Chapter 5

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"alright to for camp I'm taking Ellie's Doll I haven't taken you anywhere lately plus Ellie May want to see you on the way there!" Andy spoke happily lifting up Y/n with a big smile on his face.
"Leaving in a few minutes!"
Andy played with Y/n, Woody, and Buzz till Y/n teared her arm.... "mom Y/n's teared! Ellie is gonna be upset" "we'll fix her when you get back okay?" He nods sadly and grab his things and left the toys on the floor as Andy's mother shelved Y/n.
Your POV
Looking down and seeing a worried Woody and Buzz.
"Are you alright?" They all asked. "Sure..." I pulled my legs up and cuddle up and tried to sleep.
Woodys pov
Checked on Y/n but she didn't want to talk at all. Poor girl I hope she feels better.
Leaving her be but then Andy's mother came in as we all went back out places before she came in.

Took some books, board games and broken toys for the sale downstairs. But also took Weezy as I saw Y/n gesture me to come to her as Andy's mom left.

"Catch me!" She yelled as she just hopped down.
I caught but gosh that was unexpected I wasn't ready. "How about 3,2,1?" "Nope!" She hopped out of grasp and called Buster.

"What are you doing?!" She didn't even answer just ran downstairs. "Where's she going?!" Everyone yelled and looked at me. "well i dont know!" I climbed up the desk and looked out the window.

"She's going to sell herself?!" "For 25 cents?!" Hamm shouted, but dear your worth so much more.

It was a "it's rescue!" Slinky yelled as she got Weezy jammed into Busters collar. "Atta girl!" We cheered! But she fell off. "No no no..." I mumbled.
A little girl picked her up but the mother placed her down on the table. "I hope she doesn't get sold!" Rex worried.
"I hope so too but Andy's mother will keep it from happening." I reassured everyone.
A fat man picked up Her figure and fan girl? Odd man.
"No you can't have her..." I mumbled as he went over to Andy's mom.
She took Y/n and placed her in locked safe. "Hah! Way to go for Andy's mom!" We all cheered know that Y/n will be safe!
"Uh guys?" Slinky said as we looked over to only see him breaking into the safe and grabbing her. "No!" Buzz jumped out the window and tried to go after her.

He soon returned with a feather...
I'm coming just hold on.

Your POV
Kidnapped?! I have been kidnapped?! No wait I'm toy-napped?!
Help! Buzz! Woody! Anyone help me back!
I cried as the bag was picked up.
"Where are we going?" I whispered in terror.

He placed me in a glass case. As he left I jumped out the case and went straight for the vent.

"Gotta get home! ASAP!" I calmed myself. Till a horse lifted me up and ran around the room.
"Ahhh Stop! Slow down!" I cried as I grabbed the rains and pulled the horse back but launching myself forward.

"Oww..." "Yee ha!!" I tried to scoot away but she picked me up happily "it's you! It's you! It's really you!" She knocked off my hat and rubbed my head. What's me?!" I questioned as she pushed me away and pulled my string, pulled me close placed her head at my chest....I felt so uncomfortable. "Try me!" My voice box said. "Ah it is you!" "Please stop saying that!" I begged.

"Prospector said you'd come some day!" She cheered and pushed me into a familiar pattern attire "Woody?" I questioned as he hugged me tightly.
"I'm glad your here..." he said but this wasn't my Woody...
"Your not my Woody..." I mumbled as he placed his forehead against mine.
As before uncomfortable then the this box came out.
"It's a box..." I said "turn the box around Bullseye." A old voice said as the so called Prospector showed themself.
I pushed Woody 2 away from me and backed away. "So glad your here Y/n."
"Look I just wan- wait how'd you know my name!?" I questioned!
"Well everyone knows your name YYYY/LLLL" she stressed my name out. "Why dear you don't know who you are?" Woody 2 said as I shook my head.
"Bullseyes!" He called and Bullseye ran to the light and turned it up.

This lit up a desk filled with our faces? Woody, mine, The girl, Bullseye, and the Prospector. "Jessie the TV." Prospector said.

She left and snapped on the TV.

"Woodys roundup!" The Tv chimed and it got my attention.
"Woodys Trusted girl, his Deputy Y/n herself" I was in it too? Questions became bigger?
Why didn't I know sooner?

After a few episodes Jessie ended it. "Hey wait what happened to everyone! Woody and I was about to make it!" I whined. "That's it. The show was canceled." "No way!" I tried to climb the desk but Bullseye helped me up.
And Woody 2 hopped behind me. "Space toys!" He said loudly.
"But look we were on a Yo-yo" Woody 2 pointed out. "Soo cool!" "And your very cute." He flirted but I uncomfortably shrugged it off.
He and Bullseye went to a record player and danced on it. I laughed because what such dorks.
"Come on cowgirl!" He lifted me up and I danced on the record player.
"Now to Tokyo!!" Prospector said. "That's in Japan!" Jessie cheered "what?!" I stopped and Woody and Bullseye fell off the record player. "I can't go to Japan! I have to get back to my kid!" I lifted up my maroon boot to show Andy's name.
"No I don't want to do storage! I can't go back to dark!" Jessie said terror filled her obviously. "What's happening?" I asked. "Well we been in storage for some quite while. Waiting for you." "Why me?" "Well the place we're going to which is a museum, isn't interested unless your in it. The complete set."
This hit hard...they'll all suffer.
"This isn't fair! Because of your stupid kid!" I was taken aback with the outburst. "Well I ain't going to any museum!" I said firmly.
With that Al came and we all went out spots.
Woody please hurry...

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