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*Bullying tw* *self harm tw*

We go back into the bus and I lay on my bed and look through Instagram.

Most of the edits are about me and they're so nice one of them even said I did better that my dad.

So I liked it and commented "thanks love🖤"

Right after a bunch of people freaked out and started replying.

I got a call from an unknown number but I answered it anyway.

"Omg your voice absolutely sucked and the only reason you were allowed to sing for panic! Is because of your dad."

I heard a voice I never wanted to hear again...leah.

"How did you get my number I have a new phone?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter you know the people on Instagram dont actually think you're good they're just trying to look good."

"Just leave me alone" I said as I hung up.

I recieved a text.

'You slut you should just go die'

'You know my mom told me to date you to get dirt on you I didn't want to because you were just so annoying'

I start to silently cry.

I go into my bag and pull out my last blade I packed just in case.

I go into the soundproof room and I sliced my wrists.

I only did 2 on each I couldn't do more I just felt so guilty I promised I would talk to them before.

I feel the tears filling up my eyes and they finally pour over my cheeks.

I wipe my tears .

I open the door and yell out for dan.

Dan comes in and closes the door.

Hey are you ok what happened? Dan asks as he sees me crying.

"No I-I'm not I'm s-so sorry I p-promised I would talk to y-you I-I'm sorry i-i I couldn't I didnt know what to do."i stumble as i cry.

"Hey calm down a little ok." Dan says soothingly as he engulfs me in a hug.

After about 5 minutes my breathing goes back to normal.

"Can i see?" Dan asks.

I pull up my sleeves so he can see.

"Is there anymore?" Dan asks.

"No i couldn't do anymore guilt took over me I'm sorry." I say.

"I wish you would've talked to me before but thank you for telling me about this but what happened?" He questions.

I show him my phone and show him the text messages.

"You have to tell your dad." Dan says.

"I know thanks can you tell dad to get in here." I ask.

"Sure." Dan says.

If you ever think of doing self harm
Please dont
There are people out there who care
And we cant cut away our problems
If you need anyone to talk to
Feel free to dm me on my Instagram @just_another_emo._.devotee
Keep on keeping on my dudes
Love yah

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