Rvb S12 E1 "Oh Captains, My Captains"

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Author: What do you get when you add eight and four together? Twelve!! Just like the season we've finally made it too, were things start to get serious! So, I hope your all excited for this season-

Tex: Less talking, more reading!

Author: Uuh Yeah, what she said.

Former Mining Facility
Voices are heard conversing over the radio.

Caboose's Lieutenant (Radio): Red team, this is Blue team. We are in position, how copy? Over.

Simmons' Lieutenant (Radio): Blue team, this is Red team. I copy, Blue in position. Over.

Caboose's Lieutenant (Radio): Magenta team, this is Blue team. Are you in position? Over.

Racheal (Radio): We've been in position for the past fifteen minutes, Smith!

Smith (Radio): Uh, copy that. Gold team, this is Blue team. All units are in position and awaiting further instructions, what is your status? Over.

Gold team doesn't answer.

Smith (Radio): Gold team 2-3, this is Blue team 1-2. Radio check, over.

Grif's Lieutenant (Radio): Uh yeah, we're here Blue team.

Smith (Radio): Gold team, I repeat, what is your status? Over.

Grif's Lieutenant (Radio): Uhhh...We're pretty good?

Smith (Radio): What?

Grif's Lieutenant (Radio): Actually, uh, we were wondering if we could maybe change our name to, uh, Orange team.

Smith (Radio): What difference does it make?!

To Grif kneeling on the ground with his gun on the floor as he talks on the radio.

Grif: You tell them it makes a big difference Bitters, because I am orange! I am not gold! I am not yellow! I am fucking orange!

Zeta (Distance): Grif!

Grif turns to look at Zeta, Simmons and Caboose standing beside a door leading into a large building.

Zeta: Get off the radio. Why are you even complaining about the teams?

Grif: Because the teams suck.

Zeta: Well, your gonna give away are cover!

Grif: Uhhh. Alright we'll be Gold.

Grif flips Zeta off.

Zeta: Grif, don't make me snap that finger off!

Grif nervously looks away and speaks on radio.

Grif: Uh, just go and tell the Blue team to suck a dick and then get in position.

Bitters: Whatever you say, Captain.

Grif picks up his gun and stands up, walking up to where Zeta, Simmons and Caboose are.

Simmons: We're infiltrating an enemy base and you're bitching about colors?

Grif: It's a misleading title, people could get confused!

Simmons: Oh shut up!

Zeta turns around and crouches, facing the security door behind her. She pulls out a hacking tool and starts trying to hack passcode lock.

Red vs Blue Season 12: Male OcWhere stories live. Discover now