The USJ (part 2)

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Tododeku warning (your welcome)

After a painful 2 hours for the villains of worrying about their leader they finally get to get out at the USJ and even though they are in the back they end up geeking the first ones out and immediately turn to look up to see their leader letting go of the bus "you said they'd do rest breaks!" Tomura yell while jumping off landing on his feet grabbing the 2 villains by their red ties since they didn't need to change into their gym outfits like everyone else. The 2 choking villains stutter out fearful I don't knows and hold up their hands wildly "hey let them go now!" Aizawa says still tired from his nap on the bus "I fell asleep and forgot to tell them to stop so you could rest so don't take it out on them!" Tomura in response let their ties go and shoved them away by pushing their chest knocking them on their sorry asses than crossing his arm a Gerlt over his chest while the class watches Deku and Dabi crawl over to Tomura begging on their knees at his feet for his forgiveness getting ignored by the blue haired teen

-meanwhile in the bus-

Todo and Bakugo both wake up to loud thumps of foot steps on the cold metal floor made by the 2 villains hurrying to get out of the bus not caring about angering everyone by claiming over their feet and knocking over their bags while the run outside after a moment of silence they hear Aizawa yell at the 3 villains and whole people start to get off the bus the 2 sleepy top students hear begging them look out their window to see the villains on their knees on the verge of tears "tch weak ass fuckers can't even take some mop head mad at them hah!" Bakugo laughed as he watched the 2 grabbing at the blue haired villain for his attention while he is focused on someone out of their line of sight, most likely Aizawa who they hear is yelling at the 2 to get it together and shut the fuck up "Bakugo please don't make fun of them when we get out" Shoto said getting up and neatly folding the blanket putting it on his seat so they could use it after the training than softly kisses the hot-headed teens cheek then quickly goes back to emotionless expression once he gets off the bus and walks over to the tearful villain and pulls up them to their feet and wipes their tears while talking to them and them turning to Tomura, Bakugo watched Shoto from the bus as the bi-colored boy started to talk to Tomura and the angered expression on the leader turned into calm frown as his nodded and held out his arms letting them villains hug him which they immediately did happily, hugging so hard it almost made the fragile yet strong looking villain lose his balance but quickly hugged back using the 2 taller males as Support "ugh you always have to be the pease maker don't you Sho.." Bakugo whispered softly to himself getting off the bus putting on his usual angry face.

After the villains calmed down enough to continue they waited until Aizawa said they could go in but first the class got a lecture (same on in the anime before the villain attack) after the little lecture Aizawa eyed down the villains "you 3 will be staying in the stands with me and don't even think about having your little friends come here" Aizawa said coldly "aw man we were planning on having a party here with you hero idiots well damn guess we have to call off the attack" Deku said sarcastically with a fake sad expression making Dabi laugh "you guys are annoying" Jirou stated bluntly "oh you have not idea this is them being actually mentally stable" Tomura said rolling his eyes "your not so stable yourself tommy"deku pouted "don't call me that can we go in now or are you all just gonna stand there?" Tomura said while going inside being closely followed by deku, dabi, Todoroki and the Baku squad once everyone got in they were divided in groups of 4 to go to each training dome where 2 of the 4 are innosant bystanders who are in need of saving while the other 2 must find a way to safely get them to the ground by the exit and then switch (basically hide n seek and rescue combaned)

-time skip to after the training and back in front of the USJ-

Everyone was tired and sore from having to save the other team multiple and were looking forewarn to the 8 hour ride for them to rest up, the class other than the villains looked like zombies dragging themselves to the bus and throwing themselves onto their seat and getting comfortable, Todoroki and Bakugo got into a little fight during their training so now Dabi and Todoroki had to switch places so they could cool off but they would reunite after the whole bus ride.

Deku was overly excited about this and was now sitting in Todoroki's lap while the 2 slept peacefully, deku acting as a blanket for Shoto which the green haired boy did not mind he loved the calmly yet very intimidating personality the bi-colored boy  had and he loved the scent he gave off knowing he didn't use any scented products. Vanilla and roses with strawberrieswith a hint of forest fire and Caramell from being with Bakugo for so long I hate kacchan's scent on him!! (Starting to sound like a omegaverse au opps heh) deku wanted his own scent on the boy not the explosive idiot's. Starting to feel tired he looked down at the sleeping boy and softly smiled as his finger traced the beautiful scar and he slowly licked it loving the burning sensation he got from the emotionless male fuck i'd love him towering over me while I'm tied up to a bed with him wiping than fucking me senselessly deku bite his lip as he was knocked out of his daze and looked down at the boy starting to wake up a bit from him licking the scar ah shit shit shit he wiped the scar quickly and acted like he was just staring out the window smiling at the sunset "huh- oh deku uh what are you doing on my lap?" Shoto asked curiously and sleepy while looking up at the smaller male "oh you were shivering and I didn't know what else to do so I used myself as a blanket for you which was working until I sat up to watch the sunset sorry" deku lied at the last part and layed his body back down on the half quirk users chest and shut his eyes tired "ah well thank you Deku good night then" Shoto said pulling the smaller male closer and than both let sleep take over as they cuddled together

-meanwhile with my poor Dabi-

"Ugh that fucker is all over icyhot— is he claiming onto his lap oh that bitch is gonna die!!" Bakugo complained non-stop and has been watching Deku closely noting every move he made but than the licking started and god dammit Dabi was hitting his head on the back of the seat while Bakugo started to yell and have a temper tantrum I should've taken Tomura up on his offer to hang out on top of the bus with him.. everyone in the bus is sleeping with headphones in no one is suffering with me god someone kill me Dabi thought to himself as he stared up at the ceiling wanting to burn everyone in here alive other than Shoto of course. Dabi shut his eyes tightly trying to tune out Bakugo but failing miserably getting most annoying by the second.......

.......and the bus hasn't even left the parking lot yet

1342 words! Yay

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