Chapter 2.: Setting Things Up

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Edited - 3/13/21

Izuku's POV

Dragging my bags into the room was quite a hassle. I had most of my belongings in them and I didn't dare want to forget anything.

The first thing I did was take my charger out of my backpack and plugged it into the wall with my phone at the end of it.

There wasn't much on Kaminari's side of the room. Just a laptop that rested on the desk, a pair of headphones, a pack of Sunny D, and what looked to be an expensive watch.

Even I couldn't afford such a thing! How the hell could he afford an expensive all gold watch...the inside seemed to be studded with diamonds nonetheless.

I shook my head and put my clothes into my dresser and brushed it off. About an hour later and the only thing I could think about was the watch he had. Could it be that his family was rich? He also had an expensive-looking laptop too, one that had just come out! I was stuck with a plain one that I had for about four years.

I wonder if he had a good-paying job.

It wasn't long till the doorknob twisted and soon Kaminari walked through with a bag that seemed to be filled with clothes.

"Did you go shopping?" I asked folding one last shirt before closing my dresser drawer.

"You could say that." He laughed and dropped the bag on the floor and plopping onto the bed.

Either I'm hallucinating or he just really dropped a Gucci bag on the floor.

"So what classes are you taking?"

I didn't notice that he had asked a question, snapping out of it I stuttered out and I could feel my face heat up.

"O-Oh, I'm wanting to major in Language Arts."

"Ah! I'm sticking to just regular classes, nothing in particular. Just wanting to experience college life you know?"

"Like...parties and girls...?"

As he took a drink of his Sunny D I could tell he choked and began coughing.

Was it something I said?

"Um I don't know the proper way to say this, but I'm gay." He laughed and I became red.

"Oh! I'm sorry..."

"Nah man don't be! It was bound to happen sooner or later."

I nodded and we sat in uncomfortable silence.

"Don't worry, s'not like I'm going to hit on you or anything. I already have "someone"."

Kaminari made air quotes around the word 'someone'. I tilted my head, confused about why he did so.

Was he in a complicated relationship? This whole situation had gotten so weird ever since I saw the things he has received. Such as the laptop, watch, and now walking in the room with a Gucci bag filled with expensive clothing.

"Oh! I'll talk about that later, but would you mind going out with me? I know I just got back, but I think it would be fun if we went around and looked at places."

"Ya! I think that would be nice." I smiled at him.

"I'll be waiting at the end of the hall, don't leave me waiting for too long."

Kaminari laughed and joked around with me. We grew fond of each other quickly even though we had just basically met, but it felt nice.

After I changed from my basketball shorts and a plain tee. I decided to wear pants and another plain shirt. I didn't want to get all dressed up since we weren't going anywhere fancy.

I walked out the dorm door and at the end of the hall, I saw Kaminari talking to Todoroki. Soon both their eyes were on me and I smiled at them.

I just met Shoto earlier ago. I didn't expect to see him again.

"Hey! Izuku, is it okay if Shoto tags along with us?"

"I don't see why not."

I smiled at Todoroki and he gave a small one in return. I didn't talk to Todoroki that long since I had so many bags in my hands (and deliberately hit him with one of them).

"So where are we going?"

"I was thinking that we go shopping, Midoriya you need some new clothes."

"You don't have t-"

Before I could finish Kaminari pulled out a credit card.

"Don't worry I have my Daddy's credit card."

"Well, that was nice of him to let you barrow it while you are in college!"

I was surprised by this but all he did was smirk and I could tell a small blush painted across Todoroki's cheeks.


"Yeah haha, it is nice of him."

Kaminari just slid the credit card back into his pant pocket. Like I've been doing I brushed it off.

I hope all this weird stuff stops. It's making me feel uncomfortable. I kept behind the two boys and stayed a distance.

The college was kinda big. There were restaurants nearby and we kept following a sidewalk that leads us to a mall.

Maybe I could find a job in the mall. It wouldn't be that bad, would it? Be a cashier, better than working at a fast-food place.

It was time to grow up. Once I get my classes in order and settled down that would be the next step, but I still thought about how I'm going to pay for books and such. The supplies I need are very expensive, especially the books. Sooner or later I'm going to have to buy a new laptop...


Kaminari screamed out my name and I jolted my head up, blushing.

"Dude, you need to chill. If you need help paying for some stuff don't be shy to ask. College can be an expensive man."

"As much as I would like to consider it...I just don't think I could."

"Or you could result in other options."

I furrowed my eyebrows and Todoroki has a look on his face that was telling him to stay quiet.

"If your talking about me becoming a stripper I'm fine."

Kaminari just busted out laughing, spitting some in the process.

"Don't pay attention to him right now."

I laughed as Todoroki rolled his eyes at Kaminari.

If only I knew what went through that boy's head...


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