got a lot fatter when he ate it. When they were done eating Namjoon saw Minnie on break behind a building without the head on and it was a guy. Oooooooo Jungkook why didn't you tell us you were gay? I'm not gayyyyyyyyy Jungkook said. Yes you are said Taehyung. No I'm not tartyoungy boy! Jungkook said. Yes you are kookie boy! Said Taehyung. K guys stop fighting and go on this cool boat called Jungle Cruise Namjoon said. Ok fine Taeyhung said as he gave Jungkook a death stare who was also giving Taehyung a death stare. This line is so long!! Yoongi said as he started smelling his toes because he was so bored after one hour of waiting. My toes smell like toilet water he said. Yes this line is so long Jungkook said as he pulled out a jumbo cookie from his pocket. Can i have someeeeeee? Jin asked. Nu don't touch my cookie Jungkook said. He ate it and soon they got onto the boat. But the second Jimin stepped onto the boat, it sank because of his weight and they got onto shore quickly. Jimin why are you so fat?! Jin screamed. Jimin didn't answer. Ok let's go to that rollercoaster over there Taehyung said. Out of nowhere, Yoongi screamed free shower in the water! and then he slept on the floor. He fell asleep in about 2 seconds. Why are you sleeping Yoongi?! Namjoon yelled. Kick him like i did said Jimin. Namjoon kicked Yoongi. Owewewwwweee said Yoongi. Stop sleeping, you beef boy! Namjoon said. Fine, but don't bully me, bully Jungkook! Said Yoongi. Nu, why me?!! Jungkook said. Ok just go on that rollercoaster said Taehyung as he pointed to a rollercoaster that has a big drop. Ok said Jimin. Nuuu said Jungkook. What, are you too much of a baby to go on this? Namjoon said. Yes! How can you not be scared? There's a big drop! Jungkook said. Ok you can sit over there then Jin said, pointing to a bench. Ok said Jungkook. There was a small line so they went on but the second they went on, they noticed Yoongi wasn't there. When they got to the top, they saw Yoongi, on the ground, who faceplanted on the ground and could see he was sleeping near the coaster. I WILL GET THAT TOILET BOY said Namjoon. AHHHHHHHHDGSHSHDHDHSHDHD screamed Taehyung like he was being forced to drink dog pee again. Ignore that dog poo boy and focus on throwing something at that lazy boy said Jimin. I have a carrot Jin said. WhatTttt why didn't you give it to Taehyung then for my dare? Said Jimin. Because i was gonna save it for something special like this Jin said. Ok good job Jimin said. Ok Taehyung you do it Jin said. Ok said Taehyung. Alright.Ready, and throw!!! The carrot landed in Yoongis buttcheeks. Good job Taehyung! He still counts as a dog so you did the dare!! Jimin said. I shall reward you with three dolla. He handed Taehyung three dollars. Thank you Jimin! Taehyung said. What is dolla Namjoon said. It means money! You have better English how don't you know what dolla is? Jimin said. It's dollar big boy said Namjoon. The ride finished and they got off after. The whole time Jimins seat was creaking. ALRIGHT TOILET BOY GIMME BACK MY CARROT when he saw Yoongi lying there. He ran over and snatched it out of Yoongis butt. My carrot!! He screamed as he hugged it. Why are you hugging a toilet water infected carrot? Said Yoongi as he got up. Uh oh! He screamed and dropped it and ran to the nearest bathroom. The rest except for Yoongi got Jungkook while Yoongi played with the carrot. Ok it's getting dark lets go after Jin the toilet boy and get out of here Namjoon said. They ran after Jin and made it to the bathroom. Namjoon started farting again and he said he also needed to go. His farts were even louder than before so now his farts were louder than thunder. Wow he's taking a big tooting session said Taehyung. Yessss toilet boy Jin and farting boy Namjoon are very weird. Yes said Jungkook. After a while they both came out, they booked a hotel and they slept.

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