Volume 4 : Chapter 9

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20th floor the next day.. today is the deathmach between Apollo and Hestia Familia and as he thought. Ryuu participated as an 'Import' and temporary become Hestia Familia's member. Along with temporary member Mikoto from Takemikazuchi Familia, the newly joined Welf-with the approval of his Goddess, Hephaestios - and Lilly to their Familia. Along with Bell, the Hestia Familia are now consists of 5 members against the Apollo Familia

With Ryuu, Zetta doesn't have to worry anymore. And he knew, his rabbit disciple are stronger than before under his tutelage.

Zetta, at the same time move towards the place where he saw the cracks from the last time. When he was about to touches them —

"I didn't see you often here. mind if I ask who you are?" A man with goggles and has letter D below its left eye, asks. It almost takes them forever to know the entrance of intelligent monsters hide, but who would have thought they found it when accidentally bump into a third class adventurer?

<Dix Perdix>
<Level 5>

Narrowing his eyes, Dix Perdix asks again "Are you deaf or something?"

Zetta is only sizing his and his other party which consists of Level 3 and Level 4 adventurers. He, at the same time replied "Well, I was kind of a curious Guy so just leave my business alright?" But as he was about to push off the wall, he receive multiple attacks but he leaped back to avoid them "Whoa..." and cried out

"This isn't a place for a low level adventurer like you. And... you are that infamous Barbarian right?" says Dix as he knew who Zetta was.

"Hohh~ So even the adventurer of Ikelos Familia know my existence? am I that Amazing?" hearing Zetta's remarks with surprised, Dix and co. shuddered, how the hell he knew their Familia even though they laying in low? did he knew their underground business? With that thought

"Kill him" —Dix orders as others obey.

'Theres no way a level 2 would win against a bunch of second class adventurer' is what he thought and walk away and facing his back against them, thinking that he'll do the business here later after its corpse has bee. eaten by the monsters, but the clash didn't produce any noise but turned quiet instead.

"It was my turn to ask you then?" Zetta from Dix's back, said so while looting the dead Ikelos Familia's equipment one by one.

'I haven't yet to make money so far. So this might be enough for our Familia's living for a few months, I guess?' Like what he said the last time on his Familia, what he did inside the dungeon is to grind <Magic Stone> for creating <Refined Magic Stone>, but making some money was the best often times too.

"Pointing your weapon to others means you're also ready to die, right? So I killed them" Zetta said in satire at the same time stands up with face of a dim.

Seeing his face, Dix sweated, "You are getting cocky just because you killed that nameless bastards?" At the same time his eye twitched and Zetta became confused as his head feels like it was spinning after something red of wave light passes through his body, 'F*ck' he swear and at the same time red scarf placed atop of his upper body after the blue light particles emerged as he equipped another version of <Scarf of Chastefol>

Dix concentrated his skill to strengthen the effect but failed after the mystical thing happened in front of his very eyes 'a miracle happen before me!' He sneer watching the scene in front, but Zetta immediately used <Thrust> from his shield towards Dix' solar plexus and beheaded Dix on the spot while the latters eye turned big.

Before Dix' conciousness permanently faded, he thought 'Just because I touch the dragon's reverse scale? just because of my stupid idea to attack him, did I.. really died just like this? F*ck! my dreams and revenge ended just like this!? Is this how my dreams only amounted to—?!' until his head rolled through the ground and streak of light in his eyes totally faded.

"For once, I didn't hate you but you look like a threat and my Gut feel tells me so" Zetta said so. —He wouldn't even think that this very move changed the outcome of Orario as a whole— and at the same time, he looted the drops of Dix' corpse and found something that isn't valuable looking, he wanted to threw it but let it inside his inventory for a while.

"Now then, lets see what was inside" saying so, he was ready to push the stone wall

"—Wait!" But someone, somewhere, he heard an of overlapping voice of a child, a woman and an elder man saying the exact same words, he look from his back and a dark clothed man emerged from the shadow covering its whole body and face.

<Level 4>

'From Ouranos Familia? Isn't he the one who overseeing the Guild?', "What do you want?" Zetta ask after the thought

"Passing through there and you will see the secret of the dungeon. And your decision will permanently change the course of 'their' Destiny. Did you really want to know?" Fels said so.

Narrowing his eyes, Zetta retort "I'll ask you in return then. why are you stopping me? Is it to protect this 'their' you are talking about? To imprison them? or for your selfish desire?"

Fels couldn't understand this person's thought. Why is he asking an obvious question? But then, Zetta already push the stone and the wall side crumbled and created cracks and passageway, enough to enter even a 3 meter person.

"What were you talking about is the Xenos, yes? I accidentally appraise one of them the last time"

"Xe—Appraise? You have that kind of legendary skill?" Instead of asking about Xenos, he's more curious about the legendary skill.

"Oh you know that skill? and a legendary? Oh well, you're an old man afterall. Its not surprising you knew that"

Hearing him, Fels was taken aback, "You already appraised me? How come? I mean, you already knew my age and gender? What kind of appraisal do you have?" For the first time in century, Fels find himself helpless and totally naked infront of the man who just met him for the first time

After that, instead of interviewing Zetta about his ideology or course of action against Xenos, Fels ask him about Appraisal instead, while following the former.

"So you knew my affiliation?" In which Zetta nodded.

After a couple of question Fels noted, "Your skill, is a skill for discerning people's soul, what a rare skill indeed. Then, if you may. I have something to do—" with that last question, he said his farewell as fast as he emerged

"Wait... you don't want to know my answer?" Zetta cut Fels off as Xenos is already in front of them

"No.. We only accept the fate you will pave yourself.. and I believe your decision is what the correct answer in the future" after his last words, Fels are no more. Vanish from the shadow like how he emerged

"Alright fellas? How about you welcome this guest of honor of yours as heartfelt like others? hm? hm?" Zetta said awkwardly while spreaded his hands out after noticing more than one Xenos' went out to welcomed him. But with their glare full of hostility.

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