Chapter II

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{ Benji POV }

I was sitting on the bench next to Jorge, we were talking for a while now and we got along really well. JeyJey seemed like a really introvert boy, I thought it was cute. His cheeks turned red when I tried to clean his forehead. 

I looked around. 

"Benji-", I heard Jorge saying. 

"What's the matter, JeyJey?", I responded.

Jorge: "I told my mamá that I'll be home in a hot hour already... well that hour is already over and I don't want her to be worried."

Benji: "Uh... I am... so sorry. I distracted you a bit too much then.", I smiled softly.

Jorge: "Absolutely not! I... well I enjoy talking to you.. so...", he blushed again and looked away, trying to hide his face. 

Benji: "You're so cute!" I kind-of yelled.

Wait... what was I saying I didn't want to say that. It's not like that. I'm not. No. I'm not into him or anything. He's JUST nice. 

 Benji: "No! I mean, yes! But I don't mean it that way you know." I tried to undo what I just said.

I only know that guy for about two or three hours now, wow, and he has already spun my head round and round. 

Jorge: "Well I think you're cute too...", his voice was mute. He appeared sad, almost. 

I flushed, obviously. But hid it like it never happened.

Benji: "...and I keep on distracting you from going home. How far is it? Should I join you on the way?" 

Jorge: "It's not a long walk, you can, if you want to."

Benji: "I surely want to! Let's go."

I hopped up and stretched out my hand for Jorge to help him stand up. 

He took the opportunity and reached out for my hand. 

It was so sweet. Oh no, here we go again.

Jorge walked in front of me and maybe I stared at his ass. Maybe I did. It's just a maybe.

{ Jorge POV )

I turned around I saw Benji and how he stared at me. Actually well... I thought he gazed at my butt? 

I smirked. This was hilarious. As soon as he noticed I saw him, his eyes went to my face.

"What!?", he said and looked left and right, he was clearly uncomfortable. 

I said nothing, smiled and shook my head. 

Jorge: "My house is right in front of us", my head lowered.

Benji: "Great! Well I guess, that's the moment to say goodbye so... it was a pleasure meeting you, Jorge" 

Jorge: "Can I hug you?" my eyes watered. 

Benji didn't say anything and just pulled me into a tight hug. He was slightly bigger than me so my head disappeared under his shoulder. It was such a nice hug, I really needed that. 

"Thank you, Benji.", I smiled a little, "you made me feel a lot better".

Benji: "Hey. It's no problem, just tell me if you ever need, you know, a security."

He reached out for my hand and put a tiny note in it, "I'd be happy if we would meet again sometime, JeyJey"

His eyes looked straight at me, but only his eyes, his head was lower and it looked so attractive. 

I said nothing, just quickly pulled him in for another hug and ran into my house. When I was at the door I looked back and waved, "Bye Benji, thank you for everything", and immediately hopped beyond the doorstep. 

"Bye, JeyJey! Sleep well and take care", he replied with a soft smile.


Hello people! Someone said I should continue this story, so I did! 

And don't worry, they'll get closer in the next few chapters, I'll try to make it as realistic as I can! :) Hope y'all are having a nice week. <3

𝓉𝒽𝑒  𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓌𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝓉 - a #benjey storyWhere stories live. Discover now