Chapter 5

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"It's beautiful," I stated as I exist the Land Rover looking on the villa that I will be living in for two weeks. After long hours Harlyn and I were finally in Maui, Hawaii, and it was too beautiful to be real.

He chuckled, "Yes, and it's all ours."

"For two long weeks." I agreed. Looking at my surroundings, I knew I wouldn't regret taking the two weeks off. I deserved this.

"Well, as long as we want. I bought it." He stated like it was no big deal.

I turn and look up at him, "You bought it? Why?"

He shrugged, "Why not? It's magnificent. Buying it means we could come here anytime we want."

"You'd buy the island too if it were for sale," I said to myself in a whisper, but he heard and replied.

"I would." he moved to the back of the car and opened the trunk. He started to take out our suitcases from the back. I moved towards him to get my things, but he stopped me. "It's okay. I'll get them." There were five suitcases in the truck, three of which belonged to me, and the remaining two was his.

"Are you sure you don't want me to help? I won't break a nail." I didn't feel comfortable with him bringing up all the suits to the villa by himself. Maybe it was because I was accustomed to doing everything by myself or because none of the other men in my life had ever offered to carry my luggage.

"It's cool. I can make two trips. Why don't you get the laptop bags from the backseat? The key is in one of the compartment."

I opened the back door and took up the laptop bag. I looked in a few compartments before I found the key. It had the name of the villa on the keyring. I walked up to the steps and stopped at the door. I searched for the most suitable key on the ring and entered it the door. I turned it two times, and the door opened. I smiled and pushed the door in.

I looked back at Harlyn, who was getting the last suitcase out of the trunk. "You can go without me. I'll be there in a sec."

It was new territory for me, so I didn't like the idea of entering it by myself. So I simply replied to him, "No, I'll just wait on you."

"Are you afraid, Miss Mona?" he asked with a teasing smile. "Oops, sorry. The right question is, Are you afraid, Mrs Hope?" Him calling me by my new surname brought shivers down my spine. Was it the way he said the name or was it the realisation that I'm actually married? It didn't matter what the reason was, but for some reason being called, Mrs Hope made me feel, different. I just couldn't tell if it was a good different or a bad different.

I shook my head, "Not afraid, but I'd rather have company before entering unusual territory."

He nodded, "Fair enough. Just give me a few minutes." He grabbed my purple hard shell suitcase and started to pull it up the three stairs leading to the door.

"Are you sure you don't want my help?" I asked again. He didn't look like he was struggling, but I felt the urge to help him.

He smiled, "I'm fine."

I ignored his statement and placed the laptop bag on the tile and walk up to him. I took hold of the suitcase. "I'll take this." He sighed and released the suitcase.

"You're stubborn," he stated before he went back down the steps to retrieve the remaining four suitcases.

"And you should learn to accept help." I dragged the suitcase in the villa and left it at the doorway then turn back to help Harlyn again.

"I would have accepted your help if you were a man. I don't think as a man I should let you carry your suitcases up those stairs."

"So, you're basically sexist. Not because I'm a woman I shouldn't do certain things. I behave in gender equality."

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