Chapter 14

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The quietness of the forest is welcoming.

I let out a long sigh as I let the wind play with my fur.

The grounds below me are completely covered in high trees, and it looks like and endless sea of green.

When Luke was done with his comment about some Moon Goddess that I assume is the werewolves name for Arí, he left without another word.

So now I feel bad and can't sleep.

Sure, my parents think that I'm asleep but I couldn't find my way into unconsciousness no matter how hard I tried.

I'm currently on the mountain that lays deep, deep, deep into the forest. It's not high, but it's high enough to get some perspective.

It feels as if I've left my problems down on the ground among the trees. Almost, at least. I'm just up here since I need to clear my head and get my mind straight.

I know that I'm not ready to tell anything to Luke. Even if I deep down inside know that it probably would be possible.

Something in my mind still thinks it's unfair that I probably can tell Luke, but not my own parents. And for the moment the rest of me agrees with that side.

But now something else is shaping up in my mind.

Luke is my soul-mate. He seems a hundred procent fully into the hole procedure.

It just feels wrong that he's completely into this, and I'm just here, not telling him anything because of my parents.

Shouldn't I give this up?

I can't be the first one to not live happily ever after with my mate, right?

It's just that it seems unfair to him too.

But not telling him anything is also unfair.

I shake my wolf head.

Another thing to add on the list is the fact that I still don't know if Emight have figured out that I am his guardian. Some of his friends seemed to have done so, but I'm not sure if he counts to that group.

My yellow eyes look up at the moon. It's full moon, which might have something to do with me not being able to sleep.

I let my eyes travel over the endless sea of green again.

Last time, when the mate thing caused me problem, I solved it with the words of 'doing it my way'.

I'm not sure about that now.

The easiest thing to do would be to explain everything to Luke, tell my parents I'm moving to Switzerland along with my charming boyfriend and won't be able to contact them that often. Then I'll just live happily ever after with Luke.

That seems easy and problem free, but it's just the small detail that I would need to lie to my own parents.

My parents who haven't done anything wrong. They haven't as much as questioned my weird bedtimes, why I'm really tired some days or why Maxie runs away and I go search after her for hours.

Not a question.

And to lie them up in their faces in return?

I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

But to do nothing and let both sides live without me telling them anything?

That's the fair solution, but wouldn't that be really tempting to spill for any side?

But the same time I can only spill for one side.

Let's just play with the thought of me telling Luke. He'll probably tell his father, just like he did when he found me.

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