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On the way to the secret overnight training ground the bus ride for the students was.. difficult to say the least, Bakugo screamed non-stop to the point where Dabi was wondering how he hasn't popped a vein or muscle yet while banging his head against the metal wall of the bus, leaving the class to have blasting music in their earbuds while having on soundproof headphones to block out the raging blonde Momo provided everyone but the villains. Aizawa on the other hand literally claimed out the window and joined Tomura on the roof of the bus to get away from Bakugo and took himself and Tomura pair of soundproof headphones, while deku who was still on a sleeping Shoto's lap put soundproof headphones on Shoto leaving him and Dabi to suffer which he didn't mind as long as Todoroki was alright deku was great.

"DEKU YOU FUCKER GET OFF HIM RIGHT NOWWWW!!" Bakugo screamed slamming his fist on the seat in front of him sending of sparks from his palms, Danki and Sero who were in the seats in front of Bakugo and Dabi payed no mind seeing as this was normal in the Baku squad, as for the other members in the Baku squad they all were the only students to not have anything on and were just talking with each other like nothing was happening behind them other than Shoto who was sleeping of course (someone made a great point to how the Baku squad were the only ones able to deal with Bakugo so just wanted to throw that in this chapter)

*huge time skip later to once they get to the training grounds and yes they did take the rest breaks*

"Finally!" Dabi basically yeeted h8mself so fucking fast out the window to get away from Bakugo it was like Iida's quirk ain't shit compared to how fast he got to leave that bus, all the other well rested and relaxed students grabbed their bags and came out of the bus threw the door like a normal person and stood next to their partners to wait for Aizawa to give them information. Todoroki stood next to Bakugo with a deku leaching onto his arm "DEKU GET THE FUCK AWAY" Bakugo screamed like not tomorrow making the class jump and Deku back away and run behind Tomura and a Dabi who were unfazed by the scream "Bakugo please calm down.." Shoto held the clenched fist gently and smiled softly to the rage filled blonde who was starting to calm down.

Bakugo unclenched his fist and held Shoto's hands ripping his stare from deku to the beautiful stormy gray and turquoise eyes "you calm enough now?" Shoto asked earning a nod from Bakugo letting go of their hold on each other they turned their attention to the teacher who jumped down from the bus with Tomura landing next to him "I told you everything you need to know take your crew to the cabin and tell them everything they need to know.." Aizawa said to the young villain. Tomura nodded and said "come on you idiots let's go I'll inform you what Mr. Aizawa told me on the way there!" Tomura used his stern leader voice to make sure the villains heard and knew to not slack off or be slow. The 2 villains who were in the back quickly pushed their way threw and ran to catch up to their leader who was already walking.

During their ride on the bus the teacher and leader grew quite fond of each other (SHIGADABI and ERASERMIC no they are not having a personal friendship growing) Aizawa told Tomura everything they were doing at the camp for the 5 days they'd been there, the teacher was amazed on how great the young man's leadership skills were even for a villain he was interested on how he managed to keep his league in check while being so young at an age where he shouldn't be able to have so much responsibility and pressure on him running a huge organization like a pro agency.  He seemed so childish at first but the pro hero saw how much he matured and was now running the league without much help from anyone at all.

Tomura and Aizawa shared experiences of when its most important to make certain decisions and how they would go about it, Tomura of course held in information but they both knew nether one of them were trying to get the other to spill anything they were simply having a calm work conversation. They grew closer in a professional manner that they would use in the future, Aizawa was gonna teach along side the villainous leader. Yes Shinsou and Tomura were going to train under Aizawa and of course Shinsou and Aizawa knew how dangerous it was for the hero's but they also knew this was going to be a great turning point for the leader they were certain he would be totally fine with all this and yes Shinsou knew this was coming he was the one who noticed during school Tomura would teach the villains during lunch since they 2 would not care enough to listen to the pros, Shinsou told Aizawa this during their private training and for the tired pro to consider taking in Tomura as well.

Tomura was glad to be told he was able to train with the pro hero and not for villainous reasons he always wanted to be a teacher and in the league when they wouldn't be thinking of ideas for crime they were taking a chill day and since no one in the league goes to school Tomura taught every villain in his league shit they'd learn in school and high level education like UA or other top schools. The 2 villains weren't that surprised about tomuras news of him doing a teaching related internship but being personally trained and taught by Aizawa was something they did not expect.

(Anyway back to Aizawa and the class sorry I just love writing shigaraki stuff so that was a huge part of this chapter)

"Alright class before you all go to your cabins we are going to talk about a few changes for the future and what we have scheduled for these 5 days, which would you like first?" As expected everyone wanted to know the changes that were going to happen "always first, Tomura shigaraki leader of the league of villains will now be taking special lessons and training with me and Shinsou personally. Second, Shigaraki if anyone has noticed teaches the villains who don't pay attention. He will be taking extra credit and after school detention classes and will be a personal tutor for anyone who needs it" Aizawa explains "sir what if he uses this against UA?" Momo asked "well he hates being a villain but since he was taken in by a villain at a young age he didn't have a choice so he wants to focus on studies so that he can hopefully graduate from UA and possibly disdain the league but it would take a lot for the villains to quit so he will work harder" Aizawa said confident the leader would keep his word "sir what rank if he in class?" Todoroki asked scared for if he and Bakugo are still top, no one has even come close to our top not even Momo or Iida. "Ah Todoroki you are still 1st but he is closely tied with Bakugo, 1% away from being 2nd maybe even 1st" Aizawa stated not caring weather or not Bakugo gets mad but as for the class they rushed behind the bus leaving the 2 top students to stare blankly at the ground eyes wide and blood shot. "H-He..WHAT!?!" Aizawa and the class jumped from the sudden outburst.. even Bakugo got scared

Surprisingly the one who screamed was not Baku "ARE YOU KIDDING ME HE'S GOING TO GET 2nd?! WHAT THE FUCK" Shoto was pissed, Bakugo type pissed.

1342 words

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