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I sneezed as the cold air seeped into the holes of my clothes. I had been outside for a long time already. Just sitting in front of the door of my house waiting for my daddy to come home.

I was really hungry and I peed myself multiple times already. Daddy didn't trust me to be inside by myself and he didn't want to hire anyone to watch me. So he leaves me outside whenever he leaves.

I look off into the street when I notice something white fall to the ground. "Sow!" I cheer as I get up and walk towards the porch stairs only to stop. I look down them and wine, holding onto the edge of my ripped shirt.

I sit down and slowly crawl down them. My 4 feet 2 inch frame sliding down the 5 steps.

Once I'm on the ground I run to the left side of the yard, my bare feet brushing against the growing grass. I look up at the sky in amazing before opening my mouth to eat some snow.

Five minutes later the snow is coming down faster and the temperature drops even further.  My feet started to feel numb and my body shaking violently from the temperature drop. My ripped shirt and shorts didn't help much either.

"Bark! Bark!"

A noise caught my attention. "P-peppy?" I stuttered. As I walked to the gate of the front lawn and peered out. A puppy was running down the side walk dragging it's leash behind it.

I giggled and decided to follow it. I pushed the gate open and stepped out, running to catch up with the puppy.

"P-peppy!" I called out trying to gain it's attention. I chased it for two blocks before it turned into the neighborhood park.

It went up to a tree and started to pee on it. I giggled and went up to it. I bent down and put my hand out to pet it but it growled at me. I jumped back, afraid it would bite me.

"Wan 'et!" I pouted at the dog. The dog stopped growling and gave me a curious stare. It slowly walked up to me and sniffed me before sneezing.

I giggled some more before slowly reaching my hands out to take it in my arms. I smiled brightly once I realized it wasn't going to bite I started to pick it up. The puppy barked and started licking my face.

I squealed and fell backwards in shock. "Sky!" Someone yelled. The dog looked up and ran in towards the person. I pouted and got up.

"Hey there kiddo, sorry bout her." The lady said. "Et ok!" I grinned. "Why are you dressed in such little clothing?" The guy asked with a concerned voice.

"D-daddy say I no nee mo caus' I swelfish n gweedy." I said in a sad tone. The guys face twisted into a angry look. The same look Daddy had whenever I ate any of his food.

I whimpered, thinking he was gonna hit me like Daddy did. "I'm swrry!" I exclaimed, tears coming to my eyes and falling as I let out a loud wail.

I suddenly had arms wrapped around me and I was pulled into a warm embrace. "Hey, hey shh it's ok. I'm not mad at you, don't cry baby boy it's ok!" The guy said in a hushed voice as he gently shook my body that was wrapped in his coat. "Where are your shoes?" He questioned.

"D-dun has any!" I cried as I buried my face in his chest. "Shhhh sweetheart it's ok." He coo rubbing my back. "How old are you?" The lady said finally speaking. I gave them a thoughtful look.

"Two!" I exclaimed with a teary smile. Their eyes widened.

"Are you a little?" The lady asked in a sweet voice. "Wittle? Yesh, I tink." I sighed. "Could you please come out of your little space?" The lady asked. "No!" I said with a angry scowl. Though I'm sure it looked more like an angry kitten.

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