Part 6: Is Ignorance Bliss?

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Lucifer's POV

Another week passed and still her beauty flowed like the embers in a fire. Yet, still, I was not allowed to touch her, kiss her, or sleep in the same bed as her. Catherine has grown to endure the home she now has. Most nights I go with her to library, by her request. Within a week she was at an excellent reading level. She had asked for more time alone by herself in order to adjust to her new realm. That of which, was the least I owed to her after everything I had done so far.
Yet, there she sat.  Sitting next to me in a sofa chair. Reading of fairytales and happily ever aftershocks. I had stopped sending her the pleasurable dreams. Though her body seemed still crave the sexuality of every human urge.  She bit her lip and smiled at a sentence she had just read. She always looked so adorable when she blushed at something she read.
Her hand touched mine and I froze. Her warmth felt invigorating and I felt a lightning bolt pierce my chest. It had been the first time in a week that I got to feel her touch.
As soon as she noticed what she did she pulled her away. Still unsure of herself of how to feel about me.
"Sorry.." Catherine apologized, redness flourished her cheeks.
"Do not be sorry. Must be a really read then?" I asked.
"It is. Although, I must say I want to wait until tomorrow to finish the book. I grow tired." 
"Of course," I stood up from my chair, "Shall I walk you to your quarters?" I lent out my hand as an offering.
"That would be nice, yes." She blushed and accepting my offering. It felt relieving that she started to open up to me more.

Catherine's POV

I laid down my book and rose from the chair I was curled up in accepting Lucifer's hand. My felt warm as I looked in his gaze. Those eyes that makes you want to never leave your place of comfort.
"Shall we go?" He asked.
"We shall." I responded, still blushing. After a whole week Lucifer has shown to me that he can be a very kind and compelling person. Not just an evil all powerful being.
In the weeks that have past though my dreams have gotten more intense. Being a virgin still made it harder to resist the urge to feel and know how sex was. Each night, my dreams got more sexual. It also it felt as if it were real. His touch made crave more and that's why I had been rejecting it. I was still unsure of my feeling for him. My dreams made my desires more tempting day by day. Night by night. I thought of touching myself to please those pleasures. However, I never acted on such things. My craving for him was getting to much to bear. I wonder if he knew how bad I wanted him, but, also how bad I was afraid of giving in to him.
Wondering if one day if will snap and go back to way it all was before. That was my biggest fear. That the moment I gave in, he would change back to being that vile, selfish man I was forced into marrying.

Lucifer's POV

She seemed distracted in her own thoughts as we made our way through corridors and hallways. I knew something had been on her mind for weeks now. I could tell something was tempting her but she had been too afraid to speak of what it was. Hell, I knew what it was. She was afraid of giving into me. To let me in and know her. To understand her. To please her and be her everything.
I could tell it was driving her mad for the moment we got to her door she stood there as if she didn't recognize it was her chambers.
"Catherine? Are you alright?" I asked softly.
"Hmm? Oh, yes, of course. I'm just a little tired that's all."
"Are you sure? I want to make sure your comfortable now. That you have everything you need. Please," I lifted her gaze up to mine, "tell me what's bothering you, my dearest." I held her close me and looked at her with her concern. Her gaze wondering my face and down at my lips.
Flustered, she pulled out of my embrace and slammed her chamber door behind her. I wanted to go after her but all my body said to leave her alone as all of my heart told me to go after her.

Catherine's POV

His eyes captivated mine. I couldn't escape that gaze of his. I wanted desperately to kiss his soft lips but I couldn't bring myself to. I looked away and closed the door behind me as I entered my chambers. I sat on the floor and started to weep. Everything I had wanted him but my heart was too scared to take the leap of faith that this man has changed for me.
It was too hard to believe that he wanted me. A small, weak, afraid, little girl who was orphaned at such a young age and forced to be a servant under own aunt. An aunt who sold her as payment to the devil and to be married off to him.
A man who treated her so badly and abused her. A man who also wanted to love her. For her to love him.
I got off the floor and started a bubble bath for myself. I got undressed and stared at myself in the mirror. I looked at myself and the scars on my back, legs, and arms. Most from the aunt whipping me for tiny mistakes. Other from myself wanting to die and the cuts I made to my own depressive mind.
Lucifer would lose his mind if he saw my body this way. Would probably find me unattractive and send me away. Find a new bride to call his queen. That or cheat on me with other women.
I grabbed the knife that I had stolen from the kitchen and contemplated about it. It didn't take much convincing before I found the found the blood running down my legs from my thigh.
Then another...
And another...
And another...

Lucifer's POV

I felt bad for letting her go like that. I wished there was something I could do to help her. I wanted nothing more than to prove I could be a good man to her. If there any amounts of hope it would be a reality. That hope was gone the minute I threw my glass at her that night. I had proved the monster I was. Any chance at redemption would take more than a library and reading lessons. I needed to do something more for her. Perhaps I could ask Hades for help with my predicament.

I am dearest need of advice. Catherine seems to be unhappy with our arrangement you suggested before with the library. She still rejects me and doesn't even wish for me to touch without her consent. Not in a sexual sense either. How did you handle Persephone when she was having issues adjusting? I'm running out of ideas and I'm sure Catherine is bore of the same old routine.


I sent the latter through the fire and hoped for a quick reply. The fire emerged as a letter escaped the fire.

I have received your request and it seems to me that Catherine could use some time in the human realm. Bring her with you on your next trip or just go up in general for a vacation. Your letter was quite stressful and I feel you could use a vacation yourself. Spend time with tour wife other than meals and library lessons.


I took his letter with much consideration. Reading his words over and over. Thinking and debating. Pacing my study.
"Kaden!" I hollered.
"Yes, my lord?" He asked, "How can I assist you?"
"Yes, please have Catherine's maids pack her a week long bag. We will be going on a vacation her and I. I need you to run my schedule and take care of things around here while I'm away. Can you do that?"
"Excuse my questioning, but, a vacation sir?"
"Yes, a vacation. I need some along time with my wife out of this, pardon my pun, hell hole."
"I'm sure the queen would find that most enjoyable."
I dismissed Kaden and started planning our my vacation. I'm sure Cathrine appreciate this gesture.

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