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"Hey i was wondering if you guys wanna go to the beach with Yeji and i! I think it would be fun." Jeno said.

Jeno visited Na Bittersweet that day to chill a bit.

"Ooh cool. That could be fun. When?" Jaemin said.

"This Sunday at 11 AM." Jeno said.

"Okay cool, I'll be there." Jaemin said.

"Me too!" Haechan said.

"Me three." Mark said.

"Me four." Renjun said.

"Alright it's settled. See you guys soon." Jeno said and left.


A few days have passed and everyone made it to the beach. While Jeno and Yeji were waiting for the others, they played a bit of volleyball.

"We're her-" Jaemin said but got smacked in the face with the volleyball and fell backwards onto his butt.

"OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY." Yeji said and ran over.

Jaemin laughed and got up, brushing the sand off of him.

"It's all good. No need to worry."

Yeji spent some time apologizing to Jaemin, before Jeno suggested they all play volleyball before going into the water.
Everyone agreed.
Haechan decided to go over to Jeno and Yeji's side of the net to keep it fair.
Jeno let Yeji serve, so she grabbed the ball and smacked it.
And can you guess where it hit? Jaemin's face one again, but he balanced himself this time.
Everyone started laughing while Yeji apologized over and over.
After 10 minutes of playing, they decided to go play in the water.
While everyone was running towards the water, Renjun told Jeno that he needed to talk to him.

"Yeah, what is it?" Jeno asked and watched as everyone jumped into the salty ocean.

"Do you like Jaemin?" Renjun asked.

"Huh? No, why would i? I have a girlfriend." Jeno gave him a puzzled look.

"I see how you look at him, Jeno. Are you sure? Just because you have a girlfriend doesn't mean you could possibly fall for somebody else."

"Whoa buddy, can you chill? I have no interest in Jaemin."

"JAEMIN!" Renjun yelled to get Jaemin's attention, knowing 127% that Jeno was lying.

Jaemin got out of the water and quickly ran over, "Yes Renjun?"

"I like you." Renjun said shyly.

Jeno was shocked and stayed back.

"You do? How long have you liked me?" Jaemin asked.

"That doesn't really matter. Do you like me back?"

"W-well i guess you're right.. I like you too." Jaemin said.

"Great." Renjun smiled and leaned forward to kiss Jaemin on the lips.

Jeno was so confused on what was going on in front of him, but he kinda felt, jealous?

Renjun pulled away and smiled, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Jaemin chuckled, "Sure. Let's go play in the water with the others. It's hot."

Renjun agreed and they both left Jeno stranded in the middle of the beach.

Big plot twist 😱
Instagram: Yeoxsang, NCTBTX, and Tinystayzen

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