Chapter XVIII

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{ Jorge's POV }

As I made my full way out to the stage I slowly swung my hips to the beat of the music. It was mostly Britney Spears and other 'hoe songs', how people like to call it.

I stepped on the podium, where I performed a pole dance, I slid my body around the pole and went on my tiptoes, seductively placing one foot after another.

After a while, I slowly started to tease the people by pulling my dress up to my thighs. Every time I did this I pulled it further up my body until I was standing there, just wearing my white boxer briefs. 

There were always some idiots who screamed stuff like "Now take off the shorts" or "I'm getting bored by you if you stand there wearing boxers".

I think that's disrespectful. Nevermind.

Most of the boys were sweet and loved my show. 

I was dancing on the pole for a couple of minutes more than I should have, my show was already over but I didn't want to stop.

I let my view flow through the crowd until I saw Edward.  

My heart stopped, he was the last person I expected.

You may wonder how I even got into the entertainment/erotic scene? Because of Edward.

I got to know him a month ago or something. He's 41, and you can imagine the rest.

Exactly, I was his sugar baby and he was my sugar daddy. In the beginning, he was all amazing and lovely but then he was abusive and aggressive, I told him I can't be his princess anymore and that completely freaked him out, he punched me and basically did everything that was painful for me. I never could report him to the police, because nobody would believe me anyway. 

I was kind of getting off stage but couldn't even make it through the door when that bitch has already caught me. 

"Where do you think you're going, princess?", he said provocatively.

"Oh fuck off", I rolled my eyes. I thought he wouldn't do anything to me because there were people around but seems like he didn't care, he slapped me anyway.

"Ouch, stop, please", I never felt so weak, I've gained a lot of confidence the last month, but I knew, I couldn't stand up for myself when Edward was involved, it would make it even worse.

"Excuse me, sir? Would you hand me, my boyfriend, again?"

The boy who said this swung his arm around me, stepped on Edward's feet when he walked away with me. (boss move)

He opened the door to my dressing room and pushed me in it, he followed. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?", the dark-haired boy said.

"B-Benjamin, what are you doing h-here?", I just realized who saved my ass.

"Shouldn't I be the one who asks you this?"

I stuttered.

"You don't text me for weeks and then I find you working in a strip club? Jorge, I forgave you, I loved you and that's all you did?", Benji continued.

"It wasn't mea-, idk, it's my job, Benjamin!", I flinched at him.

"Fuck you, you can't even say Thank You.", he said as he rushed out the door.

He was right, he deserved note of thanks. I quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him into my room again.

"Thank you, I would have been fucked without you... 

like, really fucked.", I mumbled.

My eyes got a little sweaty thinking of the past events between me and Edward. 

"Who even was that?"

I was silent.

"Jorge? Who was that?", Benji said in a louder tone than before.

"His name is Edward, he was my sugar daddy for a while. And he was king of abusive, I guess, not that bad.", I looked to the floor.

"What do you mean with 'abusive'? What did he do?"

Great, now Benji wanted to know everything,

"He was just hitting me."

"Was it really just hitting?"


"Jorge, are you kidding me? You're not telling me he raped you, are you?"

"Yah, maybe he did, it doesn't matter, okay?", I don't know why I tried to defence Edward. I guess, I just didn't want to talk about it.

Benji pulled up my sleeve since the dress was long-sleeved on purpose to hide my scars and bruises.


Guess whos back with some teeaaa!!!!

𝓉𝒽𝑒  𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓌𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝓉 - a #benjey storyWhere stories live. Discover now