Chaper XIX

281 14 0

{ POV Jorge }

"Don't tell me these bruises are from him.", Benji nearly whispered.

"And what if I tell you that they are?"

"Jorge, this is so bad, your arm is almost completely covered with bruises.

... and scars."

I could see his face lowered when he saw the scars.

I pulled down my sleeve: "Don't worry, it's fine"

"It's not fine, Jey! It is NOT FINE! I made you do this...", Benji's voice was wobbly.

I noticed a tear running down his cheek.

Instead of asking I just pulled him in for a hug. I was overwhelmed by sadness and guilt again. How could I forget him just like that? I loved that guy.

"Jorge, how many people have you slept with?", he asked in a brittly tone, still hugging me.

"I never sleep with the guys, just handjobs... and yeah, blowjobs. There's only one guy who gets blowjobs from me tho...", I explained,

I could never tell Benji that the only guy was Froy. He would kill him and me too.

"Who is it?"

Damn, I knew he would ask.

"Just our bartender"

With these words, Benji let go of the hug.

"Excuse me? Froy? The guy from the party?"


"This can't be real, Jorge, how can you do this to me? You make out with that guy while we were still dating. After that, I would have still taken you back and now you're telling me that you fuck around with him?", Benji's face was now completely covered with tears.

"I don't fuck around with him." is the only thing I could say. Benji was right with what he said, I couldn't decline it.

Realizing hat he said he 'lovED' me broke my heart, I still love him.

"I don't know what I'm even doing here", he said, as he left the room again.

I can't give him up for being a hoe.

Jorge focus. It's your turn getting ya mans back.

"Benji wait!", I stepped in front of him so he couldn't walk further away.

"This has no sense anyway, Jorge", he was still crying.

"You know what, I love you. I love you more than everything. I'm crazy about you and I'm obsessed with you. I thought you have a good life without me so I didn't text you but every free minute I thought of you. I want you so badly.", I tried to explain what I'm feeling.

"This took you forever to realize", Benji raised one eyebrow.

I giggled softly.

"I don't think we can make this work though. I can't get over the fact of you being with other men and being adored by so many other guys when I'm dating you."

"I'd quit my job for you, duh."

"You love what you do, Jey!"

"But I love you more."

A shiver ran down my spine.

"Uhm; Benji, I'll call or text you, I think I need to go home really quickly", I declared.

I knew I would have cried. I tried to get home as fast as I could, feeling bad for letting Benji stand there, having no clue what was going on. Actually, I felt embarrassed crying in front of him this time.

I unlocked the door and sprinted to my room where I put my stuff down and fell into my bed. I still had my dress on, I never went out like that but I didn't even notice at first and it was around midnight, so nobody was in the streets anyway.

I was shaking from the cold so I snuggled up in a blanket and just cried, that's all I did.

Sorry for not updating, I don't feel good at all :(
This sucks probably I'm sorry!

𝓉𝒽𝑒  𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓌𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝓉 - a #benjey storyWhere stories live. Discover now