Intermediate 3 : Daydreamer

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"You think thats possible?" Finn, along with Zetta, Gareth, Riveria, Ais and new level 6 Tiona, Tione and Bete. Are all inside the dungeon, a week after their match..

Finn asks Zetta, is because they moved towards floor 48th which they weren't even in an expedition, and where not many adventurer can come and go other than the mid-teir expedition Familias. Of course they came where none filed their expedition at lower floor, so these groups of people are safe.

What Zetta's plan is to help his friend, Finn to ascend his level. Of course if possible, Gareth and Riveria might level up too but his main goal is to help Finn. Ais, and others are curious of what he shall do, on the contrary, Loki objected because for her and of course for other Gods, ascention to next level isn't like eating or pooping, but Finn, her Captain object her objection. Loki then felt gloomy of why her Familia is too attached to that man, Zetta.

Back to Zetta's group

"Of course, this place is enough.. oh wait" seeing of what he was doing, Finn curiously asks again "What are you doing? You're only tapping was an empty air"

"Hehe, you think? Well, lets see.. I will take you to a bus"

"Bus? What kind of monster is that?"

After his words, Finn, Riveria and Gareth felt chill and heard one Ring— sound

At the side of their vision, they saw a green and blue line attached into each other and saw their own names along with Zetta..

"What kind of magic is this?" Riveria freaked out, she shove an air but the vision are still there, whats more, it follows where she look.

"Haha, now you guys are tapping an empty air too?" Zetta chuckles because he saw not only Riveria but Finn and Gareth, sweeping the thin air. Others couldn't understand what they were talking about.

"By the way, thats not magic, thats what you called 'system'." He recorrected Riveria

' ' 'System?' ' ' all thoughts ask the same question, even Ais' group

"What you saw is our Health Points and Mana Points.. HP and MP for short.."

"HP and MP you say?" Finn lick his thumbs for a seconds. Zetta's words are otherworldly that they couldn't comprehend

"Yup.. that aside, lets go?" Zetta sneer and so the other followed..

He let others (Ais, Bete, Tiona and Tione) pull monsters as many as possible towards Finn's group while they were the one who should destroy the horde.

"Isn't this the same as what we always did? Whats the difference?" Finn questioned after a couple of round. Zetta already used his <Borrowed Power of Heracles> just a couple of rounds ago.

"Yup it is.. but the experience you receive or should I say, your Excelia will be doubled, though I don't know if Falna accumulation will overlap too" forget Falna, even its just Excelia, those who heard him gasps in surprised.

"Doubled? For Excelia to accumulate, it isn't possible just to always kill a monster for millions of times you know? If it is then only minority are level 1.. but so, isn't that a fraud? Sorry for my rudeness but, you didn't scam us are you?" Gareth who always stay silent and always approved of Zetta, retorted for the first time..

"Well, believe me or not, thats possible" Zetta responded and smile from ear to ear, full of confidence. 'Well, for me, they were different' he thought so. Because to him, the experience he gained are divided between Excelia and his Game system. Thats why.
For a whole days they grind and destroyed the Monster Rex' produced by Zetta from his <Borrowed Power of Heracles> until they called it a day. and at the same night, Loki was taken aback, if they did it for another of time, Finn will ascend his level for sure. She couldn't believe at first but now, she was sure of. Zetta isn't your normal adventurer.

More than that

" did it Finn! You did it! Not only that, Your Dexterity, its now over 1000!! You Break your Limit!", out of happines, Loki hug her Finn. Finn at the same time, clenched his fists and thanking his friend through thoughts from the bottom of his heart, he also wanted to cry out of joy but restrained them.

Its not always possible for a man especially for a weak race Pallum to [Limit Break], it was a chain that limits all(?) adventurers including him. With that said. He remembered a certain white haired boy who break his limit just for a level 1.

After updating their Falna, Finn, Riveria and Gareth ate like usual, talk with each other outside their Garden.

"I didn't think he actually isn't joking" Gareth is the first one who commented

"Yup, some of his words, I cannot comprehend even though we've been blessed to understand each other even with difference in races" Riveria nodded

"HP, MP, Bus, RPG, Virtual Game, system, and he even said to play out a role. I don't understand some of them, as if the word is not coming from this world" the little Pallum scratches his head as if the knowledge he accumulated for a decades is only a fraction compared to Zetta.

"Virtual Game and Play out, huh... thats what I was wondering this whole time... Zetta, its as if..." Riveria put her hands into her chin, and continued "...he was only Playing a Game of his own... as if, he mixes the reality and fantasy"

The other two raised their eyebrow and cannot understand... Riveria then followed up "In our race, we called them a 'Daydreamer', the one who was oblivious or should I say, mixing the reality between the fantasy... well, for an elf who doesn't know the outside world of how it all works, for an elf who isn't yet to be tainted by negative emotions or experience life and death... Daydreamer elf is, but a normal..."

"Daydream.. you think he is one? For a race thats not an elf... isn't that an illness? or worse, a disorder?"

"I don't know, I realize them after you mentioned but I witness his oblivousness this whole time, for example, when he was fighting against you, Finn for the first time, and when we fought the Revenger at 18th floor, of them all, it was as if.. he was inside the Game and only playing this whole time"

"Inside the Game, huh.. even the war game the last time between Hestia Familia and Apollo Familia are bloody"

"Yes, thats what I was wondering, too"

Gareth from the sideline cannot digest what was the two are talking about. So, all he can do is to listen.

"But..." Riveria continued "...your last battle between him, there are something I remembered"

"He lost his composure"

"Yes, so you found out that too.."

"Of course, I'm his opponent, a single opportunity is an advantage, big or small, in every battle"

"Thats why, the outcome is a draw"

"Uhm" Finn, nodded "if not for that to happen, I'll surely lose, so? what do you think happened on him at that time?"

"From what I remember, it was when you slam his body to the ground that he lost his composure"

"Yep, that, I know, but I wanted to know what happened?"

"Who knows? Are you actually questioning me? You are the closest to him, how should I know?"

"Haha, the hell, I lost.. I'm sorry Riveria"

"Well, I quite don't understand, but that Guy... he is full of mystery, you think so?" At last, Gareth commented

"Oh, you are still here, Dwarf? I thought you walk holding that tiny head of yours away?" Riveria teases Gareth

"Frail elf, what did you say? You prompting that I was dumb?!"

"Is it not? Your glib tongue and constitution is your only weapon this whole time, yes?"

"What!? Did you want to get out of here with a couple of broken bones!?"

"Hahaha, stop that you two.. in the end, Gareth is correct.. Zet, is a mysterious guy" Finn felt refresh seeing his friends like this for quite some time like in the past, afterall, Dwarf(Gareth) and Elf(Riveria) are like an oil and water. But for some reason, they run into each other by fate and a Pallum and Loki are at its Center.

'Seems like I have to re-asess him again, lest this will bring disaster sooner or later', In the end.. they all agreed that Zetta has an illness called 'a Daydreamer'.

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