Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Girls, run 8 rounds. Boys, 9." Coach instructed. "What's the difference?" I mumbled as I started jogging.

"Does Drew have to run 9? She has a dick!" The girl with green eyes yelled. Her name is Susan. I don't know her last name.

Ugh, what does she have on me?

"Stop being so bias about tomboys." Trevor says to her as he jog past.


I finished the 8 rounds first among the girls, half of the boys are already done. And some of them just have one more round. The girls, however, are walking.

Susan finished right after me, she is pouring water over her head.

She has scars on her face due to the fight the other day.

She deserve it. The picture is now on the internet and getting laugh in school. Why did I ever do them?

I know I am ugly but they don't have to push it.


Lunch came by and I sat with the usual. The twins were gossiping to Edwin and Trevor who believes whatever the twins say.

I watch as the people walk past us and glare at me. What do they want from me?

I glare back at them, "Drew!" Noah punch me lightly.

"What?" I look at him, "I said are you going to prom?" Heather says to me.


"Is it because nobody asked you?" Owen ask, I glare at him and kick his chair. He fell to the floor, causing people to look.

"Because I am not interested, you ass."

"Someone's on their period." I roll my eyes at Edwin and left the cafeteria.

I step out to the hallway and went to my locker. "Who the fucking hell wrote this?!" I yelled and punch the locker.

"Drew!" Olivia held me by my elbows, "in my office." Veronica says.


"Drew, you never went to the social groups-"

"I was sick." I stated with no emotion.

"No excuses, Drew!"

"You can ask Peter! He bought me to the fucking hospital." I snap at her.


Stupid detention. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"Attention people, I am the new badass!" Susan shouted.

I let out a laugh, "you're no badass." I stated.

I walk past her and bump into her. She loses balance and fall to the ground.

"You don't mess with Drew Evans." I glare at her, "Drew." Peter grabs my hand and pulls me away. "What's with you and that girl?"

"She came at me for no reason." I replied, walking into the detention room.

"There's only two badasses that can live in this school." Peter says.

"And that's me and my baby sister." Peter smirks.

"I am just two minutes younger than you, you dork."


"Aw, you guys are home!" Ava smiles when we reach the front yard. "Why is she home?" I ask Peter.

Ava is not usually home at this time.

"Come on in the garage!" Ava says, grabbing my hand and pulling me in.

"I fixed your motorcycle!" Dad shouted, pulling the covers off.

"Aw right! That's so cool!" I grin excitedly. Mum pass me the keys, "what do I get?" Peter ask.

"A mustang." Dad replies. "No.."

"Yeah! Follow me!" They all went to the back.

"Hey Evans, nice bike!" Nathan shouted from his car, "thanks." I smiled at him.

I got on my bike and start the engine.

I rode out to the road, "you know I used to ride bikes too." He says, parking in the driveway.

"Really?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Yeah really, just give me a second or two." He says to me and run into the garage. He got out in a black bike.

"Oh nice bike, Anderson." I smiled at his bike.

"Wanna go for a ride together? I know the route." I say to him.

He looks up from his engine, "you're gonna kidnap me."

"Dude, you're like 3 times bigger than me." I say, noticing his muscles.

"Trust me." I started the bike engine and took the route I've always took alone.


"Hey Evans, I think my engine is broken!" Nathan yelled from the back.

I begin to slow down, Nathan pull his bike over a few feet away from mine.

I walk over to him, "it's been a while since I ride it." He says.

"There's s

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