13 - Sam

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Normal is a word that never goes with my name, but for those short few days, my life sure felt like it.

I spent the next night with my right hand pressed over my heart, with Steve's fingers intertwined in my own, feeling the pumping together. I cried, but only because the Tin Man found that it wasn't organs he needed, it was love, and he found it. 

Steve had Natasha drop off a few things from his apartment. Aside from basic hygiene items, he brought a few books, more food, a couple of changes of clothes, and a charger for his phone, which was almost dead. He made toast and eggs the next morning, and once we were done eating, we took turns taking showers.

Steve spent a lot of time reading, and even though I tried, it must not have been something I enjoyed. When I told Steve this, somewhat sheepishly, he laughed and agreed. We didn't watch any more movies. As a matter of fact, we didn't even turn on the TV at all. It wasn't worth it. Steve would read little snippets of his books out loud if I started feeling stressed, or he'd sketch in the margins of his notebook. It was nice, just having this time I'd never really had.

Sam stopped by three days later. He grabbed a beer from the fridge and immediately commented on how much he hated the color scheme T'Challa made to my new arm.

"The black and gold, it's horrible, but cat guy seems like the edgy type who'd make that." He flopped down on the couch, and I looked at my arm. I was thankful that I even had it at all. T'Challa had shipped it to Steve privately and it had arrived within a day, along with a spare vibranium shield after hearing about how Steve had abandoned his with Tony in Siberia. Of course that would be the first thing Sam would comment on.

"You're just jealous because he didn't send you any fancy new tech," I remarked.

"I got the suit back. Can you fly? I didn't think so."

"Sometimes I wish Cap here hadn't broken you out of that floating raft. You seemed to be doing just fine there."

Sam finished the rest of his beer and got up to put the bottle in the sink. "Listen, in all seriousness, I am glad you're okay. I saw what happened on the news. Whoever's after you, they're serious."

"That's what I was going to ask you about," Steve interjected. "Have you found any more leads?"

Sam shook his head. "Nothing. I've been monitoring dozens of secret agencies, including the not-so-secret Stark Industries. I don't think it's him, but nothing else had led anywhere yet, so he's still on the table."

"Alright, well, we'll keep looking." Steve sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. I could tell he was tired of looking, tired of running. I understood. "Anything new with anyone else? How about Wanda? How's she coping?"

"She bought a ticket and flew to Europe. Didn't want to be followed, so I let her go. I will check up on her every now and then, just to make sure she's okay. She seemed pretty rattled at first, but she looked fine right before she left."

"Smart. Scott and Clint are on house arrest now, right?"

"Yep. They're both back with their families. If they know what's good for them, they'll stay out of trouble for a few years, and we can all go back to our own lives."

They had this remarkably under control.

"Thank you, Sam. For everything."

"No problem, Cap. Oh my God, I almost forgot you were here," he said, gesturing to me.

"I'm not a tech genius like you. I didn't ask to be in that fight."

"I know, I know, I'm just messing with you. Anyway, stay safe, the both of you geezers." He stood up and smirked at me on his way out the door.

Steve put his head in his hands.

"Hey. You okay?" I asked after a second.

He looked back up at me, tired. "Yeah. I guess. There's just a lot going on right now."

"I get it." The house seemed unnaturally quiet without Sam's loud jokes and quips. I didn't know what to say to Steve for once. I forgot he had to deal with all this on top of my own constant mental breakdowns. The days we had were nice, but I didn't realize being cooped up here was causing him so much stress. "What do you say we go for a drive?"


"I don't know about you, but I'm getting real sick of toast for breakfast every day. You know any good restaurants near here?"

"Not really."

"I'm sure we'll find one. Come on, I'll put on a hoodie, you grab a jacket and, uh..." I smirked at him. "... a cap."

He rolled his eyes but smiled back at me. "That is both the funniest and worst pun I have ever heard. And sure, some lunch sounds good."

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