A one night stand can go a long way
Chloe is a 14 year old girl and you can guess who her dad is but he has no idea what will happen when they meet
I'm not the best at writing descriptions
*some trigger warnings*
*chloe's POV * I block Leah's number and I clean up my new cuts.
I'm so stupid why did I do this.
"Hey chloe we dont have a show tonight and- what is that?" Nicole asks.
Oh shit she saw my scars.
"Um i-i-i d-d." I start stuttering and I can feel the tears coming down.
"Sweetheart it's ok." Nicole says as she wraps me in a hug.
"Your dad knows right?" She asks.
"Yes." I say.
"Ok well if you ever need to talk to someone I'm here." Nicole says.
"Thanks what were you saying before this?" I ask.
"Oh well since we dont have a show tonight I asked your dad if we could have a little girls day like we can go shopping get our nails done and maybe see a movie that is if you want?" Nicole asks.
"I'd love to are you sure?" I ask not wanting to be a burden.
"Definitely. " nicole says.
"Ok let's go." I say.
We go to Starbucks first and we get our coffee.
I see hot topic and I immediately want to go in there so we go.
I got a pair of dark red jeans and a tøp hoodie.
Then we go to the nail salon and I got black nails and nicole got red.
I see a hair salon "hey nicole can I get my hair done?" I ask.
"Sure um do you want to dye it or something?" Nicole asks.
"Well I want to dye it blue and shave half of it off." I say.
"Ooohhh that'll look great let me call your dad and make sure it's ok with him." She says.
"Sure." I say.
She calls my dad and he says I can do my hair anyway I want because it's my hair.
I get it done and I love it.
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^^chloes hairstyle
"It looks really good on you chloe." Nicole complements.
"Thanks I love it." I say.
"No problem. " nicole says.
We go to the movie theater even though it doesn't start for 30 minutes.
We walk in and I see someone I never wanted to see again...leah.
A/n Ooohh What's gonna happen Keep on keeping on my dudes Byee Love yah