Part 10: Hades Realm

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Catherine's. POV

I was transported through a darkness and I found myself at the edge of a huge lake. The water was black and a light green mist rose above it. This was Hades underworld. It was more depressing than Hell. Souls were floating in the lake. Just staring at one another and reaching for help. It was pouring rain and lightning flashed in the sky.
I looked up and saw a boat coming for me. A small canoe with a man rowing it by a large ore. He was clocked in black fabric and only his glowing white eyes were showing. As for his facial features, I could not see them. It was Charon. He stopped in front of me and lent his hand out. It was nothing but bone and patches raw skin and flesh.
I gave him 3 drachma coins I had found in Lucifer's drawers, but he still held his hand out. I thought of the crystal... I touched it and sighed, taking off the necklace and putting it in his hand. He accepted it and allowed me to board. I sat down and felt disturbed by the setting. Souls tried to climb aboard but the Charon knocked them off with the ore. They were moaning in pain and their faces seemed too as if they were melting.
It was a long canoe ride to Hades lair. Souls continued to groan and scream in pain. I didn't know which was worse. Floating in a river full of lost souls or the one burning in flames? The boat stopped at a pier and I saw the most blacked castle I'd ever scene. It was up high on tall mountain side. That looked miles away. Blue fire consumed the water that surrounded the area.
Lightning struck from many areas as rain poured down harder. Who would've thought any underworld would have whether. Charon pointed up towards the castle and I stepped out of the boat into the cold ground. The dirt sunk beneath my feet just slightly. All the rain was making it muddy. It reminded of the night in the cellar. The first night I met Lucifer and his dark, seductive eyes.
I felt awful for letting him explain what happened between himself and Hades. I felt my reasons would be justified but it felt he let me down once again. This time, no, this time it was I who let him down. I had to come to terms with how I felt for him. Even if my body fought with my every emotion. I was falling for Lucifer. More and more than day before and more. He was what kept me going up that mountain side. I had to get to Lucifer and tell him everything I felt.
I was soaking wet by the time I reached the giant doors to the entrance of the castle. Two guards stood by and blocked my way.
"HALT! Who dares comes forth to Hades' kingdom?" They asked.
"Queen Catherine of the realm of Hell. Lucifer's reigning realm," I answered.
"Our apologies your majesty," they lowered their weapons, "He's been expecting you for sometime now." They chuckled and let me pass through the opening doors. They creaked and blue fire was lit all around the main entrance hall. Menacing chuckles lured the room.
"So? You finally come to me at last, my dear queen," Hades voice lingered.
"Hades, I want my husband, please?" I asked.
"I'm sorry, but he isn't here?" He showed him self. Wearing a tux and slicking back his hair, he came closer, "However, you are looking so deliciously divine as always." He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to him. He smelled my hair and let out a pleased sigh.
"Lavender green, how quaint, and modest. My dear what gave you the idea that Lucifer was here?"
"I thought he would've came to talk to you. I know he always does."
"Hmmm, nope. Not since we got in our little fight." Hades ran his finger down the side of my face and gently eased my gaze to his. My heart raced. Hades was attractive no doubt, but his mannerism was unappealing.
"I know what you're thinking," he said, "You can't tell me this body doesn't attract to you. Not even a little?" His eyes turned blue as the fire that burned in his realm, my heart beat quickened, "You're silenced says it all." Hades pulled me closer so no space separated us. My lip quivered as my curiosity got the best of me. Hades grinned with delight.

Lucifer's POV

It was a long weekend. I had drank myself away each day that passed since Hades ruined Catherine's birthday party. I spent my time in my study locked away in my sorrow. I was contemplating if I should make her human again and let her live in riches and marry a man that was a good doing citizen. She shouldn't have to put up with me and the hell I raise. I made her continuously kill herself and cutting her beautiful body away. I failed to realize that I could never make this women happy.
"More wine!" I said as yelled for Kaden.
"Your majesty, maybe you should go talk to Lady Catherine? She wanted to speak to you but I lied and said I had no idea where you were." My anger flowed through me and I found the pitcher at Kaden.
"I SAID TO GET MORE WINE!" My voice thundered.
"Your highness I've been watching her through the mirrors and she's just as miserable as you are without her. So, go sober the fuck up and get your sorry ass to Catherine and talk to her."
Kaden's been my right hand man since the beginning. He was right though. I needed to talk to her.
"Fine, I'll go." I stood up in a daze and nearly fell over. Kaden caught me and helped me to my quarters. He had the maids help me bath, gave me water to drink, and food to eat. I may have smelled better but I didn't feel better. Catherine was now trusting me and I let her down, again... I looked in the mirror and felt like absolutely shit. I slicked my hair back and wiped my fresh, shaven face.
"Fuck.." I whispered to myself and covered my face. I couldn't do this. My heart broke just thinking of losing her. It's more painful than when I lost Lilith. A love I had to kill because she was consumed with my power. I wished I never snapped on Hades. That I could control my anger. But I just can't... I was made this way. Changing felt impossible even if it was for her.
I failed her...

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