Chapter 4

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Your POV
Waking up to woody tosses some things at Buzz and I "guys come on!" He said as Woody tried to encourage us.

"Come on Y/n Your not Ellie's you anymore your Andy's toy and he needs you. And Ellie wants to see you again I'm sure at the end of this we all get to see her and Andy!" Woody tried but I didn't listen.

"Buzz! Come on your such a good toy to Andy and your his favorite thats quite obvious...but you have better things then I do not some pull string..." Woody mumbled the last part.

Woody slumped down but I took a breath and stood myself up. He's right I'm not Ellie's toy anymore I'm Andy's you now and he needs me!
Buzz stood and tried to help Woody out of the crate but over did it. "Oh dear.." I said as the toolbox fail on Woody. "Are you okay Cowboy?" He gets out of the mess and nods.
Buzz hopped down and then the monster toys swarmed him. "No don't! He's not food!" Woody cried as his arm was fixed... "buzz! Your arm is fixed!" He looks at it amazed. The timer goes off and Sid wakes up.

Going back to my original position and watched as Sid grabbed Buzz and I.

I hope you can save us Cowboy.

Sid getting his launch pad ready. I saw Woody. "Woody?" "Don't worry I got this!" Then he fail limp.
Woody?! What's your plan?!

"Huh how'd you get out here?" Sid said as picked him. "Well you'll be the cook out." Placing a match in his holster.

Sid was about to light my rocket till Woody said something but in his voice box?

"This thing is busted!" Sid said "who are you calling Busted buster!" Woody said as Sid looked at him confused.
Then toys came out of nowhere...dear stuck into the poor boy. "So play nice" Sid screamed and ran into house calling for his mom.
"We did it!! Hah!" We all cheered as we heard the Andy.

"Let's move cowboy." We all ran towards the fence and ran through the crack but I got stuck and did Buzz. My rocket broke off and with a relief sigh. "Go Woody we'll catch up" as I tried to help Buzz out.

Woody pushed me aside and got out Buzz out. Then we ran after the Van but it got to far.

"No!" I cried as Woody did the same. "Buzz! Y/n! Duck!" Woody said as the moving truck drove passed us.
"Woody! Buzz! Go! That's our ticket home!" We all sprinted for it but I got a little behind.

Buzz and Woody made it on as I tried my hardest to make it.
"Come on!" I going till finally I grasped on but a furry dog decided to make it harder! "Let go!" I tried to kick the dog but he kept tugging "stupid dog! I love dogs but I hate you!" I shouted till Buzz jump on the dog but my grip wasn't strong enough and I pulled with Buzz and Scud.

Buzz pulled me under the car "oh no this is where we die! It's over..." I slumped. "Not so fast" he said patting my back.
Hearing a tiny car heading our way. "RC!" We cheered! We hop on RC and off the car went.

Making a car crash, stopping a dog from catching us was amazing wow so much! And also caught a Woody. "Cowboy your hat." I placed his hat on his head. "Why thanks my Deputy! Now to the truck!" We sped up and tried as fast as we could. Slinky came into view as we tried to reach for me "hold on Y/n!" He told me as I held on to his paws. "I am!" But RC slowed down. "Speed up Woody!" "I'm trying!" He said. "Hold on Slinky!" He was trying but his spring was losing his spring.
"Slinky!" He slipped my grasp and flew back.
RC came to a stop He was very tired.
"No..." I whispered.
So close but so far now...
"Got this rocket on my back..." Buzz suggested as he hopped off and then light match but a car passed by and blew it out. " agh no!" He cried. "Buzz!" He readjust Buzz as he lit the fuse. "Doesn't rockets explode?" I questioned then bam! Like a roller coaster.
"I can't hold on?!" I held on to RC and Woody held on to my waist. (Don't question it? Had no other way to word that...)
We started going up and I dropped RC into the moving truck and we up high. "Well this is part we explode" Woody said. "Not today Cowboy." Buzz said as he opened his wings and ditched the rocket.
Closing my eyes in fear to see that we flying!
"Your flying Buzz!" Woody cheered. "This isn't flying...this is falling with style." He smirked.
"To infinity and beyond!" Woody cheered as I put my arms out to feel the wind.
We soon passed the moving truck "Buzz we missed the truck!" I said. "We're not aiming for the truck." Buzz told me.
Then we all fell in the van. "Mom! I found them!" Andy cheered as we hugged us up. Woody and Buzz winked at each other. As I was in the middle of these two idiots.

We then moved into our new home.
"You gotta get him under mistletoe!" Slinky said as I disagree. "I'll help you." Bo came out of no where. "Bo I thought you no! Woody likes you not me..." "oh please!" She pushed me by the book shelf and her sheep held mistletoe. "Bo!" She then pushed Woody under it.
"Hah hey Woody." "Y/n? What's going on?" "I have no idea...." smooth Y/n. The sheep chimed in. As Woody looked up. "Hey that's mistletoe...hmm oh I get it now!" He grabs me and dips me down (wow didn't expect that did ya!) and placed a gentle kiss on my lips along on my cheek. "Merry Christmas Partner." He lifted me back to my feet and I placed a kiss on his cheek. The. Walked off.
Holy...didn't expect that out of Woody. "Nice going!" Bo cheered! "I thought you liked Woody Bo?" She shook her head. "I do but you like him too also you are more likely to stick with him much longer then I do." She said walking off with her Sheep.

Slinky came up to as I gave him high five. "I knew you had in ya!"
Who knew...
Merry Christmas to me. Best Christmas ever.

"It's a puppy!" Oh brother...maybe not the best.

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