Part 5: Changes

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Catherine POV

It had five days and Lucifer still didn't return home. I still had the dreams. Frustrated from the hormones spinning in my body, I walked solemnly in the garden. I smelled all the flowers I came across. Hydrangeas, roses, orchids even. Lucifer had given Kaden orders to walk me through the garden area. It was at least a little freedom, I suppose. I was grateful but it still didn't feel like much. Kaden followed me everywhere. I tried to lose him in the hedge maze but he always managed to find me.
It became so irritating having him follow me everywhere. It was like taking away the freedom he gave me.
I actually started to feel lonely without Lucifer around. What was I saying? It was peaceful without him. But, still, something deep inside me made me miss him. It had been a week since our big fight. I had taken full responsibility for it too. I should've talked to him instead of lying. Maybe he would've understood my feelings. Then again, maybe not... I felt so conflicted with my mind, body, and feelings. Everything was different here. Even though I felt like it was the same as with my aunt. It felt completely different still.
My whole world was changing and I still wanted to be in the past. Maybe it was time for a change. I just don't think it was possible to love a man who treats you as a prisoner. I was still watched, told what to eat, when to eat, never get asked of my opinions. I paused for a moment.
"Kaden, May I ask something of you?" I shyly turned to him.
"Anything your highness. I am forever at you service no matter what that service may be," he replied.
"How did you come to meet Lucifer?"
"Well, it's very hard to say. It was so long ago. From what he's told me, my younger twin brother and I were about to be burned as infants by our township."
"That's awful. Why would they do that?"
"Back then it was saw as witchcraft for identical twins to be born. Saw it to be the devils work. One being born a natural demon. This was about, probably when civilizations first starts advancing into religion. But I couldn't say for sure."
"So, how did Lucifer find you?"
"Well, ironically, our mother was a witch but she did use magic or deals to have me and my brother convinced. That was just coincidence. Anyway, he got wind from his former Captain of the Guard that we were about to be murdered by the villagers. Long story short, he killed them and brought my brother and I back here."
"So, he saved you even though he didn't have to?"
"Yes. People may talk of how the devil is mean, ruthless, and unloving. But quite actually, your highness, he is much the opposite. Everyone has good and evil in their hearts. Some just show a side more than the other." He turned and smiled at me. My cheeks flushed red a little.
"So.. where is your brother?"
"He died in battle. We never found his body. He fought valiantly and honorably. Many soldiers we had we couldn't find their remains of."
"I'm sorry to hear."
"It's ok your highness. Come. We must be getting back."

Lucifer's POV

It had been several days since I've been home. I had just returned home from a witches ritual. It was very fun. Lots of naked women, blood to consume, all the sacrificial women to devour. It was pure bliss. I had thought a lot of Catherine when I was there. So much that I didn't even touch another women to pleasure them. I set down my bag and let out a heavy sigh of relief.
"Kaden!" I yelled out as I sat in my throne, "Kaden!" There was no response. No one came as I commanded.
"Where the hell is everyone? Micah! Cassius!" I was enraged now. Where was my captain of my guard? Importantly, where was Cathrine?
"Cassius! Micah!" My voice bellowed through the kingdom.
"Yes, dark lord?" Leviathan and Micah entered the throne and stood before me.
"Where is Kaden and Catherine?" I ordered aggressively.
"They were in the garden last I saw. Have they not returned?" Cassius reported.
"Would be asking where they were if they had?" I snapped at my guard, "Tell Kaden to return Catherine to her chambers and have her change for supper tonight. There's a new dress laying on her bed. I expect her to wear it."
"Yes, you're greatness."
I sighed heavily and went to my chambers to change as well. I was in dire need of a bath. A long, hot bath. My muscles ached from my business trip.

Once I finally had my hot bath water filled, my body winked into the water. I felt relieved.
"Mirror, show me Catherine to day in the garden. Right where Cassius tells them of my return." The mirrors image changed to the garden setting. Where the hydrangeas were planted.
"So.. where is your brother?" I saw Catherine asked Kaden.
"He died in battle. We never found his body. He fought valiantly and honorably. Many soldiers we had we couldn't find their remains of."
"I'm sorry to hear."
"It's ok your highness. Come. We must be getting back."
"Kaden! Your highness!" They both turned around to see Cassius behind them."
"Yes, Cassius?" Kaden asked.
"His darkness has returned home and wishes for Queen Catherine to return to her chambers and prepare herself for the evening."
"He did!?" Her eyes lit up like fireworks but then faded fast, "I mean, so he's home?"
"Yes, your highness. He also instructed that you must attend supper tonight in the garment he brought back for you."
"Of course he did." Her face expression dropped, "Thank you Cassius. I will see to my chambers now."
The mirror image faded.
I felt conflicted. She seemed happy to know I was home but then denied even how she reacted. It felt like a stab in the heart. No matter. I would treat her the best evening she would remember for a long time.

Catherine's POV

I returned to my chambers as Cassius has told me and shut the door. My heart fluttered to the knowledge of Lucifer being home once more. He had been gone for a week and I started to feel lonely. My dreams had got worse with each passing day. My bodily urges were getting to me. Masturbation was not as satisfactory as it once was. I need to experience more. I wanted what was in those dreams.
However, I wasn't going to stoop to his level and give in. He needed to earn my body and earn what it offered. I bit my lip as my desires were overflowing. Could I keep myself together when I saw him?
"Come one Catherine. Get ahold of yourself." I told myself.
Taking a deep breath and putting those thoughts aside. I looked over at the bed and saw the dress that had been laid out for me. It was a ball gown and light blue color. It had hydrangea flowers as part of the design and it had long laced sleeves. It was simple but gorgeous. The heading around the flowers gave it more character. Somehow he knew blue hydrangeas were my favorite.

Lucifer's POV

It was 6 o'clock sharp and the clock in the dining hall dinged. I had put my best tuxedo on with a dark blue, velvet fabric vest. I stayed standing and saw as the doors to the dining hall opened. There she came in, looking as beautiful as the flowers she wore in her hair. She looked nervous but radiant.
"My queen," I said as I bowed to her. She seemed confused but curtsied back.
"My king."
I took her hand and led her to the table. I pulled out her chair and pushed her seat in as she sat. I took my place at the other end and called for the chefs to bring in our meal.
"How was your trip?" She asked.
"It was tiring, but I am glad to be home in your presence."
"If I may ask, where did go?"
"Venice, Paris, Germany, Southern Africa."
"Sounds busy."
"It was but I'm glad to be home now." I smiled at her and I could tell she felt uneasy. Not in an uncomfortable sort of way, but in a sexually frustrated way. Seemed as if my dreams have been sending are working on her.
"Catherine," I said setting down my goblet of wine, "I- I want to apologize to you for how I acted to you before I left. I know this isn't what you wanted out of life. To be forced to be here and be my queen. I know these changes are going fast and I shouldn't have punished you for that."
I looked upon her expression and it was plain.
"I accept your apology..." she finally said after a long moment of silence. I stood up and walked over to her.
"I want to give you something."
"Such as what, my king?" She suddenly became nervous.
"Something very priceless. That can't be taken back once you've back. Come?" I lent my hand out towards hers. She hesitated at first but then accepted my gesture.

Catherine POV

I walked down the hall with Lucifer wondering what it could be wanted to give me. He opened the doors the the library and I gave him a confused expression.
"Why are we in the library?" I asked.
"I'm giving you the gift of knowledge." He replies and smiled.
"I don't know how to read. Surely you must have noticed this."
"I have. That is why whenever you wish, I will teach you reading and writing."
My eyes lit up and I couldn't help but smile.
"Really? You would do that for me?"
"Of course. I know you get bored and can't exactly leave this realm. Books are a good way to escape reality and live another life."
"Thank you." I hugged him tightly and felt him hesitate before embracing me back in his arms. It was something truly amazing he had given me. I didn't think ever he would be this kind to my wants.

Perhaps Kaden was right. People do have both good and evil. Maybe I was finally seeing a new side to him. Perhaps he does deserve a chance.

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