Chapter 1: Sold

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Catherine POV

Have you ever fallen in love with a complete monster? Loved someone who took everything from you and held you prisoner? Treated you like this sex play thing? I know, it sounds crazy right? How could someone ever learn to love someone like that? Why would someone want to live that kind of lifestyle?
Well, some people have no choice. Some people, well, they see that person for who they really are and why they did the things they do.
I looked out from my balcony window and held my new born baby. I looked into his eyes and saw the sweet innocence I once had. I remembered my life before I ended up here in the gates of hell. How poor and naïve I used to be. I was just a young girl when I met my King.
I reflected on those memories. Those painful, miserable, yet seductive memories. Where it had all started with a washcloth and a bucket of hot boiling water.
I was washing the floors of my Aunt Hilda's home when I was startled by the blistering thunder that was coming from outside. It shook the whole house and a vase fell next to me. One that was expensive to my aunt. I rushed to clean it up but it was far too late. My Aunt Hilda had heard the vase break and was already standing in front of me with rage in her eyes.
"You stupid, incompetent girl! Have you no respect for anything of mine!" She yelled as she grabbed the bucket and poured the hot water over me. I screamed out as the water burned my skin. Aunt hilda then gripped my thick, curly, black locks, "A night in the cellar should teach you your lesson of how to respect me!"
I yelled and kicked my legs around trying to break free of her grasp. I hated the cellar. It used to be big enough for a whole family of eight when it came to be tornado season. Now it was a deep, dark, and shallow pit. It was very claustrophobic...
She opened the doors to the cellar and tossed me down the hole. Slamming the doors shut and locking it. I huddled myself together and cried. I felt blood on my scalp from when she yanked my hair. She was so cruel to me, but she was the only family I ever knew.
The lighting flashed brighter and the thunder grew louder. I was frightened of those very three things. Lighting, thunder, and darkness...
About five minutes later I heard someone yelling. I feared it was my aunt being murdered in her home. Feared that I would be trapped and die down here in this hole. I banged on the wooden doors of the cellar.
"Help! Someone please! I'm down here... I'm down here!" I screamed. Hoping, praying, that someone would come rescue me. By now the rain was so powerful it was filling up the cellar. I screamed and banged harder. If I wasn't going to die of starvation, it would be of drowning.
"Someone please let me out!" I cried out once more before the cellar doors opened. My hair was grabbed once more and I was dragged out from the pit. I yelled in pain and felt myself being thrown in the mud.
"Here's your payment. One fine and suitable worker. Bit of a slut if you will." Aunt Hilda said with disgust in her voice. She gripped me by hair and held my head up so I would look at a tall, dark, and mysterious man. His jawline was rough. His body was masculine. His hair was black as the night sky. He wore a black suit that had a red tie. His eyes were just has red. He looked over me and gave a seductive grin.
"She may not be born from your womb, Hilda, but she will make a fine prize." He said grinning even more. His voice was sharp but sensual. I felt his two hands grab me by the arms and lifted me up to my feet. I was drenched in the rain and covered in mud. I was shaking from not only being exposed to hypothermia, but for the fear of what was to come.
With an evil chuckle, a cloud of black swarmed us. Little lightning shocks came with the black cloud and thunder shook my mind. I closed my eyes and braced myself, feeling a heavy wind push me hard.
It became very hot, very quickly... I opened my eyes to see a red lit sky. The wet ground below me was now black sand. I heard screaming and sounds of torment. Black smoke and fire was spread across the land that I saw. I looked over to the horizon and saw a ginormous castle. It was black and horrifying to look at. Yet, it some how held beauty to it. I started to fear for my well being at the destruction I witnessed.
The man looked at me intently and walked over to me. He placed his hand under my chin and made me look at him. He studied my eyes before grinning again.
"Fear not child. This area is not of yours to be in. I have something far more ravishing in mind for you." He stroked his thumb over my cheeks to wipe away the tears I had shed, "Kaden, take our new lovely lady to her room. I anticipate to see her in an hour in the hall."
"Yes, my lord." Kaden said as he snapped his fingers. We were then somehow transported to the castle outer walls.
"Follow me." He ordered, tugging my arm as we entered into the castle. I walked slowly and kept my head low. I can't believe my aunt had sold as a form of payment to the devil himself. I knew she cruel, but I never thought in years she would do something like this.
We walked up several flights of stairs. It felt like we were walking for hours. I happened to look out one the castle windows and saw the  world down below. We were up high. I felt my knees buckle and I grabbed the railing on the spiral staircase we had been walking up.
"Come on. We haven't got all night." The guard ordered. I gulped and continued to make my way up the stairs.
As soon as we got to the top he opened the door and showed me into the room. There was a bed, a fireplace, bookshelves, and a wardrobe. Beside the fireplace was a red velvet chair with a nightstand beside it.
"I don't understand." I said confused, "I'm meant to stay here?"
"It's what the dark lord wishes. His wish is my command. As it is now yours. Change into the dress that it is the wardrobe. Make your way down when you're finished. Don't even try to escape. The windows have a magical barrier to prevent ones from falling out to commit suicide. Not that it would matter anyway. You just end up back here." Kaden shut the door behind him as he left. I fell down at the floor and began to cry. My freedom, my life, everything I was, was now gone. Vanishing like the wind. I was now imprisoned in hell. There was no where to run. No where to hide. I was his property now...

I had finally calmed down after a bath and got myself together. I changed out of my old dress and went to the wardrobe to find new undergarments and a black dress. This dress has no straps and no sleeves. The front bodice has a slit in it and my breasts were exposed slightly.  The back was low cut but it was held together by black lace. So it wasn't completely exposing my back. As I slipped into it I noticed how lose fitting it was.
It was floor length in the front but when you got the back it had a small train. From where the lace hit my waist line and down to the floor, about a foot more, was a black lace train. It was ravishing no doubt. I never saw a dress like this before. Girls weren't allowed to wear dresses like this. They would be seen as whores. After all, it was the year 1392.
I looked in the mirror long and hard. I felt so exposed... I knew, however, if I didn't wear this that there would be serious repercussions...
I left my hair down but brushed it out a little bit. As I looked the mirror, I saw a reflection on the bed. A pair of black laces gloves laid there as well as a choker necklace and black heels. I sighed and walked over to the items. I put them on and closed my eyes.
This was my life now... I had no choice but to obey... who knows what would be in store for me if I didn't do as commanded by the dark lord...
After I walked down the spiral staircase, I was escorted by Kaden and another guard to the throne room. It was there I was left alone. The wooden doors had shut behind me and I stayed still on the red carpet. Before me, in the throne, sat the devil. He was drinking out a bone goblet and had naked girls infatuating over him. They giggled and kissed him all over. Some sitting on his lap. Others at his feet.
I felt awkward just standing there. Yet, some part of me felt jealous... I heard a chuckle from behind me.
"Lovely, isn't it?" A male voice said. I looked behind me and saw Lucifer, "Funny how jealously works?" He snapped his fingers and the girls and "himself" had disappeared.
"It was all fake?" I asked confused, "Why would you bother playing such a trick?"
"To see how you'd react, my child," he grinned and took my hand, "Walk with me."
He led the way to his throne and sat in it. I stood before him unaware what to do. He scanned his lustful eyes over me. With his finger he motioned me to spin slowly a few times and then to face him once more.
"My, my, my. You are a pretty little thing," he said standing up and walking around me, "Your skin is so fairly toned. Such beauty and grace you hold." I felt his fingertips glide down my arms. I felt goosebumps consume my body. I felt his breath on my neck and I shut my eyes tightly. His lips grazed my neck so lightly.
"You know, you look so beautiful in this dress. I wonder how much more exotic you'd look without it."  My heart skipped a beat and I bit my lip.
"Hmm. Such innocence yet so much potential you have," he returned to his throne and I opened my eyes, "Tell me your name."
"It's... it's C- Catherine.." I stuttered.
"Catherine. Such a beautiful name," he poured more wine into his goblet, "Well, Catherine, let me make something very, very clear to you." He took a drink before setting down his glass. He stood up again and grabbed my chin softly. His eyes looked deep into my hazel eyes before he spoke again.
"Let me make it clear to you that when your aunt gave me to you, she was giving you to me as a bride. She was supposed to give me her first born daughter, but seeing as she never married or bared children. She had to give me you. That means you are mine. Mine and mine alone. You will talk to me as your superior. As your husband and as your king. If you do anything to defy me, to disobey me in any way. I will not hesitate to punish you. Do as I say, when I say to it. Do we have an understanding, little one?" I nodded and looked down at the floor, "Good girl. Now how about you join me for a dance?"
"Yes, my king..." I said softly. I put my hand in his and he led me to the open floor. Music started to play from the orchestra and the devil started to lead me in a dance. I couldn't bare to look at him. He was handsome, yes, but he was also frightening.
It felt like we danced for hours. Never once did he avert his gaze from me. Each time he spun me the closer he pulled me back in. I was his property now... No.. I was his bride... Either way... I didn't know which one was worse.

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