Volume 2 : Chapter 9

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"You look tired, did something happen?" says by Artemis who now walks side by side with her sole male Familia, Zetta. along with two other Goddesses. Hestia and Hephaestios.

Its been 5 hours since his last battle against the Revenger along with Loki Familia as he rush out of the dungeon to fetch his Goddess after her welcoming party. He wanted to explain why but cannot help himself out and instead glance at Hephaestios and Hestia. "You can tell? Haha.. maybe I'll tell you later after returning on our inn, so Rethusa and the others knows them too" Zetta made an excuse and scratches his cheek.

As for why Artemis are with Hestia is because they were friends, and as for Hephaistios, Artemis wanted to talk to her and thanking her for taking care of her naive and oblivious friend named Hestia, who are now indebted to the God of Blacksmith. She wanted to help Hestia by asking her debt but latter declined and not let Hephaestios spill the beans, saying that it was her Familia's responsibility for paying Hephaestios. Afterall she already have an dependent Familia member. hearing Hestia made Hephaestios chuckle as if this little girl grew up a character.

Seeing this heartful scene did Zetta have resolve confess what happen as he let the two Goddess came into their Inn (as their place at Deadalus are still underbrenovation), along with Rethusa and other members of their Familia. He then, did tell what actually happened.

"Chottomatte!! You went towards the 19th floor... that fast!! And you're still alive?!" Hestia remarks aloud. "Is what Finn also said. But here I am, Alive and kicking" Zetta boasted, looking at the shrimp Goddess.. that even high class adventurer find themself troubled soloing the dungeon upto the lower floors.

"Amazing" Hephaestios turned to shock but snap back up.

"Then, want me to upgrade your Status later?" Artemis questioned

"I'm very much happy", the two then created a world for themselves as they happily chatting. Seeing this scene, Hestia pouted. "mou~ you really did changed Artemis"

"So do you Hestia.." Artemis happily replied. and like the favour Artemis told from the other Gods.. she two asks Hephaestios to keep it a secret in which she accepted and like Loki, should be her first and last favour. Artemis smiled again and this genuine smile was gold for Hestia and the formed old Familia member, Rethusa and Lante.

"I really blown your cover. I'm sorry", Artemis apologized. Zetta also added, "mine too, even though you strictly said to hide them, hehehe. So, we're a ditto afterall" he jested. The two laugh happily. while other members of Artemis Familia are still oblivious. that Zetta's achievement is a feat in itself, so why did they have to hide it?. they never even realize this event might anger many Gods and become the fall of Artemis Familia in the near future if news spreaded. of course they zipped their mouth shut of what they heard today and keep it a secret for the rest of their lives. And so, an hour later, two Goddesses also went out of their inn as Zetta and co. called it a night.


"And? How is it? here you are rushing trough my workplace and berated that brat for being too harsh on you and didn't think his personality doesn't fit for Artemis. now, is there any more negative word coming from that mouth of yours about that boy?" Hephaestios teased Hestia as they walk side by side after exiting where Artemis Familia resides.

"No! Atleast..." Hestia replied, then put her hands unto her chest "Atleast...she finally found her Orion" and smile while looking above clouds which is towards the moon. Hephaistios too, did the same and silently nod.

※ ※ ※


A place where Freya Familia lived. Freya, like usual have her tea from one of her member and sip it to mouthful and emptied out while amorously look at her window. "I never dreamt, I actually found another man to be feasted on" she then slowly sniff here hands and moan. Ottar, the sole level 7 and the so called strongest of Orario came by her side and asks "want me to test him too?", hearing his proposal, she smiled "ahhhh. Its too early for him but.. have 'Vana Freya' test him first. but remember. Leave his face and dignity at hand" Freya smile as she continued to binge her wine made by God Soma himself of Soma Familia.

※ ※ ※

Next day, Morning.. Zetta are training against the remaining Girls from the empty slot area near the inn they temporarily lived as he want them to be a 'Party' consist of hunting small monsters effectively. unlike their usually defend and attack style while hunting monsters outside the Orario. He want them to not become a sitting duck but also to attack like an individual limb of their own. Especially, Vjara. who was eager to enter the dungeon. But after his remarks, 'if you wanted to become stronger, leave from the dungeon alive', as she now back it up and energize thanks to this, she's now as firm as stone and have the burning desire to become strong. She broke her shell too. Catana at the same time, secretly talk to Anya of Hostess of Fertility the last night. as for what they have talk to. noone knows other than her and Anya.

And so, time passes by and lunch came. Zetta went at the Guild Hall to confirm for Eina if their place is good to go. But sadly isn't. The one he pick was 5 floors and so the duties of cleaning and renovating them take more than how many days to cover. Scratching his head, he's felt at lost. since this morning, he created multiple items made by fabric, such as Cloathes, Cloak, Jacket, pants, and tie. He even created a shinguard and attached Antares Shinguard into it. He wanted to finish them as fast as possible but he can't make any goods if his mind isn't yet to be stable and have other things to do, like checking their future base. and so, hearing their residents are still under renovatio/construction, He sitted down at the nearest chair and think of what course of actions to do next "I was thinking about the system that should be followed. guess, I have Rethusa talk to it first, lest, other girls cannot hunt properly or didn't stop their complaint" he sigh heavily and put his nape and backhead to rest.

Thereafter. Zetta saw Goddess Hestia came running at the front desk of the Guild Hall and asks Eina for something. Eina at the same time look shaken after her words, Hestia too, so to speak. Zetta blinked twice and curious of what might happen. Thereafter, someone called her name. He too is a God, along with his Familia, Zetta confirmed the three members, namely Ouka, Mikoto and Chigusa.

"Is there anything...?" Zetta look at them curiously as they went out of the guild. He side glance as him and Hestias' eyes are met. 'F*ck! My gut feel are kicking in!!' as he cursed out loud

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