the show

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So I go behind the stage and get ready
I'm so nervous
I see my cue and I run out and immediately go into singing fuck a silver lining.

The song ends and I look at dan and he nods.

I swallow nervously and I look at the crowd.

"Um hey guys." I say.

I hear a roar from the audience.

"Ok so you're probably confused as to why I'm singing and not brendon urie well hes sick amyes he lost his voice so I am going to sing in his place just for tonight. " I explain.

The crowd roars again of happy chants

Well that was unexpected 

Then I start singing don't threaten me with a good time.

*time skips*

I just got finished singing victorious.

"Well I hope that was ok for you guys. "I say.

The crowd goes wild.

"Thank you I love you all!" I shout.

I run off stage and gulp down a water bottle.

"Dude you did amazing!" Nicole says.

"I knew you could do it." Dan says.

"I'm still waiting for that autograph any day now." Mike pouts.

"I love you guys so much thanks for supporting me. " I say.

We all hug.

"You did absolutely amazing you blew every one away and this was your first full concert I am so proud of you." Dad whispers

"Dad you got to see me?" I ask.

"Just because I lost my voice doesn't mean I lost my legs." He chuckles.

"I love you I say as I engulf him in a huge hug

Heres another chapter
Keep on keeping on my dudes
Love yah

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