27: Snapped

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2 days later..

May 28, 2021

8:16 p.m.


"Oh my fuck— bro are you serious right now?" Jasper pinched the bridge of his nose. "I took you out to dinner tonight to spend time with you. You starting this shít again. Really Mia?" He stared up at the top of the stairs where she stood.

"FUCK YOU! I saw the way you flirted with that bitch tonight smiling and laughing all in her face

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"FUCK YOU! I saw the way you flirted with that bitch tonight smiling and laughing all in her face." She told him as she stared down at him rubbing her stomach. "You really wanna play those type of games with me Jasper? Is that what the fuck you wanna do? Have you forgotten what I told you? If you EVER cheat on me agai—"

"Oh my God bro." He groaned throwing his head back knowing that he hadn't flirted with the waitress tonight. He was only ordering his food and answering the woman's questions about what he wanted with it. He didn't do the most or anything that would make Mia think he was flirting. She got upset if he even interacted with other women but he had to interact with the waitress tonight in order to get his meal. She'd thrown a drink on the waitress and threatened to whoop her ass before they were kicked out of the restaurant. The owner had threatened to call the police.

"Fuck you!" She took her shoe off and threw it downstairs at him and he dodged it. "Don't come up here. You can sleep downstairs." She said taking off the other shoe throwing it at him nearly hitting him in the face but he moved just in time."

"Do what ya want man." Jasper shrugged walking away.

"So you really just gonna walk away from me?!?!" She jogged down the stairs as he sat down in his favorite chair placing his arm behind his head tuning her out.

"So you really just gonna walk away from me?!?!" She jogged down the stairs as he sat down in his favorite chair placing his arm behind his head tuning her out

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"I'm talking to you!" She yelled standing over him yanking his hair. With a quickness Jasper jumped up tempted to knock her into the middle of next week.

"Yo I swear to God you trying me right now. Take ya ass upstairs and go to bed or something. You wildin' for nothing." He told her.

"I want you out." Her eyes watered as she stared at him with such hatred in her eyes.

After talking to his friends and his sister two days ago he'd called the hotel in Vegas yesterday and had managed to talk to the man who'd checked him into the hotel room Mia had been killed in. Surprisingly the man remembered him and had been hesitant to say anything because he knew seeing Jasper check out of the hotel that day that something was off. Jasper had learned that before the man that had killed Mia killed himself he'd made a video and sent it to the hotel. Only the front desk clerk and the manager had known about the video. While the clerk wanted to give it to the police the manager urged him not to because he didn't want people to stop checking into the hotel if they knew what room it was that a woman had been murdered in. He'd already started losing business when the murder made it to the news and he wasn't trying to lose anymore. The clerk didn't want to lose his job so he kept the video a secret. He'd only watched it once and had tucked it away. He didn't have a reason for keeping it but he didn't know what to do with it. Hearing from jasper made him glad he'd kept it because he hoped that it could help him.

"Get out? This my shit." Jasper looked her up and down as if she was crazy.

"I said I want you out!" She screamed shoving him. "GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT!" She continued pushing on him and he stumbled back clenching his jaw. All he could think about was his child so he didn't try to defend himself because he knew that it would come down to that.

"I'm not going nowhere!" He snapped. "If you so fucking unhappy then how about you move yo mental ass out MY shit. I'm not doing this another fucking day if it's gon' continue being like this. If you can't trust me then why you with me??" He frowned placing his hands on his chest. "Why THE FUCK you here?"

"I hate you!" She slapped him hard and before he knew it he back handed her listening to her gasp as her head flew back.

"I told you to keep ya fucking hands off me! Bitch you that psycho?!??!" He stepped toward her and she stepped back. Her chest heaved up and down as she made her way to the kitchen.

"Fine. Let's end it then." She said with him following behind her not liking the sound of what she'd said. Going into the kitchen drawer she grabbed the biggest butcher knife and turned around to face him.

"WHOA!" Jasper put his hands up as if he was trying to calm her down watching as she held the knife with two hands pointing it at her stomach.

"I'll just cut the fucking baby out how about that!!?? It's all you care about right? You don't care if it's dead or alive do you? Well I prefer DEAD!" She raised her hand with the knife in it and was about to stab herself when Jasper sprung into action grabbing her arm trying to wrestle the knife away from her.

"Let me go! LET ME GO! I HATE YOU!" She screamed. "You don't deserve this baby! All you think about is yourself and your whores!" She cried.

"Mia calm the fuck down!" He tossed the knife across the kitchen and held her in place by the shoulders.

"I said let me go!" She knees him in the balls and when he went down to the floor she rushed out of the kitchen grabbing the car keys off of the table rushing out of the house. By the time Jasper pulled himself to his feet and made his way out of the kitchen and out the front door he watched his car speed off down the street. She was driving like a bat out of hell. Not knowing where she was going he rushed back into the house and called Julian telling him to call everyone else and get them underneath his roof so he'd know they were all safe. She could've went to Dominique's house to harm her and his kids. She could've went to his parents house. She could've went to harm Jordyn. He was unsure of where she was headed but he needed to know his friends and family were safe.

Mia drove back to the restaurant where her and Jasper had had dinner. Enraged by the events of tonight and from built up anger from her past she'd completely snapped and she didn't care if she had to take it out on a stranger who'd been innocent in this all. She made her way into the restaurant looking around until she saw the waitress taking someone's order. Snatching a steak knife off of a customer's table in front of everyone and caught on the restaurant camera Mia confronted the woman stabbing her in the stomach and chest repeatedly as customer's screamed.

People rushed out of the restaurant in horror as Mia walked away as if nothing had happened covered in blood. She was fed up and if Jasper didn't want her then no one would have him. He had to die tonight and that was that. She headed to the car getting inside driving away from the scene as witnesses took down the license plate number.

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