Chapter 17.: Alcohol & A Mistake

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Edited - 3/13/21

3rd Person POV

It was the day of the party, both boys were getting ready, Kaminari hogging up the bathroom trying to fix his hair.

Izuku sighed, feeling anxious about the whole thing. This was his first college party...most of the time they don't end very well.

"Izu? Is something on your mind? You look like your out of it. Or did Katsuki fuck you too hard the night before?"

"How did you-"

Izuku was about to let it slip, but it didn't take long for Kami to notice.

"HOLY SHIT! You're kidding right?! Y'all did the dirty! You little whore!"

Kami started giggling madly and nearly fell to the floor.

"I am not a whore...!"

"You fucked the richest man in the city Izu! You tell me if that's not being a whore."

Kami was just teasing by this point and it made poor little Izuku flustered.

"I bet he has a big dick, not going to lie, he gives off that energy."

It was then that Izuku got the courage to talk about Kirishima.

"Oh ya? Well, what about Kiri?"

"What about him?"

Kami wiped a tear that rolled down his face from laughing so hard.

"Y'all did the dirty too!"

"Izu, many times."

This made Izuku frustrated now. He wanted to get back at Kami, but he couldn't make quite a better insult than the blonde boy.

"Hurry up, we still have to go get Shoto."

"Oh! You mean you're "friend"."

"Why did you have to add quotation marks?"

"You two are pretty close, let's just say at the end of this you'll be in the same bed as him by morning."

And with that Kaminari shut the bathroom door once more and didn't come out for another 30 minutes.

Loud music and cheap booze were the only things that could be noticed at this party.

Kaminari was the only non-nervous one there.

"Kami, are you sure about this...?"

"Izu, before you were all hyped to come to this party, now you want to leave? Go to the kitchen, grab a drink and go crazy because there is never going to be another night like this one!"

Izuku looked at Shoto and all he did was shrug his shoulders. Before Izuku could say another word Kaminari had already left to associate with the other people.

"I guess it's just us, let's take a look around."

"After you." Shoto made a gesture wanting Izuku to walk before him.

The two boys made their way into the kitchen, everyone there was highly intoxicated.

Girls stumbling everywhere wasn't pleasant, but it was entertaining to see.

"What is this stuff?"

Izuku gave a red solo cup to Todoroki and they both smelled it before making a disgusted face afterward.

"You go first."

Izuku looked at the other boy as he took a small sip from the unknown liquid.

It had to be the liquor of course,  but what came next surprised Izuku.

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