Chapter 3

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"One Brother to the Next, The Secret Affair, The Fiancé Stealer" Fabiola called out. "These articles have been out in less than five hours and yet have sold thousands of copy. What's going on? When were you going to tell me that you're madly in love with your ex-fiancé's brother, who by the way is your current fiancé and oh yeah, how long ago did you break up with your ex? Four days ago." she paused to take a breath. "Now, you need to tell me what the hell is going on. I know you're my big sister, but you're also the hottest topic on the Eastern side of America, and I'm a journalist, so I need the details."

I lifted my hands, "Hold up, do want to know about my relationship with Harlyn because you're my sister or because of your job?"

She scratches her dark hair and smile, "Both." she pouted, "Pretty, please. Everyone loves gossip, especially one that concerned the ruthless billionaire Harlyn Hope." Harlyn was used to the spotlight not only because he was rich but because of his deadly handsome looks. He had a unique jawline, piercing steel-blue eyes that will give your shivers if you stared at it too long and his jet black hair. Everything about Harlyn Hope screamed mysterious and dangerous, and every woman wanted a piece of him.

"I was engaged to the wrong brother, and now I'm marrying the right one on Saturday. That's all you need to know."

"Saturday!" her brown eyes lit up. "That's quick, have you told mom and dad yet?"

"I sent them an email, and I texted Fiona" My parents were always too busy to answer my calls, so why waste a few minutes to call them when I can Opal email them instead?

"So why am I the last one to know about this?" she asked irritated.

"Because I know how you'd react" she wanted her eyebrows, but I continued, "and I wanted to ask you to be one of my bridesmaid in person.

Her eyes lit up, "Really, awe. Thank you." she pulled me in a tight hug then release me slowly. "I always thought I'd be the first to get married and that you wouldn't even make it to the aisle, but let's not jinx it."

I laughed at her words. I never expected actually to get married either, yes I was engaged to Joesph, but it never seemed real, and now I was getting married in two days.

"Can I see the ring?" she asked as she lifted my left hands to her face. "Wow, this beautiful. It's better than the last one. He has taste; he's a keeper." Fabiola wasn't only my sister, but she was also my best friend and wanted to tell her that Harlyn and I relationship wasn't real and we were only getting married of revenge, but she was too much of a romantic and too much of a gossip. There was no way we could let Joesph think that our relationship was anything less than perfect. That was the only way we could get the sweet revenge we both deserve.

"Have you bought your wedding dress yet?"

"No. I was waiting for you." When it came to relationships, dates, parties and weddings, Fabiola was the girl. Me, on the other hand, was all about business and food. I didn't go out much, and I didn't have a lot of friends. I was a lot like my father, or so I've been told.

"And now I'm here, so let's go. We have a wedding dress to buy and shoes and cake. We have a wedding to plan." She was way more excited about this wedding than me, and I am the bride.

"I have work to do." I gesture to the files that were opened on my office desk.

"They won't run away. They'll be here when we get back." she walked around to my side of the desk and try to pull me out of my desk. I laughed as she fails even to make a muscle of my body move off the chair. "This used to be so much easier when we were younger,"

I laughed, "that's because we used to believe we had powers, remember you had the strength, and I had invisibility."

She smiled, "I still have powers." she moved to the back of my chair and pushed it so hard I ended up falling on the ground. "Told ya!"

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