Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"Hey Rosie." I smiled, walking past the counter. I step into the room, "hey Drew." Nat smiled at me. 

"Hey Nat." 

"So how did your week go?" I look around the circle, Owen isn't here.

"Well, there was betrayal." I replied to him, shrugging. 

"Hey, is this Preventing The Bullies group thingy?" I look to the door. Nate Anderson. 

"Yes, hi I am Nat." Nat introduced to himself. "My name is Nathaniel Anderson but call me Nate." Nate then says. 

"I am calling you Nathan." I say, nodding slightly. 

He raised his eyebrows at me with surprise, I just smiled wickedly at him.

"Honestly, I didn't know you were in the group. Wow, Evans. You were bullied?" Nathan ask me. 

"No. I am the bully." I replied, "what? No way, you're a nice person." He says. 

"Dude, you just got here like yesterday." 

"Correction, two days ago." I roll my eyes at him, "hey, where are you going?" He ask when I am going another way. 

"I have anger-managing group too." I say shrugging. 

"A badass indeed, see you around." 

"Hey Dad, I am home." I muttered, "oh, how did go?" 

"Erm, fine. I do feel much better." I lied. 

"Yeah, maybe a few more session.. You can stop going." He says, I force a happy smile on my face. "Great!" 

I went up to my room and close the door behind me. Then Nathan from the opposite of my room caught my eye. 

"Hey Evans." He waved at me. "You know it's cold outside right?" I raised my eyebrows at his bare body. 

"I am not cold." He stated. "Okay." I nodded. 

"Hey Evans.." 

"What?" I look at him. 

"Can you give me your number?" 

"No. But I can give you, get the fuck away from me." I turn away from him, "no wonder you need anger management!" He shouted, laughing afterwards.

"Yeah, that's the reason, Anderson!" I shot back sarcastically and pull the blinds together. 

; Monday, Lunch

"Hey, where's Owen? I haven't seen him in a while." Olivia says, "I killed him." 

They ignore me and continue gossiping. 

"Hey." Noah and Nathan joined us. 

"Hey Nate!" Heather grin at him, "hey, I tried contacting you but you didn't answer." Noah says to me. 

"Oh so, Evans have a boyfriend." Nathan says. 

"No!" Me and Noah stated. 

"She doesn't but she did fucked Nate Anderson." Fawn says with a smirk on her face. 

"I am so sorry, what?" Nathan look at Fawn with confusion. "We spotted you outside a centre on a Saturday, and you guys live next each other-" 

They get these details fast. Ugh, I really want to drop out of school. 

"Drew and I are just friends." Nathan stated. 

"Actually we're not friends." I corrected him, "seriously?" He turn to me. I smiled at him and left the cafeteria. 

Owen didn't came to math class either, so now Nathan is sitting beside me.

"So hey, we're playing basketball after school." Trevor says.

"I am sorry, I can't make it today." I immediately say. "What? You always come to every basketball game." Edwin freaked out.

"Yeah, but I have something on."

"Oh.. Like a date?" Heather wiggle her eyebrows, "date my ass."

"Love to." Nathan mutters, "I heard that."

"Yeah, only meant for you to hear."

He is creeping me out.

"Oh balls, I am leaving!" I waved goodbye to all of them and step outside the school.

"Okay dick, explain yourself." I say to Owen.

"I am sick, idiot." He snaps at me.

"Look, Drew. I am so sorry that I said you don't have feelings. I mean why are you so emotional over these? It's not like you flashed your boobs or something."

"Wow Owen, you're such a dick. I should've known." I say, smiling slightly.

"Everyone has feelings, Sykes. You're a guy, you have feelings like how you feel sexually turned on by a girl. I am tomboy, but I am still a girl you know." 

"Yeah, I know I am sorry, Evans." Owen groans. 

I look into his eyes, "what?" He look back at me. 

"I don't know who you are." I say in a low tone and left him there. 

"So are we cool?" He ask. 

Without turning back, I pointed a middle finger. 

"Is that a yes or a no?!" 


"Why you gotta be so harsh on him?" Olivia ask, "because he's a fucking dick." 

"I like to -" She stop herself mid-sentence. "Sorry." She clears her own throat. 

I squint my eyes at her suspiciously, "Owen only made one mistake. Besides he's always been there for you." She says to me. 

"Owen made a lot of mistakes, Olivia.. I just let him in, forgive him... So many fucking times." 

After lunch with Olivia, I went home. Nobody was at home, not even my step-sister. 

I step into the kitchen, cash for pizza. 

Okay, dinner is set. 

I went up to my room, "hey Evans!" 

"Woah, Anderson! How did you get in?" I throw my bag to the side. 

"Well.. Your sister let me in.." 

"Ugh, my step-sister." I groan, "she gotta stop letting people in." I stated. 

"So hey," he looks at me with his clear blue eyes. 

"What do you want?" 

He was sitting on my bed, in his black hoodie and sweatpants. "I just want to know you better.." He shrugs. 

I let out a laugh, "no." 

"Why not? Look, I asked your best bud, Noah, he said you guys haven't catch up in a while." 

"Why are you so nosey?" I raised my right brow at him. 

"Because you're an very.. Interesting girl." 

He stares at me, 

I stare back at him. 

His lips almost too kissable. 


"Do you want pizza?" 

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