33 - Terror

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Steve fishes the key out of his pocket and dangles it in the air with a tiny grin. "I actually didn't lose it this time!"

I scoff, gesturing towards his apartment door. "Just unlock it, before somebody sees us and we start another media fire."

Steve chuckles a bit and pushes the door open, motioning me in extravagantly. "After you, sir."

"Ugh, what a gentleman." But I pace inside anyway, setting my backpack just inside the door. It hits the hardwood floor with a muffled thump, because it's got one change of clothes and about eight different weapons. It was Sam's credit card, and also, I had options, so I took them. What can I say? It was priceless, hearing him scream useless insults over the phone at me for buying more knives than I probably needed. Too late now.

"Home sweet home, huh?" He says, following behind me and carefully shutting the door.

"It feels just as awkward as the first time I came here, if I'm being honest." I kick my shoes off and stack them neatly by the door.

"It shouldn't, 'cause now we're dating and odds are, you're not just staying the night."

I spin to look at him, nearly losing my balance when I slide. "Okay, okay, wait. So it's official?"

"I thought it was official when I busted you acting gay, admitted I felt the same about you, and then promised you that, quote, we could be something more." He smirks, and I collapse into laughter.

"Fair point. That brings us to our second point; we're living together now?"

He gives me a look that says really? We were side by side for almost a month, in multiple living situations, and the one time we have stability, you question it?

"Fine, fine. It's not like I have anywhere else to go."

"Looks like you're stuck with me." We both know that's far from the truth; sure, we're rooming together as of ten seconds ago, but I wouldn't choose anybody else to live with. We exchange sarcastic nose scrunches and go about unpacking.

I glance up at him again. "Oh my God, we're like a married couple."


"Did you see what we just did? We have each other the exact same stupid look. That's such a married couple thing to do."

Steve laughs. "Not yet. I can't afford a ring for you right now."

"Two things wrong with that. One, I'd be buying the ring for you, and two, I'd swoon over a ring made of those colorful pipe cleaner craft things if you gave me one. I've lived my life with the bare minimum, and there is nothing you could give me that would compare with what you've done for me."

"That was oddly poetic and also makes me a bit competitive to get you something that impresses you."

I shove him a little, laughing back. "I'm being serious, but please, don't push yourself. I'm fine with this." I gesture around at the small apartment that's already starting to feel a bit like home.

I eye the window that was broken when we were first here. It looks brand new, not even any smudge marks on it. I figure Steve had it replaced in time for us to come back here. I'll have to thank him for that, but for now, I'm planning the best spots to hide a few of my weapons around the apartment. I'll do a knife in the bedroom, a Glock under the table... no, wait. A Glock in the bedroom, I'll use one of the kitchen knives and put that under the table, then I'll be able to keep a knife on me. Do I need one in the bathroom? Probably not, but maybe I should. It'd be an awkward fight, that's for sure.

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