birthday part 2

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Please read a/n at the bottom

My macbook is completely set up and I looked at the time and it was already 1:55.

Dad came in my room and said, "I have some good news."

"What is it?" I ask.

"If you can handle it the doctor said you can use crutches instead of the wheelchair." Dad says.

"Omg really yes!" I yelled.

"Here you go." He says as he hands me some crutches.

Step swing step swing

I get used to it pretty quickly and it's not too bad on my foot.

"How does it feel?" Dad asks.

"It feels fine." I say.

"Good now let's go." He says.

We go and it was in the basement so dad told me to be extremely careful down the stairs.

I walk all the way down the stairs and my mouth drops.

I look at who's here.

The rest of panic! And zack are here as expected but the others were totally unexpected.

Patrick stump pete wentz andy Hurley Joe  trohman

Tyler Joseph and Josh dun

Gerard way Frank iero ray Toro mikey way bob bryar

Hayley Williams Taylor york zac farro

Billie eilish

Billy Joe Armstrong  tre  cool mike dirnt

"H-how did you d-do this?" I ask.

"Well tøp fob and paramore was easy because were friends and I called the rest of their music producers." Dad explains.

"Thank you!" I squeal as I hug him I drop my crutches but dad cought me.

I take my crutches and I talk to all of my favorite bands and they are really nice.

It was like 2:30 and they decided it was time for cake.

The sing happy birthday to me and I I blew out the candles.

It was a carrot cake which is my favorite and it was so good.

"Who made fis?" I try to ask with a mouthful of cake.

"I did." Sarah says.

"Thank you it's really good." I say.

"You're welcome." She replies.

"Ok well they have all agreed to play 3 songs of your choice per band let's start with fob." Dad says.

"Wow um ok sugar were going down alone together and church." I say.

They got all set up and did their short set and it was amazing.

We all clap.

"Ok next is tøp." Dad says.

"Nico and the niners lane boy and fairly local." I say.

They did it and it was amazing and we all applaud like last time.

"Next is mcr." Dad says.

"Dead nanana and honey this mirror isn't big enough for the two of us."

They do their three songs and it was incredible.

"Next is paramore." Dad says.

"Rose colored boy ignorance and grow up."

They did their set and I'm just so excited from all the energy they put on their set.

"Next is Billie eilish." Dad says.

"Copycat wish you were gay and ocean eyes."

She did it and her voice Is sooo good.

"Ok now green day." Dad says.

"American idiot let yourself go and basket case."

They did it and they were amazing.

"Ok well now its us." Dad says.

"Death of a bachelor nicotine and your favorite I write sins not tragedies. "

"Only because it's your birthday." Dad says.

They finish their set and they were awesome.

Then they all give me their presents
Fob gave me a signed vinyl a t shirt and some bracelets.

Tøp gave me a drumstick and a beanie.

Mcr gave me a guitar pick a poster and a t shirt.

Paramore gave me a beret a t shirt and a poster.

Billie eilish gave me a hoodie and a bracelet.

And green day gave me a flag that had american idiot on it and a t shirt.

Nicole gave me some chokers.

Mike gave me a bunch of art supplies.

And dan gave me a guitar.

"Thank you guys so much you didnt have to do this." I say.

We all hung out for a while Billie eilish thought I was cool and gave me her number.


after a while they leave and its 11 and I am so tired.

"Thank you dad." I say as I hug him.

"You're welcome." He says.

He picks me up and lays me on my bed.

Sarah comes in and whispers,"Goodnight I hope you had a good time."

"I did thank you mom." I say.

"Y-you called me mom." Sarah says shocked.

"I suppose I did." I say softly.

"Good night chloe." Mom says.

I'm gonna do alright I've faced a lot and overcame a lot but it always turned out ok I have my dad my new mom (shes not a replacement but I can call her mom) and I have friends.

After I was done thinking I went to sleep.

                          The end

Omg guys this story is over
Thank you soooo much for reading and commenting
I might do a sequel or I might work on something new idk yet
Oh and I wanted to let you guys know mike did get that autograph eventually
Also I'm gonna do a q+a so I'm gonna list the characters down below and just comment your question








Jason(ew ikr):

Deceased mother (R.I.P):


Auther (me):

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