Jin the puking monster

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SORRY DUDES I HAVENT UPDATED IN A LONG TIME BUT I FOUND AN INTERESTING BOOK TO READ AND I FORGOT ABOUT WRITING THIS ONE. They arrived at India. They saw curry being sold everywhere. NUUUUU IM GOING TO GET NOSE DISEASE FROM BREATHING IN TOO MUCH CURRRYYYYYYY!!!!!! Jin screamed as he held his breath. No you're not you dummy Hoseok said. I'm not a dummy! Jin said. Hoseok was gonna say something, but Jin had passed out from holding his breath. Carry him Jimin, said Taehyung. Nuuuu you do it Jimin said. Nuuuuuuu you do it Jimin, Taehyung said. Finereddessseeeeee Jimin said as he dragged Jin across the floor. HEY WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THAT POOR HANDSOME MAN STOP KIDNAPPING HIM screamed a random man. I'm not kidnapping him be chill random dude Jimin said. YES YOU ARE WHY ARE YOU DRAGGING HIM AND HES PASSED OUT? The random man screamed. He passed out from holding his breath and he's too heavy so I'm dragging him Jimin said. THATS THE WORST LIE I HAVE EVER HEARDDDD LIKE WHY DID HE HOLD HIS BREATH the random man screamed. He held his breath because he thought he was gonna die from breathing in too much curry Jimin said. Ok fine you big doo doo man the random man said as he walked away. Taehyung you have to carry this boy he's too fat Jimin said. Fineeeeffredddddddseeeeee Taehyung said. Jimin dropped Jin and must've given Jin a serious back injury and then Taehyung picked him up. Lol this boy weighs 1 pound how is he heavy Taehyung said. NO HE DOSENT Jimin screamed. He WEiGHs 600 poUndS. No he doesn't Taehyung said like a dying donkey as he struggled to pick Jin up with a fake smile on his face. Haha good luck with that Taehyung, Jimin said. Thank you you are so nice Taehyung said sarcastically. No u Jimin said. Where did the others go? Taehyung said as he dropped Jin and also decided to drag him. Uh I don't know lets go try and find them Jimin said as he started climbing a curry stand. HEY GET OFF DUDEREDESEEE the worker screamed. Nuuuuu I need to find my friends Jimin said. But the second he put his second foot on the stand it broke and it was made out of metal. Nuuuuyuuuuuuuu I'm not gonna pay you goodbye Jimin said as he ran away when he saw the group including Taehyung in an Indian resturant. He ran inside. He saw a very terrifying sight. Jin was awake, barfing everywhere and screaming NUUUUUU ALL MY HARD WORK OF COOKING IS SPILLING OUTTTTTTT and there was curry all over him. RUNNNNNNN Jimin heard Namjoon scream. Everyone in the store was running away and all the workers retreated to the kitchen and hid in the oven. I'm cominggggggg Jin screamed while still barfing. He ran to the kitchen and said where are youuuuuuu? He suddenly opened a garbage can and there Jimin was, munching on a piece of chicken he found, but the second he saw Jin, he screamed. AHAHAHSHSHHDHSHHSDHH STOB IT MOMMY PLZ SPARE MEEE!!! Ooooo Jiminie garlic bud midget chubby fat boy in barbie sneakers, you are in for a verrrrrry big lesson Jin said. Jimin nodded. Ok so yOu have nO rIghTs tO cAll mE moMmy, and next time you shall never run fro- Jin started barfing again, right into the garbage can. AGHHSHSHSHSHAHSHSHSHDH Jimin screamed and all the barf went straight into his mouth, and he swallowed it. AHH NOW I HAVE CURRY BREATHHHHH AHHH I THINK I HAVE A DISEASEEEEE Jimin screamed. All the members we're behind them and suddenly, Jin turned and saw them. AHHHAHSSHHHSHSHAHAHS CAUGHT U NOW Jin screamed as he ran towards them with his barf gun/mouth and got them all with them all stuck to the ground with his sticky curry breath while Jimin was still stuck in the garbage can with the sticky barf. Namjoon escaped and ran into the bathroom, washed himself quickly and sat on a toilet, trying to regain his fart/turd powers.

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