Chapter 12.: Spill The Tea

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Edited - 3/13/21

Todoroki's POV

"Have you seen Izuku around lately?"

I asked Iida, my roommate who constantly rests at his desk 24/7.

"In class? Yeah he goes with you to your classes, does he not?"

"Not that Iida,"

I laid back on my twin sized bed, looking up at the popcorn ceiling.

"I mean like...I don't know, walking around?"

"Isn't that stalkerish?"

"I'm not a stalker. I'm just worried."


With what I said made Iida turn around and lift up an eyebrow.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Shoto Todoroki, the principles son?"

I turned to look at him now, interested with what was going to come out of his mouth next.

"Um, what about me?"

"Tsk tsk, seems to me you got diagnosed with, oh what do they call it? A crush?"

"You're kidding right?"

I was beyond annoyed at this point. Iida was being crazy! How can I have a crush on a boy I just met...that I also have become very close to...and basically let him highlight every paragraph in my Language Arts textbook.

"Call it whatever you want Shoto. Now if you will excuse me, I have to get back to this math problem."

"Yeah, you do that Iida. Imma go for a walk."

"By walk do you mean try and look for Izuku?"

"Definitely not."

Before I shut the door to our dorm I could hear Iida laugh at me. He might not seem the playful type, but trust me, when he's not being a dad he can be funny.

As I walked down the hall it was quiet. I mean it was morning and everyone was sleeping. Whether it be from partying too hard and coping with a hangover or just non-morning people.

When I reached Izuku's dorm, outside the door rested bags. Like bags as if they were for someone's birthday.

Was it Izuku's birthday?

I questioned myself. Whatever was in those bags seemed to be quite large due to the bag sizes.

I was better off just forgetting about it and not question Izuku when we were face to face.

That was until we magically bumped into each other and the green haired boy basically fell into my arms.

He wore clothing that he wouldn't normally A black plain black shirt with black and red basket ball shorts.

Izuku isn't the type to wear black. He usually dresses in brighter clothing, plus he was coming in the opposite direction and not from his dorm room.

Our faces were inches away from each other, how clique I know. Isn't this the part where the two people fall for each other and share a bonding moment?

It was nothing like that. Basically Izuku quickly broke from my arms and became very flustered.

"Are you okay, Izuku?"

"O-Oh! Yeah...yeah! I'm fine, why wouldn't I be!"

"Just curious. Also what are you doing out so early? Usually I wouldn't suspect you to sleep in."

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