Chapter 3

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I'm doing a time skip to where you wake up in SIDS house because here...
Once arriving to pizza plant we got in but something happened i dont know what it was.
I remember running into a venders game then soon everything got blurry and I slipped into a deep sleep.
Waking up in a clear area I was in Ellie's room.
"She's a girls toy who needs to be thrown away. And forgotten" I heard Woody say to me. "Woody?" Then Buzz appears "she's not a toy she's garbage." What's happening? Feeling such different emotions seeing all my friends coming up and hurting me with their words. "Yes mom I'll throw her away and I forget it." I saw Ellie picking me up. "Ellie dont!" I cried "woody!" I called for help. "BUZZ! WOODY!" I cried as they turn around and walk away. "Guys!" "Andy! Ellie!" Dropped into the trash.
"Y/n! Are you okay?" Hearing a familiar voice call for me as I flutter my eyes open to see a worry expression on Woody and Buzz who are hovering over me.
I shot up in terror. "Ellie?! Andy?! Where are we?!" I stood up walking away from Buzz and Woody. "Oh no.." Woody mumbled "you don't hate do you?!" I kept walking till I fell backwards. "Y/n!" They both called out.
"Don't touch a horrible toy like me!" I cried as Woody jumped down and hugged me. "Shh it's okay I don't hate you or doesn't Ellie, Andy, and Buzz." He comfort me as I tried so hard to calm down. "Promise?" He rubs my back while comforting me. "I promise." He whispered.
He helped me up as Buzz looked at me worried. "I'm okay Buzz just had a bad dream." He nods and goes back to whatever he's doing.
"So where are we?" "Were in Sids room." Woody said with worry. "We have to get out of here ASAP!" I nodded with agreement, as he tried the door but it's locked. "Any ideas Buzz?" He shakes his head as I saw a toy with their head off. "AH!" I jump back in fear "what happened to them?!" I cried!
"Sid is what happened.." "I don't want to end up like that..." he pats my back as I backed away.

While this night was a fail tomorrow will be much better I hope...

"You will talk...." Sid said very determined as he aimed a glass to Woodys forehead. Here I am on floor getting see of it all.

"Sid your pop tart is ready!!" I believe that's his mom because he rushed out quickly.
"Ahh!" Woody ran and dunk his head into a bowl. "Are you alright?" "Are you okay Sheriff anyone would've talked under such torture" Buzz congratulated Woody.
"I'm fine and I hope this isn't permanent." He rubs his forehead. "I'm sure it isn't..." I reassured but I'm uncertain if it will or not.

"The doors open!!" Woody yelled as we tried to run out but the group of toys stopped us. "Move were trying to get out of here please" I asked as Woody grabbed my hand "they will eat us!" He grabbed buzz and forced his chop action.

"Woody, Buzz what are you talking about?!" I questioned as Woody dragged me downstairs but stopped by Scud. "Forgot about him." I whispered.

"Back away slowly..." Woody whispered as I did what told me.
We followed Buzz around the corner when Woodys pull string goes off. "Woody...." I looked back and saw Scud getting up.

"Move!" Buzz said we Woody into one room and I followed Buzz.

"We Wait here for a little bit till it's clear." He told me and I agreed with him. When a familiar commercial comes on. "Star commend!" He cheered as he ran around the chair to see a television.

I believe buzz finally realizes what he is now...I feel bad for him.
"Buzz you may not be the 'Buzz Lightyear' but your our Buzz and Andy's Buzz which is much more special then a space ranger." I comforted the best I could. "Thank you Deputy that's means a lot then you think." "Just call me Y/n" He nods as we walked out of room and Buzz looked out the window.

He climbed up and flash his wings out "Buzz don't..." I whimpered. "Damnit.." I ran downstairs as he jumped. "Damn what can I do!?" Without thinking this through he crashed to the ground. His arm breaking off. "Buzz...." then Sids sister came in and I went limp for her to pass.

"And enjoy the tea? Ms. Cheery."
She nods my head as Buzz or Mrs. Nesbit is drunk with tea.

"Coming mom!!" The girl left as Buzz is taken by drunken depression oh my how real that feel right now with my love life.

"Y/n! Buzz! I'm glad your okay!" Woody cheered as I stood up and took off the apron. "Why yes but Buzz is drunk with tea." I explained as Woody looked over at Buzz who blubbering about not being a Space ranger.

"Well Buzz we think that's enough tea." Woody said as I took the away and took Buzz's arm off the tea pot. "You are the hate! Huh I'm Mrs. Nesbitt!" He yelled "gosh couple trying to stop me." Point to Woody and I as a couple? Buzz why...? I didn't even tell you!!
(Calm down...he drunk...I'm sure Woody has no idea...)
"Snap out of Buzz." Woody opened his helm and smacked him then closed it. "Your right...I apologize my depression got the best of me.." he said sadly.
Then he collapsed on his knees. "But I can't even make it out of a window!" He claimed as I sighed. "Shh Buzz." I said as light turned on for Woody. "The window! Your right Buzz!" "Shh woody." I shushed him as he dragged Buzz and I.

As Woody tossed little things of metal at the window to get our friends attention. "Who's doing that!!" Yelled Rex as Woody tried to persuade them and he threw the light.

"Y/n! Buzz get up here!" Woody yelled as I climbed up there and everyone seemed so happy to see me alive and well.
"See she's okay! And Buzz must be as well." "Yes so let them cross." Slinky said.

"Has everyone been taking stupid pills! Woody tried to murder Buzz and Y/n! And Y/n will do anything Woody says she's a slave for Woody!"
Mr. Potato head yelled "Buzz is here!" I said as he didn't seem believe me...this is when I started to feel useless...a toy that should be in the trash.

Woody tried to use Buzz arm but we scared them and they left even Slinky...

"We can still try Y/n! Come on!" I shook my head and against the window quite sadly... "Ellie will never see me again I'll just be in the trash...our friends think so..."
I said sadly.

Woody his himself under the crate as Sid bust into his room and placed a box on the work table. "It finally came!" He cheered with happiness and mischief. "A big one and it came with a little one?" He questioned "keep out of reach of children'" He unpackaged it as he looked for woody but decided on Buzz. "And the little one will go the cowgirl...where is she ah there she is!" He picked me up and taped smaller rocket on me.
Then the thunder storm began. "No! Ugh fine then tomorrow with it being sunny." He said as he winded up a clock.

Sid fail fast asleep after that but now my fate is tiny little bits of me.

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