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[These are gonna be short chapters for now on :(]

Jeno decided that he would indeed stay with Jaemin for the next week. He didn't tell anybody though. He kinda just wanted a break from the world, even if it means missing a week of class and after school activities. He basically decided to yolo it.
Jaemin was glad Jeno was staying, but he didn't tell any of his friends as well. They wouldn't find out anyways. It's not like they barge into his room anytime they wanted.
Jaemin also made sure to give Jeno some food if he ever wanted any.

"Thanks again for letting me stay over even tho we barely know each other, so really appreciate it." Jeno said.

"No problem!" Jaemin smiled.

It was the end of the day on Saturday, and Jaemin didn't have any work the next day, so he decided it would be fun to pull another all nighter.

"Let's pull an all nighter tonight and build a fort on the roof. It would be so much fun do you think? It's the perfect temperature too." Jaemin asked.

"Oo! Yes! I loved building forts as a kid. Hadn't built one in like 10 years to be honest." Jeno clapped his hands together.

"I like to build forts sometimes with my friends. But they always ruin it in the end because they're such crackheads. I think we could build the best fort ever. I have a pile of sheets and blankets we can cover our fort with. I have a big tent that i like to set up for a base. So we need a tent, blankets, sheets, pillows, my laptop, lights, and of course, food!"

"You're really excited aren't you?" Jeno chuckled.

"Yes!" Jaemin said and began to grab some of the things they need.

Jeno helped Jaemin bring everything to the roof and they began building.


"Anddd! Finished! It looks amazing!" Jaemin proudly said.

"It really does. Its best fort i've ever seen and made." Jeno said.

[Looks something like this^]

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[Looks something like this^]

"This is gonna be a fun night."


Instagram: Yeoxsang and NCTBTX

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