Chapter 1

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I was lying on my bed as my eyes fixed on the screen of my phone while scrolling through social media, reading some interesting things they posted. I know I'm such a lazy ass because I don't want to do anything besides this one.

But little did I know, my dad is going to teach me karate later since he owns a dojo of where he use it to teach his students. It's not that I don't like it or anything. All parts of my body often aching and it hurts. Still I had fun tho.

And besides, they didn't know that I was actually a girl. They see me as a boy and I don't know why. Maybe because of my hair since it's short just like a boy and my breast is small. I act a little tomboyish and I mostly friends with guys.

That's just how I am and I'm more comfortable living like that. I place my phone beside me as someone bursts the door open of my room and I change my gaze towards it.

"Oh mom. What's wrong?"I asked as she approaches me.

"Tomorrow will be your first day of school right?"she questioned, sitting beside me.

"Yeah... And I hope I found my childhood friend again"I said with a small smile appeared on my face.

"You'll find him soon. Don't worry about it"

She put a hand on my shoulder, comforting me. I'm going to transfer to another school which I discovered that my childhood friend is there and because of that, I want to meet him again. I don't know if he even remembers me.

Back in days when I was 7, we trained karate together. We even go to the same kindergarten. We often hung out together and we promised to each other to never be apart but that's just how kids are.

They don't have any idea what it means but still I remember those precious memories until he decided to drop out from karate due to his parents. He was moving out and live somewhere nearby their workplace.

I was upset that he leave. He leave without telling me. I knew it when my dad told me about it. After that I haven't been in touch with him and the problem is I don't have his number. So it is quite difficult for me to move on.

But tomorrow, I'll meet him again for sure. I realized that mom wasn't by my side anymore and I've been smiling while thinking about the past. How long did I space out? I look at the clock and it's almost dinner. I softly sigh and went down the stairs to eat dinner.

"Oh Hyunmi. Do you want have a fight with yo old man?"my dad spoke up after stuffing his food into his mouth.

"I would love to but I don't want to go to my new school with a broken bone"I chuckle and continue eating.

"Honey why would you want to have a fight at this hour? She's going to be tired for tomorrow"my mom said to my dad as a background.

"I bet she's just scared to defeat you dad"my step brother, Jeon Woong, said in a teasing voice as he snickered.

"Shut up! You yourself can't even defense my attack!"I fired back making him to laugh a bit seeing my reaction.

I softly glare at him while crossing my arms. He always love to tease me. He found it amusing. But I know that he doesn't have any bad intentions. It's just how he is.

Well I'm an only child before my parents took Woong into the family and as my step brother. He was serious at first but now that I know him, he's a kind-hearted brother.

However, I finished eating and went back to my bedroom, trying to get some sleep and wake up early for my first day of school tomorrow.

The next morning came, after I finished my daily routine, I don't know what to wear for my first day so I just wear my sport outfit from my previous school since I don't have their uniform yet. Don't forget to mention that I don't like wearing skirts. I don't even wear dresses anymore.

I lastly checked myself in the mirror before brushing my bangs and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Ready dongsaeng?"Woong questions, tilting his head with a smile.

I bounced my head up and down telling him that I'm ready. He was gazing at me up and down as I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"People might think you're a boy"he said before he giggles.

"I don't care. You know I don't like wearing skirt. I'm more comfortable this way"

I pout and cross my arms over my chest as we walked to school together. Woong study at the same school as my childhood friend.

Each step I take when I'm about to reach the school, I grew nervous. I tighten the grip on the straps of my backpack while I hung my head down a bit. Woong notice this since he knew what it means.

He put his comforting hand on my shoulder and send me a smile.

"It's okay. You don't have to be nervous"

I smile back at him. Not just the new school I'm nervous about, what if I bumped onto my childhood friend again? I'm too nervous to meet him.

As soon as I reached the school gate, I heard girls screaming, shouting with their high pitch voice. I instantly cover my ears and look at Woong. He just smile. Oh so he's famous here? No wonder the girls are running to him, taking a picture.

"Oppa! Who's that?"one of the fangirls asked.

"It's my little brother!"he confidently said, wrapping his arm around my neck.


"Aww I didn't know you have a little brother"

"They don't look alike tho"

"He looks like a girl to me"

Woong just keep on smiling towards his fangirls with his arm still around my neck while walking into the school building and brought me to somewhere private.

I put on a confuse expression and look at him. He place both of his hands on my shoulder and stare into my orbs, somehow with a concern look on his face.

"Why did you tell them that I'm your little brother? Why lie?"I questioned him, lifting one of my brow.

"It because I don't want them to know that you are actually my lil' sis and what if things gonna happen to you?"he answered after turning his head left to right.

"Like what???"I tilt my head.

"Like they're gonna hurt you or something. I don't want that to happen to you since you're so precious to me"

He pull me into his embrace, caressing the back of my hair and I can smell his cologne from his clothes.

"So just pretend that you're my lil' brother and use Jihyun as your name okay?"

I just nodded my head, agreeing to his plan but the question is, when did he plan to make a male name for me? I shook my head, trying to stop thinking about it.

I think it's not going to be that easy. I softly sigh. He's protective sometimes but I'm used to it. He went to his friends after that and I'm alone now. Walking through the hallways and every students stuck their eyes on me.

I kinda feel uncomfortable for all their attentions to me. I don't like it. When I found where the teacher's room is, I entered in after knocking on the door. I saw lots of teachers as I bowed my head to them to show my respect until a certain teacher came up to me.


So I hope you guys are not bored with the first chap. I apologise if there's any grammar mistakes.

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