Police station

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As the pro hero's walked the 3 villains down town Deku saw Toga and Twice sadly watch the 3 strongest members of the league get taken away "I hope you know what your doing Shigaraki giving in so easily to surrender like that it isn't like you..." While Deku try's to make sense of the young leader's method Dabi on the other hand is watching the blue haired angel of death as the moon light makes the blood thirsty crimson red eyes shimmer. no one in the league seems to have really noticed the crush the flaming villain has developed for the itchy leader he'd do anything to protect Shigaraki from harm. Even if it means going head to head against all might, stain or even all for one.

"We're here" the sleepy hero stated as they walk inside it was quite cold with some people in cuffs being dragged away into cells and others being brought in for questioning which is what's about to happen for the 3 villains

After about 10 minutes the police lend the pros into a interrogation room where Deku was laying on the table and Dabi was making small shapes out of the blue flames sitting on the ground leaning against the wall while Shigaraki was laying against Dabi right under Deku scratching his neck, "Raki" deku said trying to get the spaced out leader to stop clawing his own skin " Only Dabi can call me that Deku..." Deku laughed "oh sorry I forgot only he's allowed make up a pet name for you because he's your future husband" blush dusted Dabi's cheeks "Hey shut up! Get into the seats like a normal person!" Eraser head yelled

The 3 groaned in annoyance but got into the 3 chairs across from the sleepy pro hero "okay we'll be asking you questions and we need the truth got it?" The villain nodded "let's start with you" he pointed to Dabi "Villian known as Dabi birth name is unknown but reason to believe your the lost todoroki son, age is unknown but you've been missing for 3 years and you were 14 so you much be 17 now and your quirk is cremation, correct?" Dabi nodded

"Now to you villains known as Deku,birth name Izuku Midoriya who has been missing for 2 years, age 16, according to your mother you we're born quirkless but has show some power in fights before" Deku nodded "don't ever call me my birth name."

Eraser rolled his eyes and looked at Shigaraki "villain known as Tomura Shigaraki birth name Tenko Shimura. Leader of the league of villains, age 16 as well and quirk is decay so now that we got that settled your guys we're running with 2 others one small blonde and one in a mask, who we're they?" Shigaraki sighed "Overhaul and Mitzi(< from a random name generator)" Shigaraki said unfazed by the question and lies without hesitation.

After about a half an hour of questions there was a knock on the door and a police man came in with a small green haired woman with red puffy eyes like she's been crying for years. Deku's face went pale he didn't want to see this woman not now not ever "why is she here..." she looked up at the green haired villain who use to be her kind all might loving sweetheart but.... is now a murder..

"Izuku.. my son is alive......."

End of chapter two! Hope you enjoyed again suggestions are greatly appreciated and wanted

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