50 - Redemption

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Warning: there is a brief mention of rape and a bit of catcalling that happens in this chapter. If this is a trigger for you, please skip this chapter.

"Steve! Holy shit, what happened to you?"

I rush over to him, and he coughs weakly. Blood drips from his nose and his lips, staining his jeans as he tries to sit. I give him a quick once over, deciding nothing is broken, before finally cupping his chin with my hands and checking his face.

"He was teasing Mary Rickle," he pants, spitting blood to the ground. So it was Warner, then, who beat him up. I told him not to get involved with that! Mary's family is real poor and she comes to school wearing the same dress she wore for the past week, and Warner's been harassing her for nearly a month. Steve gets this angry chihuahua look on his face whenever he sees Warner bullying her, and I told him not to fight because Warner's a foot taller than he is, but as soon as I turn my head...

"I told you not to fight him." I dig in my pockets for a handkerchief and dab at his face, but the blood keeps coming. "He's way bigger than you. You're lucky I found you before he broke one of your bones."

"But Mary..."

"I don't care about Mary, okay? She's a great person but you keep getting hurt because you defend her. Warner doesn't do much other than steal her lunch money every few days. But look at you! God, you won't stop bleeding." I pressed the handkerchief against his nose and he hissed in pain. He holds it in place and I stand up, running my hands through my hair, anxiety coursing through my veins.

"I'm sorry, but you know I had to do something..."

"I can't do this. I can't do this." I screwed my eyes shut. It's been a hell of a day, and this was just the final straw. Steve can't stay out of fights for the life of him. Just once, I wish he could turn around and go home, but it always ended with bloody knuckles and his frail figure collapsed on the sidewalk.

"Keep the handkerchief." It's all too much and I start to walk away, hands still in my hair, trying to breathe through my nose. I can't stand this. It tears me apart to see Steve and broken and bruised on his own accord. He's never won a fight in his life, and yet in launches into everything with the same vigor. I just... I don't know what to do.

I need a break.

"Hey, umm... Mr. Barnes?"

My eyes shoot open and I scramble to a sitting position. There's a nice woman with short blonde hair smiling at me, but there's nervousness in her eyes. She gives me a small wave, but I'm terrified and take the pocketknife out of my jacket slowly.

She notices. I don't care. Her eyes flick back up to mine, and she takes a deep breath before continuing. "My name's Ms. Morrison. I represent the NYU Langone Hospital."

"No, you don't." I tuck a knee under myself and push to standing, remembering where I am and how I abandoned the rest of my weapons with Steve yesterday. I'd love a gun. Even though I don't trust this woman, I listen to her. I don't want to cause a scene here.

She cocks her head. "I do. I'm not with Hydra, if that's what you're wondering." She slips her hand in her pocket and my arm shoots out, gripping her wrist. Her eyes widen in surprise and with the slightest flick of her fingers, she draws out a small identification card. I drop her wrist. I should apologize, but I don't. It's a force of habit.

She holds it out for me to read and my eyes scan it. Elizabeth Morrison. Next to her name is a small photo of her grinning wide, and under that is the name of the hospital.

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