Chapter 6

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Your POV
After Al went to sleep I snuck out of my glass case and tried to get my arm which is long story...he broke my darn arm off! Ugh!
I snuck over and Bullseye helped me out and I was so close till 'click'
Didn't see that coming. I went limp and back to where I started at first "great!!!" I moaned.
"You did it didn't you!" I yelled at Jessie but she shook her head. "Sure you didnt‼︎" I got out of my case and yelled because the anger I felt was unbearable.
"If the boot fits..." I said as she fixed her hat "say it again cowgirl!" "If the boooot fiiitttssss" I stressed out my sentence.
She tackled me as I pushed her off and restrained her but ugh darn arm! She overpower and restrained me. "Off my girlfriend!" "Calm down Jessie!" Woody 2 and Pete said. "I'm not your girlfriend.." I stood up. "If I had my arm!" "Well you don't you'll have to wait till tomorrow for it to be fixed." I balled up me fist but took a deep breath.
"After that I'm out back to my Andy." "Andy, Andy, Andy that that's all you ever talk about." I looked at Bullseye who seemed so sad. "I'm sorry..."
After my fix up
I looked band new like wow! I looked good!
"Well now you can go!" Jessie said but...I felt bad since I brought up a kid she's been bitter with me.

I walked up next to her and asked "so what happened to you, you seem like you had a kid." She sighs and told me the whole I gotta stay.

"Y/n!!" I turned to see Woody 2 and Bullseye. "Well your gonna go aren't you?" "Yeah about that...imma stay don't wanna split up the gang!" I cheered.
"Yes yes yes!" Woody 2 ran up to me and crushed me in a hug.
"Let me go please." "Hah Sorry" he placed me down gently.
Till I was pulled back. "Stay back this is my Y/n!" I looked up to see Woody my Woody! "WOODY!" I turned around and crushed him in a hug. "I'm so glad your here wait! Come here!" I yanked and showed him that we were famous!.

"Look at this!" I cheered in glee.
"Come on Y/n Andy is coming home soon." I stopped and looked at my other friends. "I-I-I can't they need me to go to Japan..." he looked at me in disbelief. "But we came out here to get you! I mean! I came all the way here for you!" I shook my head "it was a waste because I'm not going anywhere besides Japan." "Yeah so my girlfriend alone." Woody 2 grabbed my arm as did My Woody. "She's mine" Woody 2 said coldly. "I'm no ones quit it." "Can't believe she loves you" he spat.
"Guys please...." "come on guys." "What about Y/n?" "She's not going?" "What?!"
With that they shut the vent and left...
"You got a friend in me"
I turned to the Vent and ran over to Jessie and Bullseye. "Come with me! We can have Andy and Andy will hold on to ya forever and ever!" I begged and they agreed as I ran to Vent. "Woody! Buzz!" I tried to open it. "I'm coming home! WOODY! Buzz!" "Hey their coming!" I heard Woody. Till someone grabbed me. "Hey! Let me go! Woody! Buzz! Help me! Hurry!!" I cried till my mouth was covered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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