Chapter 11.: The Day After

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I noticed that we reached 1k reads and Ummm I'm lost for words 😂 I mean idek who's all reading this, I just want to thank you all for still reading if you have stayed.

I have so many ideas that I have been thinking about for later in the fanfic, so hope everyone who is reading now and stayed with me stays until the end.

I don't want to keep talking, but I just want to give a shoutout to:


I saw that you had spam voted like several chapters and I saw this before I went to school and it made my day 😂💕

Anyways on with the chapter!

Izuku's POV

When I woke up I wasn't in my regular clothes nor was I in my dorm bed. I sat up quickly causing my head to spin a bit.

Soon I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and low groans.

"Kacc-Daddy, what are you doing?"


His voice was deep and raspy and I could have sworn I could melt.

Silky sheets wrapped around my body and I wanted to fall back asleep, but I just couldn't. In reality, I needed to get back to the dorms.

"I can't...I have to get back to the dorms."

Soon my phone started to vibrate out of nowhere. It was my mom. I haven't talked to her since moving into my dorm and there was so much to talk to her about.

"Who is it?"

My phone rested on the nightstand closest to me. It moved with every vibration.

"My mom. I can't answer it!"

"Then don't?"

Kacchan laid on his back now, rubbing his eyes.

"I'll call her back later."

Soon the vibrations stopped, indicating that the call went to voicemail. I knew she was going to be suspicious and I  couldn't blame her, nor am I going to ever hear the end of it.

"Good. Remind me to call Camie."

"ooo, who's Camie?"

I giggled at him and a grunt escaped his lips. He looked disgusted really.

"My whore of a secretary. Unfortunately, she's going to be getting the laptop and textbook. I called her last night. They should be there when you get back."

"You didn't have to."


Kacchan turned his head, looking at me and his red eyes seemed to pierce through mine.

I could never tell what was going through his mind, unfortunately. I wanted to get into depth with him and get to know him fully. Everything about this man excited me in more ways than one.

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