*+:。.。 FINAL NOTE 。.。:+*

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I started this story sometime in July. It was the first piece of fanfiction I had ever written, and a gay Marvel piece, no less. My family didn't approve. I was nervous about showing my writing skills off to thousands of anonymous viewers who would easily tear me apart in the comments section.

But I did it. I started writing, publishing, updating, editing. Nothing has motivated me as much as my readers have; this is the first completed writing piece I have ever done on my own accord. I got so many positive responses right from the beginning, and it just made me want to follow through. I got more people reading, I went up in the ranks, I found the link to my story on other social media pages. None of it would have happened if I hadn't gotten the kind of exposure and feedback from you guys. You are the lifeblood behind all of this, so this FINAL NOTE is a thank you! All of you! Even if you just found this story, even if you didn't like it, I thank you for reading!

It's going to be hard to part with this, but I've gotten the inspiration to start another fanfic. It's called True North and you can find it on my profile. It's stucky again, so since that seems like your thing if you've read this far, it's worth checking out!

Thank you so much!

~ Raven Beechwood

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