Ashley, It's Over

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I walk through the front doors of school thinking to myself, Okay Ashley. Today is a good day. Nothing will ruin this perfectly good day.

Boy, was I wrong. Slightly.

Let me just sum up the good part.

I went about my day with that mindset and had a wonderful school day even with bullies in my way. Okay, I wouldn't call Austin a bully, but he shoved my backpack in two different lockers to piss me off. My mentality did not change at all because I knew nothing could ruin my great day. After a twenty-minute conversation with my brother on the phone about my situation with Ben, Austin gave up trying to annoy me and he gave my backpack to Ben. And I went to dance practice.

Okay, my day over.

During practice, Jerod comes up to me, looking down and upset. "Ashley!" I walk up to him and ask him what the problem was. "I don't know, I've been feeling depressed recently and I don't know why."

I sigh and respond slightly sarcastically, "Me too, dude."

With a raised questioning eyebrow, "Why you sad?" I didn't say anything. I didn't want him to worry about me; he's the one who needs support. "Ashley, tell me." My mouth didn't peep. "Is it Ben?" Silence. "Ashley, are you sad because of Ben?" I slightly nod. "What happened?"

"Well, we started dating, right? But then two weeks passed and he asked for a break." I look at him; Jerod stares back with intensity in his eyes. "And the break has been seven weeks."

"Seven weeks? Seven weeks?! Ashley, that's not a break. It's over." Something that I was avoiding for the past three weeks finally hit me like a bulldozer. The reality finally hit me. I look down shyly and respond, "I know. I just never wanted to admit it." He looks deeply into my eyes with both hands on my arms grasping me tightly. "I'm sorry Ashley, but it's over."

That night, I cry myself to sleep.

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