I start to wake up.
As soon as I open my eyes I slam them back shut due to the bright florescent lights.
I open them slowly this time.
I look around and I see dad asleep he looks like he hasn't slept in a while so I don't wake him.
The door opens and a nurse comes in.
"Oh you're awake." The nurse says.
"Yea I guess." I reply, "how long was I out?"
"Two days miss." She answers.
"W-what i-i no t-tour." I panic.
I must've woke dad up because he jumps up and yells "you're up!"
And he hugs me gently.
"I'll give you guys a minute." The nurse says.
"W-whats the damage?" I ask.
"Oh um you have a shattered ankle and its probably gonna take a year to heal and you have 2 broken ribs which will heal in about 3 months and you have a small concussion which will heal in 2 weeks." Dad says.
"What about tour we still have like 3 weeks?" I ask.
"I dont want to tell you this but you're gonna have these massive headaches due to your concussion so you wont be able to tour with us." Dad says.
"B-but i-." I couldn't even finish my sentence I was crying to much.
"Oh sweetheart its gonna be ok." Dad says soothingly.
"C-can I at least t-try a-and see if I can h-handle it?" I manage to choke out.
"I don't know our next show is going to be tomorrow night and I don't want you to get hurt even worse." Dad says.
"Please can I just try?" I beg.
"Fine but we'll bring a chair out to the stage because you're not standing." Dad says.
"Thank you." I say as tears are piling down my face.
He wipes my tears away.
We hear a knock at the door.
The nurse comes in with papers.
"These are your discharge papers you can leave since shes awake and functional. "The nurse says.
Dad signs a few things then mike comes in with a wheel chair.
"Your ride madam." Mike says with a fake accent.
"Why thank you." I say.
Dad helps me in the chair.
Mike runs with the wheel chair and it was awsome but the nurse disagreed and scolded him.
The rest of the band in the waiting room gets up and engulfs me in a group hug.
It hurts my ribs a little but I don't want dad to tell me I can't go on tour.
"Ok next destination is Charlottesville Virginia." Zack says.
"By the way we saw on tape what happened with that security guard and we fired him and he's arrested." Dan says.
"Ok thanks." I say.

brendon urie Is a dad?
FanfictionA one night stand can go a long way Chloe is a 14 year old girl and you can guess who her dad is but he has no idea what will happen when they meet I'm not the best at writing descriptions *some trigger warnings*